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The results were:

HEAT 1: 262, 553, 151, 136, 561, 31, 391, 236, 300, 488, 399, 495, 413 (dnf 515, 3, 1)

HEAT 2: 553, 172, 16, 561, 300, 413, 221, 531, 112, 527, 484, 236, 399, 39 (dnf 495, 136, 164)

HEAT 3: 31, 172, 484, 527, 531, 112, 488, 391, 221, 151, 1, 39, 16, 262, 164, 515 (dnf 3)


WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SEMI FINAL: 1, 531, 391, 136, 262, 151, 527, 31, 488, 172, 495, 112, 484, 300 (dnf 236)


CONS: 399, 1, 391, 488, 164, 3, 221, 495, 39 (dnf 515)


GRAND FINAL: 413, 553, 112, 531, 172, 16, 164, 391, 31, 300, 1, 561, 527, 151, 488, 221, 136, 484, 399 (dnf 3)


GN1: 221, 172, 484, 3, 561, 399, 112, 151, 413, 515 (dnf 164, 553) - 136 was removed from the result for racing in the wrong GN

GN 2: 31, 39, 531, 488, 391, 527, 300, 1, 262


The points scored were:

Number .. Points

531 .. 50

172 .. 42

31 .. 37

391 .. 36

553 .. 35

413 .. 34

290 .. 29

112 .. 27

262 .. 25

151 .. 23

527 .. 22

136 .. 21

16 .. 18

488 .. 17

561 .. 16

221 .. 15

484 .. 15

300 .. 14

39 .. 10

164 .. 10

3 .. 8

399 .. 6

515 .. 2

236 .. 1

Zero: 495


Congratulations to the top 10 in the Semi Final who have now qualified for the World Final in September. Well done to Matthew(413) on winning the Grand Final and also to Lee(531) for top scoring tonight.


woop wop 2nd highist what roof does that make me noe plz say blue and ild like to thz every1 who race wouldnt have been the same without u and thz snr for steeling my gn win which i lead all the way arrr wd dazza for semi win and thz every1 who helped me today =D

thz again


  GEORGE172 said:
woop wop 2nd highist what roof does that make me noe plz say blue and ild like to thz every1 who race wouldnt have been the same without u and thz snr for steeling my gn win which i lead all the way arrr wd dazza for semi win and thz every1 who helped me today =D

thz again


You will be yellow for next week.

Posted (edited)

nooooooo i can not have this kev bring me gd news like blue not yellow dam it lol thz any way

cheers kev

Edited by GEORGE172

Nice one JNR you have been going well lately I did tell you stick at it and results will come :appl:


Top job as always Kev, good call with the restart during the Heat 1 roller, no complaints here :thumbs_up:


What a meeting! Chuffed as hell to pick up two race wins and qualify for the World Final, but at the same time I'm gutted I lost out on a top 5 place in the Final on the last bend...but that's Stock Car Racing! Heat 1 set the tone for the evening...managed to break away from the rest of the yellows with Lars and enjoyed some good racing with Harmen and Dode when they caught me...Dode slipped by on turns 3 & 4 but I managed to counter attack as we headed back into turn 1 and got back up the inside. Dode timed his return hit well on turn 3 and planted me straight into Johno's stricken car, but thankfully I had enough momentum to only lose another couple of positions. Heat 3 was another cracker...again a wee bit of sparring between the yellow graders but again I managed to break away and set off in pursuit of Jnr...slowly but surely reeled him in but it seemed like Jnr caught Big Al in the wrong place when he came up to lap him, and it made my job a bit easier...fair play to Jnr tho, he tried a hit on the next bend without playing silly buggers but the loss in momentum gave me enough of a gap for the last few laps.


The only plan for the Semi was to keep oot of trouble and hope the Tennents Express could pick up a few positions during the expected bumper bonanza in the early laps...slotted in behind Wardy at the green and kept it tidy up the inside as a few cars drifted wide on the first bend. Picked up a couple of places but fair play to Wardy, he had his Semi gameplan and for aboot 2 or 3 laps each corner was greeted with a big thud from behind as Wardy made his presence felt...thankfully his aggressive style seemed to help me oot as I kept ricocheting off the cars in front and ended up in 11th, whilst Wardy eventually got a bit too sideways and lost a bit of time. A few laps later I saw a redtop off-track somewhere which promoted me up to 10th, and then had a good battle with Dave for 9th...big thumbs up to the 488 driver, I eased him wide to take the place and to his credit, Dave kept it clean for the next few laps until he lost a bit of time. In the second half of the race, I had caught up with the recovering FastTrack so tried to stay close in the hope he might catch a few cars ahead late in the race and open up the chance to pick up a place or two...I then got a bit of a shock to see TomD rejoin the track in front of me after an incident somewhere, and then had front row seats for his demise at the hands of DanSkin...was very lucky not to get collected by Tom's car as it thumped off the armco. After that it was a case of reeling off the last few laps for a place in the World Final!


The Final was an awesome race but it almost got off to a disaster as one of my fellow yellow tops went all or nothing on the first bend and sent 3 of us sideways. I luckily got punted back in the right direction without picking up any damage, and was soon off in pursuit of Lars whilst Matthew set aboot reeling us both in. The second half of the race was immense as all 3 of us swapped bumpers...Matthew managed to nail us both wide enough to nip up the inside, but Lars tried the same trick on the next couple of laps with yours truly being the cueball! Then along thumped TomD on the penultimate lap, blasting me wide into the armco on turn 3...scrabbled for grip doon the home straight as we started the last lap and tried to stay within touching distance as I knew Tom would fancy his chances against Lars...all 3 of us went steaming into the last bend but Tom's hit on the previous lap had done some damage and I spun oot of 4th...by the time I found reverse I only just managed to stay in the top 10...gutted but laughing!!!


Enjoyed a good battle with Matty and Dave in the early laps of the GN until Dave sent himself and Matty a bit too wide on turn 3, leaving me enough room to sneak through and avoid any action on the next bend. So back to where the return to the league all started back in March...how things have changed eh!!! Some brilliant (and controversial!) racing last night, bring on the World Final!!!


thz skeet was a brill meeting

haha me and snr still going gd after gn lol cant belive he got me on the last bend dam him lol

and thz walker m8 =D :appl::intheclub:

thz all

spike jnr :ninja:


Thanks to Kev for race managing the meeting.


Congratulations first of all to Dazza on taking the semi final, and to the other 9 qualifiers. Obviously the race itself was incident packed and this is currently being dealt with by the Admin Team. Congratulation then to Matthew on taking the meeting final and to Lee for top scoring.


Before I talk about last night, can I just say it is always good to hear people thoughts about the meetings and one of the main reasons I like Skeet racing is that he always gives a detailed account of the meeting - superb read sir.


Anyway, it was superb to see that numbers increased again. No doubt that this was down to the World Championship Semi Final, but it was still pleasing to see. Matthew is quite right with what he says about Buxton: if drivers give respect, then it is a good track, but it is so easy for it to go wrong.


Onto my meeting, and I had an absolute shocker. The set up just didnt seem to work as it di in practise. In practise I was always quick at the start and then would tail off towards the end. Unfortunately when it came to a race, it apeeard twork the opposite way.


I was spun out in both heats which meant that I had no points. Consolation came around and I moved over for Dazza as I was slow and then the car seemed to kick in a bit. We both caught up the battling Corny and GoinInStyle and I was not very agressive at all, instead tried hard to stay out of the way. This meant that I got pushed back into the pack and all of a sudden a qualifying place loked unlikely. It was not helped when I then spun myself in one of the corners. Fortunately, Spike gave me a good shot after the spin and it gave me a kick up the arse. Got a shot off Lew as he tried to regain he all improtant sixth place but he eventually lost the back end.


Onto the Final, and again the car just did not work at the start. I let the superstars past and then concentrated on working my way forward. I followed TomD for a long time and I felt the car coming too me. We then exchanged places but Tom eventually got through a gaggle of cars and I ended up stuck in the middle of them. I then started going backwards and then whilst in 13th, I had Harman behind me. As normal he was knocking the hell out of everyone. Now I don't mind, but sometimes I think drivers need to look at the race situation. All the time Harman was battering me, the guys in front were getting away and a top ten position was out of the question. Sometimes you need towork together to get forwards, and then other times you need to fighthard and scrap for your position. Racing for 13th and 14th is not the time to be scrapping for position imo. Work together, catch up it the battling pack up front, and then start to use he bumper again. At least then you have a chance of scoring points. Anyway, I think I eventually collected Kruiz and all of a sudden we were both on the infield.


It's fair to say that I was annoyed with the whole evening and I decided to change everything on the car and see what happens. I was very happy with it at the start of the race, and I got a few breaks at the same time. Come the end of the race, I was struggling like crazy though, and I could not get anywhere near Kruiz to pinch forth. As it happened, I pinched it anyway, as he raced in the wrong Grand National!


Overall, my night was due to a very poor setup. Or a set up that was poor in race conditions anyway!!


Thanks to everyone that raced last night. I need towait for Kev to confirm to me, but I think the race for the final shootout place is now really hotting up, and with two meeting left before the cut off is decided, the focus could well turn to the battle for 6th place.


I will also try and do an F1 Dirter that covers what has happened over recent weeks.





Posted (edited)

suppose i got lucky with the first heat after managing to get some good pace then caught up skeet to give him a great hit into johno's car, even though I never intended to put him into it lol. My 2nd heat wasnt as good but had a good race keeping up with dazza to get past him on the last bend and only just take 10th.


Then onto the semi, expected to get put in first bend but got lucky with everyone in front going into the bend as a massive train I managed to brake normally and cut up the inside as everyone went into the wall, then battled for a few places and managed to get upto 6th behind harmen and kruiz who were battling in front. Had fastrack behind me and seen he was on similar pace and decided to take it easy as I forgot to put more fuel in so took it easy to try save fuel. Quite happy with 6th even thought im not that good round coventry.


Cheers for the meeting admin and Well done to Dazza for the semi final win, Matthew for winning the final and Lee for top scoring.

Edited by wee dode

Realy enjoyed it last nite was a gd meeting Big Wd to jnr realy deserved the results he got and sos bout the big hits skeet me and you were to good for wot postions we were :P lol


And if i was laggin im sorry :/ looking 4 ward to bradford :D



This was an abysmal meeting for me. :banghead2:


I could not seem to judge the braking for the corner or the right line to achieve anything like a decent laptime, I was half a second down on everyone. It was tempting to give it up as a bad job there and then but I like to make up the numbers if nothing else.


First race I wasn't best pleased on getting humped straight into the fence the first corner when the blues caught me, although looking back I was probably just too slow into the corner more than a deliberate fencing.


My next heat wasn't much better, then in the consi Spike spun right in front of me just as we were getting going. I buried him later out of sheer frustration.


The GN I was just making up the numbers again and trying to keep out of trouble for a change. Surprised to see that I am now promoted to tenth so avoided a no-score for the night. :king:


Thanks to Kev for great stewarding as ever. :appl: Well done to the successful drivers on the night - especially Spike & Junior.


I need a good meeting to get the enthusiasm back after this one.

  Johno3 said:
Before I talk about last night, can I just say it is always good to hear people thoughts about the meetings and one of the main reasons I like Skeet racing is that he always gives a detailed account of the meeting - superb read sir.


Cheers Johno - as I'm sure a few of you noted in my interview earlier this season, one thing I feel is missing from the game now compared to when I last raced is the "banter", so this is my way of trying to inject some of my enthusiasm back into the league, and give drivers some well deserved recognition for being involved in a great race. Fair enough I don't get to race as often as most of you so perhaps I do tend to find most meetings enjoyable, but at least my reports give another driver's insight into how they feel the meeting went and try to get the minority to realise that their attitude towards their racing can have either a positive or negative influence on how they enjoy it. RFactor is so much more realistic compared to DTRSC and Heat so requires a certain amount of racing respect in order to make a good meeting...I'm pleased to say that 99% of racing I've been involved in has been hard but fair...I don't go out looking to launch cars into every single corner cos I know I'll get it back and risk finishing last or not finishing the race at all! A perfect example of that was Thursday's Final...superb racing between myself, Matthew and Lars...I might've lost 5 places on the last bend but I was still laughing.


The admin team put a lot of effort into the league with the UK-Dirter mag, meeting previews, the top notch programmes and of course the ever slick meetings themselves...the least I can do is make it known their efforts have all been worthwhile, and that they dont just have to read something when someone's having a moan. In the meantime, here's to the next meeting!


I like reading your reports too Skeet, I don't know how you remember as much as you do!


Yep we had a great few corners of racing, it's such a good game when people drive like that :)

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