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RESULTS: Bradford Shale (12/04)


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Thank you everyone for racing and well done to harmen for winning the meeting final and also top point scoring :appl: .




Whites & Yellows: 254 292 221 300 172 122 515 65 262 488 516 517 33 419 152


Heat 1: 516 112 151 39 249 292 184 527 515 115 92 122 33 172 517

Heat 2: 254 221 262 233 300 238 1 236 137 291 48 277 525 65 419 488

Heat 3: 262 112 249 184 277 525 151 92 300 115 65 419 33 517 122

Heat 4: 516 236 233 48 1 291 137 254 238 527 39 515 292 172 221 488

Heat 5: 292 172 277 254 1 516 65 92 184 238 115 517 525 300

Heat 6: 262 39 112 236 151 137 221 249 48 515 291 527 122 419 22 488


B-Final: 515 527 92 419 33 517


A-Final: :eclipsee_gold_cup: 262 :eclipsee_silver_cup: 112 :eclipsee_bronze_cup: 1 151 238 39 236 137 48 291 277 292 300 254 184 249 172 525 516 65 221 233


GN 1: 516 39 151 249 1 137 527 277 184 525 65 33 221 517

GN 2: 292 112 236 300 238 48 262 291 419 254 515 488 233



57 pts 262 Harmen

50 pts 112 Tom D

37 pts 151 dode

35 pts 1 Mike

34 pts 39 LeeK

32 pts 236 DanSkin

31 pts 516 IanStep

26 pts 238 Kane_M

23 pts 292 Marco

20 pts 137 Mor

19 pts 249 stoxjack

18 pts 48 Tinman

16 pts 254 Samwit

14 pts 277 southy

13 pts 300 Mattyaspin

12 pts 291 Marten

11 pts 233 Grasser

11 pts 184 Chevykiller

9 pts 221 Spike

7 pts 172 spikejnr

7 pts 527 fast track

5 pts 525 Mav

3 pts 419 F.Burhenne

2 pts 65 ALi P

2 pts 515 Big Al

2 pts 115 michael green

2 pts 92 Hoggy

0 pts 33 jakie

0 pts 517 azata

0 pts 122 craigcharles

0 pts 152 Parkles


Next week we will be racing at Nutts Corner for the Irish Championship :thumbs_up: .




Edited by fasttrack
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Thanks for the meeting. Set myself an aim of 10 points from my first meeting as red and past that so i'm happy.

Was doing well in the final and was hopeing for a good top 10 finish but clipped a beam and spun but continued with some good pace even though I had a shaking steering wheel due to damage.


WD all race winners.

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I didn't expect to score any points in the next five meetings after being upgraded to blue, but I have!!!

Really chuffed to have had two top ten finishes, disappointed with the final to be 18th, but on the whole I'm happy with 5 points :thumbup:


Tarmac next week - maybe a different story!!! ;)

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wd done to all the winners great result to big al on his win in the b final 9I(I THINK HE MAY OF JUMPED THE START LOL) joke would of be nice to do better but not found my groove yet having a few issues with set ups i ll have to ask big al for a few tips well done all !!!

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Very smoothly run meeting I thought, top job fasttrack. Well done to Harmen for picking up 2 heats, the final and top scoring - could be a very profitable month from yellow!


For me the racing was difficult, I'm not a big fan of the track because of the evil logs on the infield which people always seems to end up bouncing off... normally to the detriment of other cars around them! :5: Overall though, very enjoyable evening, people seem to have really gotten into the swing of things and we're getting some very fair and competitive racing. Particular respect is due to some of the newly promoted drivers who have leapt up the grades - putting in solid performances still.


Some pictures from the final again... unfortunately, again, BigAl won't feature in these... but Matty has been so kind as to provide his own beautiful shot of our B-Final winner! :thumbup:































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Makes a change to see me in a photo where I am going the right way!!!


Thought you would have posted my spin at Birmingham the other week, right in front of the whole pack!


Great pictures tho - keep them coming :thumbs_up:

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:rofl: at Matty's picture, now on my desktop m8 :thumbup: Very proud!!!


Thanks for the comments lads :king:


I really enjoyed this track, when you get a good rhythm going round it, it felt a bit like the Stoke track on HEAT but without the bumps (and older drivers will know I liked that track :5: )


Obviously it was a big help to be back down to white, and the first couple of laps were generally going well which meant I got away ok. I was very relieved to finally get off the mark for the season, with a couple of top 10's.


In my other heat, I made the break and was putting in some good laps, so seemed to have a good lead. I started to see Steppy in my mirrors and could see he was getting a fair bit closer, I think I lost some concentration through thinking about him (even though he kindly said he was going to let me win if he could :thumbup:) and managed to bring the back end round too far coming off the 4th bend, and ended up on the kerb facing the beams. Took me a while to rejoin safely and just out of the top 10.


The B final was a bit down on numbers, but when I got into the lead I wasn't going to mess about and blow the chance of an ultra rare win - not sure if I have EVER won a B final, must have been a long time ago on HEAT if I did, but I was nearly always in the fence in those as they were brilliant fun so I probably didn't.


All I can remember about the GN was Samwit making a perfect pass on me at the end to snatch 10th place.


With the meeting all finished before 10pm, and a good atmosphere in Chat again, this was a great meeting, thanks all :thumbup:

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