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Pre Season F1 Practice


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Hello Guys,


With only one week left before the start of the season, I thought it would be handy to host a practise session for the upcoming season. With this in mind, I thought we would focus on the first two tracks on the calendar. My idea is to have a few minutes practise (so people can enter the server) and then some races. Depending how many there are will depend on what kind of races we have, but I think that we would all prefer shorter races (10 laps).


So we will focus on Birmingham and Coventry.


8:30pm -9:30pm = Birmingham

9:30pm - 10:30pm = Coventry

10:30pm onwards = we could have a track tour if people are still interested!!!


This would bea good chance to work on set ups for the first two meeting as well as perhaps ask for advice. I am not say go around passing your set ups about, but perhaps if the better drivers in the legaue could offer some words of advice, it will help those drivers tht are perhaps struggling a little.


We will use the real life skins.


Hope to see you in the server tonight.





Edited by Johno3
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