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hello all we have got a lot of heats to get through tonight and only 1 server so it will be fast moving between heats and only 1 restart per heat if its for an important reason, if you keep getting mismatches etc we will just run the heat without you,


please make sure you are in 5 races each


Heat 1: 199 // 31 // 131, 221 // 46, 155, 188, 256, 277, 774, 912, 164 // 151, 236, 87 - 15 cars


Heat 2: 199 // 31, 760 // 131 // 46, 115, 155, 256, 315, 365, 774 // 112, 151, 1, 390 - 15 cars


Heat 3: 199 // 760 // 131 // 115, 155, 256, 277, 315, 632, 774, 912 // 112, 151, 1, 87 - 15 cars


Heat 4: 199 // 760 // 221 // 115, 188, 233, 256, 315, 632, 774, 164 // 112, 236, 87 - 15 cars


Heat 5: 199 // 760 // 221 // 115, 188, 233, 277, 315, 632, 912, 164 // 112, 236, 1, 390 - 15 cars


Heat 6: 31, 760 // 221 // 46, 115, 188, 233, 256, 365, 912, 164 // 112, 236, 1, 390 - 15 cars


Heat 7: 31 // 131, 221 // 46, 155, 188, 233, 277, 365, 632, 164 // 151, 236, 87, 390 - 15 cars


Heat 8: 31 // 131 // 46, 155, 233, 277, 315, 365, 632, 774, 912 // 151, 1, 87, 390 - 15 cars


the top 22 points scorers will qualify for the gridded meeting final (british championship 2011)


be in chat for 8.25 for a prompt 8.30 start

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