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Hi all,


I've been driving the default setups and probably logged about 2000 laps since installing rfactor + Brisca, mainly on three tracks (Birmingham, NIR and KL). I'm sure some may scoff at this paltry number of laps but you have to start somehere ;-) I've also just effectively reset my lap count by upgrading to a 2nd hand G27 from a MS FFB, too.


I appreciate getting results isn't all about just pulling a low lap time - it's about consistency, racecraft, anticipation and getting through the traffic but I'm going around Brum at 13.4 at absolute best, averaging 13.6 over 20 laps on a good day and I rarely lose control or spin so I think I'm heading in the right direction but getting online for the first time was an eye opener with some people getting lap times of very low 13s!


I've read through a few old Stock Car Magazines where Mr Barber discussed chassis and suspension layouts from way back but I'm not sure how well these apply to rfactor. I've also read the guide at UKSOM and Raceline and I've tried a few things out (and will continue to do so) but I wondered if there was any sort of telemetry or similar tools for rfactor that work with the Brisca mods for checking things like how the car / suspension behaves dynamically when on the track. Obviously, I can understand it is a process of trial and error but I wondered if there was a more scientific approach to setitng the car up.


I think I already know the answer ot the above, though ;)


I appreciate setups are a personal thing and I'm not asking for anyone to give theirs away and I need to find a good one that works for myself but can anyone provide a few pointers on this please?





I have been racing these since 2008 and I normally around Brum get a 13.3, I have hit a 13.2 a few times but 13.4 average I guess so your not far off.

I would say that not to aim for what the blues and reds pace are, that will come with experience and even more practice. Practice offline and online are different, try getting on the servers when others are on to get this practice.


There is a guide that applies to most of the oval mods here - UKSom Setup Guide




The other thing I would add is that someone else's setups won't make you faster, chances are that you would have to drive them in the same style and most people's driving style is different. Start by tweaking the gear ratio's one by one, go out and do laps. Make sure you only make small changes at a time.


I have receive loads of setups in the past, some improve my times in small ways but I always have to tweak them to suit my style. I got sent a world champions setups once but there is no way that I could race with them, it works for him but no for others.


Hope this advise helps. The defaults are good and can easily get you to .1 of the pace.


i gree with southy on this, ive never had a set up off someone that i havent changed to suit me. i personaly dont think you can go far wrong with the trouble shooting section on the raceline central website, find what you dont like about the way the car handles then change an aspect that they suggest. its worked wonders for me. not that ive gotten faster but im more consistent.


Thanks for the advice, chaps.


I expected these answers which is good as it means I'm thinking along the right lines. I'm trying to cut corners a bit because having a new addition to the family cuts down on available practice time. Plus, since I work on vehicle control, you'd expect that I'd be able to sort out a bit of car handling but it's a black art to me!


And thanks for this DAQ. For the reason I have above, I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to looking at vehicle data.


Now, I just need to get used to this G27...!




  thebagoo said:
Thanks for the advice, chaps.


I expected these answers which is good as it means I'm thinking along the right lines. I'm trying to cut corners a bit because having a new addition to the family cuts down on available practice time. Plus, since I work on vehicle control, you'd expect that I'd be able to sort out a bit of car handling but it's a black art to me!


And thanks for this DAQ. For the reason I have above, I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to looking at vehicle data.


Now, I just need to get used to this G27...!




Have you got the real feel plugin installed? That made a big difference for me when I got my G27.


I have got the plugin installed and set the wheel up as suggested on SOM (and I think you might have posted some setup pics, too)


The wheel is a lot better than the old MS FFB in terms of being able to tell what the car is doing - like down to knowing how hard I'm braking just by how much the wheel is pulling to the left going into a corner.


I used to actually use the MSFFB with the FFB off cos I'd done enough laps to get used to the car without the feedback so it's back to square 1 with this wheel.


Still, it's a lot easier to feel where the car is going to go next so maybe I'll be able to anticipate more....we'll see ;)

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