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Coventry Results


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Hello Guys,


Thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I think in the main it was a very good meeting with very few grumbles, which is always good to see.


Well done to Lee on takng the grand final, and Harman and becoming the top scorer for the meeting.




HEAT 1: 527 262 391 87 315 1 221 531 236 516

HEAT 2: 561 16 300 112 1 531 87 8 39 516

HEAT 3: 391 561 315 8 16 527 112 363 3 262

CONS: 3 236 363 39 164 107 172 515 525 4


FINAL: 531 262 87 561 315 236 1 300 516 391


GN1: 1 561 16 300 39 236 363 221 107 8

GN2: 527 3 262 516 87 112 315 551 531 515




262 37

531 35

87 32

561 31

1 29

315 29

527 23

300 22

16 20

236 19

391 18

516 16

112 13

3 11

39 8

8 8

363 6

221 6

107 3

515 2

4 0

172 0

164 0

525 0


Personally, I had a disaster and a triumph.


My disaster was my nights racing. I just seemed to hit anything that spun in front of me. Got a break in the Grand National and was fortunate enough to be able to capitalise on it. Disappointed that this will be my last meeting at red for the near future. Was hoping this year to stay at red and tryand get in the shootout by doing so, so have not achievedone of my targets for the season.


But I did have a triumph. After being a forgetful git, I managed to race manage the meeting successfully using only a pen and paper. Perhaps Spike and Corny were right and its the new way forward!!!


Next week sees us start a mini tour to Holland, and the very unique Baarlo Short race track. It was a superb meeting last season (although I dont want to be reminded of what I did in the meeting final ta!!!!) and I expect that it will be another superb meeting. Add to that the fact that the new grades come into play, and I am sure you will agree that it sounds like it could be an absolute classic!!!





Edited by Johno3
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Coventry is one of my favourite tracks to race online with these rF F1's, though I'd stop short of saying it's my out and out favourite as there are tracks I feel give better racing (much the same as real F1). Can't be too downbeat about my Heat results with a 3rd and 1st, but Final and GN I am very disappointed about as nothing went right - hitting half spun cars, being spun, going for hits and half spinning, just two races I'd rather forget! Looking forward to starting from red in a way because the way yellow grade has been this period, especially in Finals, it's been packed to the brim compared to other grades, so I eagerly await finding out what it will be like next week with all the changes that are taking place.


Thanks Johno and Kev and well done to Lee on your 2nd Final win of the season :appl:


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Brilliant nights racing, obviously the 0.014 gap between me and harmen on the line was the peak for myself.

The track is immense, perfect for all aspects of stock car racing. This shows by the praise it gets from the drivers and the racing it provides, which is second to none.


Re-grading should be very interesting.

Cya's next week.

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My first meeting at Cov and I was impressed. Adapting to night racing there was no problem for me, in contrast to say Sheffield or Scunthorpe where I could not pick out corner entries properly due to being so dark.

It was nice to make the Final. To be honest I fancied I could beat 2 drivers to take the 8th place (although I would have been wrong if I'd betted on the two I'd beat) so I took it steady and let faster drivers pass til I was in my comfortable 8th which I held ok.

Nice to not be pointless, with another successful GN for me. Corny mistook the last lap for the penultimate lap - I suspect otherwise he would have got past me one way or another. That's racing. :thumbs_up:

Thanks for running it Johno and also thanks as ever to Kev for stewarding etc. The meeting ran really smoothly - brilliant. :appl:


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Corny mistook the last lap for the penultimate lap - I suspect otherwise he would have got past me one way or another. That's racing. :thumbs_up:


It was a strange one that - I'd had a bit of a misfortunate race and after my second infield excursion/spin, I was lapped by FastTrack who was leading. I wanted to be back past him fairly sharpish but bearing in mind we were nearing the end of the race, I didn't want to touch him incase it went wrong and took him out've the lead or something - so just sat behind him and made my presence felt. He let me past on what (turned out to be) his last bend but when I saw the 'One Lap To Go' signal, as stupid as it may sound I didn't know if it was meant for him or me! Hence when I caught yourself and others up I was still treating it as though we might be on the last lap. Not a situation I'd had before in rFactor but at least I know now the last lap signal is for the individual regardless of where the leader is.

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Corny mistook the last lap for the penultimate lap - I suspect otherwise he would have got past me one way or another. That's racing. :thumbs_up:


It was a strange one that - I'd had a bit of a misfortunate race and after my second infield excursion/spin, I was lapped by FastTrack who was leading. I wanted to be back past him fairly sharpish but bearing in mind we were nearing the end of the race, I didn't want to touch him incase it went wrong and took him out've the lead or something - so just sat behind him and made my presence felt. He let me past on what (turned out to be) his last bend but when I saw the 'One Lap To Go' signal, as stupid as it may sound I didn't know if it was meant for him or me! Hence when I caught yourself and others up I was still treating it as though we might be on the last lap. Not a situation I'd had before in rFactor but at least I know now the last lap signal is for the individual regardless of where the leader is.


The chequered always seems to come out so suddenly for me that I often worried whether my position was safe or I needed to do another lap in my early meetings, it's only now I feel I can pull up straightaway after the chequered, although the fact you kept pushing after it meant I kept going myself too just in case (you passed me of course but luckily for me it didn't matter).

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