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First race of the evening was the European Championship over 25 laps. The closed grid was:


ROW 1 - 553 .. 365

ROW 2 - 515 .. 363

ROW 3 - 151 .. 107

ROW 4 - 413 .. 39

ROW 5 - 391 .. 262

ROW 6 - 527 .. 236

ROW 7 - 16 .. 531

ROW 8 - 137 .. 561

ROW 9 - 1 .. 315

ROW 10 - 112


The results was:

EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: 16, 137, 1, 413, 112, 39, 527, 236, 561, 365, 553, 262, 531, 107, 363, 151, 515 (dnf 315, 391)


JK became the first person in the history of F1 racing to retain the title. Michael(2) is the only other driver to have won this championship twice (2004 & 2007) both wins on the heat platform.


There then followed a full meeting. The plan was to run the heats as 2/3rds but with a no show and drivers leaving it was decided to run all-in. The results were:

HEAT 1: 553, 363, 391, 112, 413, 527, 137, 172, 315, 262, 39, 515, 16, 236, 151 (dnf 365, 1, 107)

HEAT 2: 561, 262, 315, 391, 553, 112, 137, 39, 16, 527, 413, 515, 365, 363, 236 (dnf 172, 1)


GRAND FINAL: 363, 561, 553, 527, 315, 112, 137, 1, 413, 391, 236, 107, 365 (dnf 515, 39, 172)


GN: 172, 527, 137, 553, 236, 363, 561, 391, 413, 112, 365, 107, 1, 515, 315 (dnf 39)


Points scored from the meeting were:

Number .. Points

363 .. 44

553 .. 38

561 .. 33

527 .. 30

137 .. 23

112 .. 22

315 .. 21

391 .. 19

172 .. 13

413 .. 13

262 .. 8

290 .. 8

236 .. 7

16 .. 1

39 .. 1

Zero: 107, 151, 365, 515, 531

No show: 484


Congratulations to Walker (363) on his Grand Final win - his 3rd consecutive win. Also having scored more than 30 points Lars(553) will race from yellow next week.


thz kev

well done every1 who raced wasnt an easy track i must say but was gd raceing no the less

thz every1 for saying thz on my win well done all race winners im hope this will stay for my semi lol

thz again spikejnr :groupwave:


Well done Jk!


Sorry bout leaving, but a certain tool gave me no other option before I ended up banned.


Missed ht1, couldnt get the car fixed from the damage from the Euro, but got it going fairly well with a ht2 win and 2nd in the final... Not a bad meet, some big hits, but nothing ott... Not a bad points haul for missing a ht.... :whistling:


Well done JK good effort from so far back.


Walker loving yellow lol - up you go son




After a four week break from any racing I decided pretty last minute to get things set up for tonight (i.e seat/wheel) and glad I did, have to say probably one of the meetings I've most enjoyed out've any on rFactor F1. The V1.0 NIR is certainly an improvement - with my lowly AGP graphics the inner curb was pretty difficult to spot on the old version but no such trouble now, once again thanks to MoR. Thanks Kev for running the meeting, well done to JK on defending your Euro title and Walker for the Final, hopefully be around next week,




Thanks Kev for the meeting - I thoroughly enjoyed it (as seems the norm these days!). The superstars were extremely aggressive all night which was a surprise, but made for some good racing, esspecially the huge bumper battle near the end of the final involving myself, Tom, Mike and Dazza (who must have won the award for the worst luck all night - seemed to get the worst of everything!).


Well done to JK on the European win after a start which mimics his luck last year. From a personal POV, I was both pleased and disapointed with my 2nd in the race - my start was pretty average and spent a few laps working through the pack. Started to latch on to what I thought was the leading pack of Murf, Walker, JanHarm and Fasttrack with Mike nibbling away at my back bumper (didn't have time to look at the positions board and the sight of JK in the distance made me think he was a lap down!). I got a nice shot on FT to dispose of him and JanHarm before setting about trying to get past/rid of Murf before he shot off into the distance like last weeks semi. After a couple of rough laps, I got a break from Mike and Murf, thinking I was leading, only to see JK was in fact in the lead! Wish I'd followed Murf and let him catch JK up now haha! I had about 10 laps to reel JK in, and I was making small progress (although I suspect JK was cruising at this point). With about 3 to go, JK got held up and was within hit range, but I had a small hold up moving some backmarkers from the racing line. On turn 3 of the prenultimate lap I felt I was close enough to go for a BIG hit come final bend (e.g. one where I'd no doubt hit the fence too, so would have to hope it'd be enough for a spin), but unfortunately I had to let off on turn 2 of the final lap as Lars pulled out in front of me, so I definately wasn't close enough then. Like i say, it probably would've been unlikely I would've landed a clean enough hit (if at all) to get the advantage, but still have that lingering 'what if' hanging over me... fair play to JK though, held his nerve in tough couple of laps near the end.


Well Done to walker on this 3rd consecutive final win! Impressive.


Hopefully see you all next week!




PS - any chance admin could upload the server replay please? Mine didn't save :(

PS - any chance admin could upload the server replay please? Mine didn't save :(

Here it is.



Thanks Kev :)


I was another to make a late decision to race, but was quite enjoyable. Was fun being in the Euro race, and the last two races were a bag of laughs with Trav as we were both off the pace. :5:


wd jnr first gn win off your career :appl:


jk for european and walker for another final wd lads :thumbs_up:

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