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Hello All,


The UK Dirt F1 Admin Team proudly presents this year’s World Final Programme. We have released it this early as there is an awful lot to get through, so we felt you might need a week!


Thanks must go to the Admin Team for all their hard work. It really is another superb team effort, so well done to everyone involved. Extra thanks go to those people outside of the Team for chipping in (Skeet, Garry and although he doesn’t know it, Tosh).









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Well put together Johno and excellent read...also thanks for all the contributions from everyone involved :appl:


Can we look forward to a spam free forum now :whistling: best wishes for the future m8 :11:


I'll 2nd that :appl:

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With Wednesday's meeting out of the way and not wanting to ruin tomorrow with a brief thank you speech, I would just like to thank the Admin Team for their kind words in the programme.


Of course I did know about it before it was released, but only 10 minutes before. My role is usually just to collect articles and put them in some kind of order and when I chucked it over to Kev to be proof-read, he sneaked it in the back and changed the contents!! There was also sneaky Jarry who claimed he needed a template for soemthing to do with a poster. Thinking back, I knew I shoud of spealt a rat as you sent me the posters a different way! :rofl:


Anyway, thank you very much for the kind words. The Admin Team do make me look good 99% of the time. The 1% is when I makemyself look bad :rofl: And I would like to thank everyone who has raced. I generally think we dont have a bad a bunch of guys that race UK Dirt - at times we fall out, but we sort it in the end!!


Anyway, thanks to everyone, and after tomorrow, I will disappear quietly (stop thanking the lord Jarry) and become revert back to racing only!





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