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RESULTS: NIR (3/10/13)


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Congratulations to Fast Track #527 for winning the A Final this evening, and to Bailey #98 for top scoring after some stellar performances in the heats but couldn't quite catch Fast Track in the final.





Some great racing to watch which made it very enjoyable to run, so thanks everyone for racing this evening and also to everyone who helped me run the meeting. (Stumpy, Drumb etc)




W&Y 282 254 14 241 165 237 221 515 300 454 84 6 385


Heat 1: 98 254 151 43 653 246 515 384 84 237 48 241 385

Heat 2: 184 282 229 112 691 180 297 380 6 330 338 454 129 221 165

Heat 3: 112 297 184 180 385 129 39 48 282 115 43 165 454 237

Heat 4: 98 14 527 151 330 254 515 653 229 221 6 246 338

Heat 5: 129 297 180 112 115 385 282 254 338 39 300 380 515 14 221

Heat 6: 98 246 691 384 43 84 241 151 527 48 165 454 6

Heat 7: 691 237 653 330 184 300 14 115 380 229 527 84 241 384 90 39


B-Final: 84 380 90 241 48 300 454 338 165 6

A-Final: (527 :eclipsee_gold_cup: 98 :eclipsee_silver_cup: 112 :eclipsee_bronze_cup: ) 330 385 14 282 115 246 515 129 184 151 180 297 691 653 43 237 254 229


GN 1: 84 282 691 151 515 653 90 338 184 246 43 180 454 48

GN 2: 112 385 384 115 297 229 380 98 527 129 237 254 241 300 14



52 pts 98 Bailey

50 pts 112 Tom D

36 pts 527 fast track

33 pts 385 Boostman

31 pts 282 Adam Rolph

27 pts 330 Tyler Wilken

27 pts 691 Jakeeey

23 pts 14 LouisH

23 pts 84 Timm

23 pts 115 michael green

23 pts 297 Hamster jnr

20 pts 184 Chevykiller

20 pts 151 dode

18 pts 246 Stox

17 pts 515 Big Al

17 pts 653 Ryan Simpson

15 pts 129 Sije

15 pts 384 thebagoo

14 pts 180 wardieee

13 pts 380 Liam Powell

12 pts 229 Tsjalle

11 pts 254 samwit

11 pts 90 LiamB

9 pts 43 pinken

7 pts 241 MarkPuxty

7 pts 237 rickyljames

6 pts 300 Mattyaspin

5 pts 48 Tinman

5 pts 338 Evnos

2 pts 454 Frans

2 pts 39 LeeK

0 pts 6 Pinkyboy

0 pts 28 Dayne Powell

0 pts 204 minitom

0 pts 165 pieter G

0 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 64 Ayrton Smith





The replays are here!



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WD FT for the final win. Good to see you back in winning ways.


Well done, also, to Chris385 with that great drive in the GN. So close!


And, last but not least, to Big Al for scoring a tidy amount of points.


Thanks stewards and admins, too....for not fetching me from the B final. I think, from the sounds of it, I was better off where I was in the wrong server.

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And, last but not least, to Big Al for scoring a tidy amount of points.


Thanks for noticing, Bagoo! It's my best points haul for some time. Going into the last bend of the Final in 8th but with a car behind that had followed me for a couple of laps (Stoxnet I think) I knew what was coming, and there must have been other cars behind him as it was quite a last bend tangle, but I was chuffed after a half spin to hit the rev limiter all the way to the line and hold onto a top 10. Then 5th in the GN despite being spun by Verstappen early was a great result for me.


Thanks to Grasser, Stumpy and Drumbstick for a cracking meeting. I must say the grid form up & rollers are working very well lately. :appl:


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Well done fast track for the final win!

Also big well done to chris and al on their points hauls! :appl:


Really enjoyed the heats with some good racing and a couple of decent finishes. Luck just didn't seem to be on my side though in the final and GN, seemed to get caught up in everything.

Suppose there's always next week.....ROLL ON COV!


cheers for the meeting admins and stewards!


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