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World 240 MI


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Hi, and welcome to the World 240: 2013!


Booked in are:


19c Grasser

57p Ricky James

24n Rich

75a Harmen

16c Jack

15v Jake

64p Spike

23h DanSkin

1p BigDave

7n Sean Challis

96h Josh Humble

21r Mitch Keys

24p Matt Sherlock

9p Craig

58p TomD

91b Kane

119r TheGame

5g KrisH

591p Sije

32p Josh Tickle

35b Ben Tickle

54w Tyler Wilkin

56p Hooty

135r FreeW

515r Mike



Race 1


Inside - Outside


56p - 515r

1p - 96h

75a - 135r

35b - 19c

15v - 24n

58p - 23h

32p - 54w

7n - 24p

64p - 591p

16c - 91b

119r - 5g

21r - 57p



Race 2


Inside - Outside


32p - 54w

7n - 24p

64p - 591p

16c - 91b

119r - 5g

21r - 57p

9p - 56p

515r - 1p

96h - 75a

135r - 35b

19c - 15v

24n - 58p



Race 3

Inside - Outside


9p - 23h

57p - 58p

21r - 24n

5g - 15v

119r - 19c

91b - 35b

16c - 135r

591p - 75a

64p - 96h

24p - 1p

7n - 515r

54w - 56p



Please be in the server for 8.20, there will follow a 3 heat/final meeting after the 240 if there's time.






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