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RESULTS: Mildenhall (30/06)


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Hello All,


First of all, thanks to everyone that raced in tonight's meeting. On a very tight Mildnehall track, you did not need many cars to produce some ecxcellent racing.


Congratulations to DanSkin on taking the meeting final and being the top points scorer on the night.



w+y: 525 515 199

b+r: 236 277 380 233 391 41 90 560 115


Heat 1: 380 236 1 41 39 277 137 3 525 262

Heat 2: 90 1 236 233 560 391 115 380 3 515

Heat 3: 277 39 391 525 41 137 560 233 515 262


A-Final: 236 277 137 1 115* 39 380 233 90 41


GN 1: 233 560 277 137 262 3 236 90 380 39

* 115 docked two placesfor jumping the start



54 pts 236 DanSkin

43 pts 277 Southy

34 pts 137 MoR

30 pts 233 Grasser

29 pts 1 TomD

28 pts 39 LeeK

25 pts 380 Daveyboy

21 pts 90 LiamB

19 pts 560 Dodge

16 pts 115 Green

13 pts 41 Drumbstick

12 pts 262 Harmen

11 pts 3 Johno

9 pts 391 Corny

6 pts 525 Maverick

2 pts 515 Big Al

0 pts 199 Waqar




I hope to see you all next week for the EUROPEAN DOUBLE HEADER! More details will be available in the week.





Edited by Johno3
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My pre-meeting statement that I would be happy with a point was realistic as the first time I took to this track was an hour before the meeting. Very challenging but quite good fun.

Happy to have scored 2 points although not through any great skill.

The shape of the corners means that even though the track is so slippery, you don't tend to get the car into a spin on them on your own, so that's a help (although I did manage it in the W&Y's).

The racing seemed pretty good I thought.

Respect to Waqar for plugging away at a track that he probably found even more of a nightmare than me - he took some catching in the Whites & Yellows so was going pretty well. :appl:

Mav was going well too, to say he nearly didn't race. :thumbup:

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Even now, I can't decide whether I should be disappointed or content with the nights racing.


W&Y went well, as that was the first race to see how the setup I didn't have 40 minutes before, handled.

Heats went good after that. Final, I didnt get the jump on Big Al, so we ended up fighting for the same piece of shale and in doing so, the blues were on us quickly.

I battled, trying not to take back ends, but on lap 8 Davey was challenging the car infront, which forced him across the track, pushing my front end into the inner tyre, giving me a puncture.

After that the car wouldn't turn in, and I tried to hold onto a top ten finish but failed.

GN, I was away and comfortable, but just as at Scunthorpe, came out of a bend, no different to any other time and the back end just kept coming around. Eased off and waited for it to come back and tried to pull away slowly, but the car skewed across the track and I collected Big Al :banghead2: Sorry m8. After that I wasn't in the race.


So disappointed or content??? Bit of both I think - lol!


Well Done Waqar and Big Al, not easy for us on a tight slippy track, but a good performance.


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