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Sprint Race Evening?


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Anyone fancy an evening of Old Skool style 10lap bumper-filled sprint races tomorrow? I need to test my new GFX card under racing conditions, and will have a couple of hours free from around half 7ish tomorrow evening if the server can be set for real-life skins again? No graded starts, no practice sessions...simple 5min warm up then as many sprint races your arms can handle!

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Anyone fancy an evening of Old Skool style 10lap bumper-filled sprint races tomorrow? I need to test my new GFX card under racing conditions, and will have a couple of hours free from around half 7ish tomorrow evening if the server can be set for real-life skins again? No graded starts, no practice sessions...simple 5min warm up then as many sprint races your arms can handle!


I wont get here for half past 7, but I will be around for about 8pm.


It would be a good if a few others would join. We could perhaps pick a surface, put 5 tracks on and have some races around all of them.





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I'm no fussy...can make it "Winner Picks" between tracks that do not feature on the F1 Fixtures, which would give us a choice of 7 tar tracks below:


Crimond (+ Crimond Fog)






St Columb


Would save having to make car swaps for different surfaces, unless folk want to make it an hour of tarmac and an hour of shale? I'll be in the server from aboot 8ish anyway so will cya there.

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I'll be there - the above sounds good although although not all tracks available on the ukdirt site I believe (posterholt and st columb)?

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