Spike Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 WD DAVE FOR FINAL WIN WHITES AND YELLOWS 525 380 488 165 43 300 394 237 Results: Whites & Yellows: 525 380 488 165 43 300 394 237 Heat 1: 112 262 221 527 165 488 238 39 237 525 134 48 254 300 Heat 2: 380 43 229 90 653 122 246 167 184 146 394 443 480 Heat 3: 43 254 238 48 249 237 229 527 184 262 300 525 394 79 Heat 4: 488 380 112 122 165 146 90 167 246 39 443 221 Heat 5: 488 165 90 48 229 262 238 237 254 246 167 394 122 525 Heat 6: 184 380 112 43 249 527 146 300 221 39 79 443 B-Final: 79 394 443 525 300 A-Final: 488 184 380 43 122 262 238 229 254 527 48 237 165 246 112 221 167 90 39 146 GN 1: 165 262 43 525 237 229 249 221 246 184 394 122 GN 2: 380 112 238 254 167 146 488 527 90 39 300 443 79 48 Points: 59 pts 488 dave 54 pts 380 liam 47 pts 43 lloydy 34 pts 262 harmen 32 pts 184 chevy 31 pts 238 kane 30 pts 112 tomd 28 pts 229 tsjalle 27 pts 165 pieter 24 pts 122 craig 23 pts 254 samwit 19 pts 527 ft 14 pts 48 tinman 13 pts 237 ricky 13 pts 90 liam 13 pts 249 jack 11 pts 146 ashley 10 pts 221 spike 9 pts 167 cb 8 pts 525 mav 4 pts 653 ryan 2 pts 246 stox 1 pts 300 matty 1 pts 39 leek 0 pts 79 wearyan 0 pts 134 jakebond 0 pts 443 ritzo 0 pts 455 mumford 0 pts 480 mackie d 0 pts 394 paule 0 pts 62 hunter The replays are here!
NielsR Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 After missing 2 meetings, I have mixed feelings about this meeting, first two heats and Grand National were awful, but I got a nice win in heat 3 and a 2nd in the final which i was very pleased with! Well done Dave for winning the final! Thanks wardie for stewarding Looking forward to next week at Kings Lynn
Peewee Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 Thanks for the meeting 0 points just sums it all up for me lol, go well in the practice but come the meeting it just all falls apart, wd dave on top points scoring tonight :-)
Matty300 Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 enjoyable meeting, well run admin. any chance of the replays link posting please?
Wardieee Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 WD to all the winners, and of course a huge well done to Dave for giving us F2 admins a good reputation.... Replays are on their way....
LeeK39 Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 Matty300 said: enjoyable meeting, well run admin. any chance of the replays link posting please? Replays now added to main post.
ritzoberst Posted May 2, 2014 Report Posted May 2, 2014 I hate tarmac! I get that off my dad I think bring on Kings Lynn, I aim for a point
Simpson653 Posted May 2, 2014 Report Posted May 2, 2014 Connection just doesn't seem to hold out during meetings! Enjoyed the first race tho. Thanks.
Toff244 Posted May 2, 2014 Report Posted May 2, 2014 ritzoberst said: I hate tarmac! I get that off my dad I think bring on Kings Lynn, I aim for a point that place might as well be tarmac
Spike Posted May 2, 2014 Author Report Posted May 2, 2014 (edited) sorry lads rm was a bit rusty last night just like to thank everyone for racing top job done by wardie and grasser thank you lads Edited May 2, 2014 by Spike
Mav Posted May 3, 2014 Report Posted May 3, 2014 Finally debuted my tarmac car and to start of with a win was fantastic!! I was absolutely stunned to have won the race because I really dislike Buxton and looking at the bookings list there were several whites which would make the track very congested. My Dad rang me at 8pm, and I was busy chatting away whilst practicing one handed so I wasn't taking much notice until we were lined up on the grid ready for the W&Y race. I then ended the call with my Dad, and just when the "roll" command was given I saw that there were only two whites, one being me. That's good I thought!! The yellows were still a threat as most were faster than me throughout practice, so no game plan, just get to the finish asap! After a lap, the other white made an error and I took the lead. I just kept going, lap after lap. I dare not look down to see how close the yellows were, all I knew is that I couldn't see or hear them. Last lap was tense as I was awaiting the "Big Un" to happen but alas it didn't come, so I crossed the line shaking like a leaf but extremely happy I wondered if this was going to be the meeting that I could finally win my first F1 final, but disaster struck in all three heats, meaning that with no points I was one of the five drivers who missed out and went to the B Final. In the heats, I had my back end taken by Dave (Not intentionally) therefore spinning, and once down in 10th I just circulated. No idea why Ricky "I never do anything wrong" James pummelled me into the fence and going in with me, when I wasn't going to resist is beyond me! That damaged my car and I just continued to circulate. Next heat and either the grade gap was too small or the yellows jumped the start as the two whites (one was me) entered the first bend, we were hit hard by the yellows. As I tried to control the hit, Samwit clipped my back end and I went round. Again at the back I just circulated as I knew I wasn't quick enough to catch anyone. Heat three was better. I got away and lead till half way. Pieter & Dave caught me and we had quite a battle for the lead. They both got past but going into turn 1 I had an opportunity and pushed Dave into Pieter; they went wide and I was able to keep inside and negotiate the bend. Unfortunately Dave was able to pull it round also and on exiting the bend I careered into Dave's car resulting in my car spinning towards the fence half way down the straight. Dave missed me, and Pieter ended up pushing me backwards down the fence!! I quickly reversed back into the bend as not to catch anyone out, and when the chasing pack had passed me I drove up the straight to get to the concrete infield. That's when I saw two stragglers charging down the straight at me!! I therefore made a dive for the infield and fortunately bounced my way on to the grass before they got to me - phew! That's where I stayed till the end of the race. So that put me into the 5 car B Final, bit disappointing but at least it wasn't for dirty driving or my poor driving why I was there, it was racing incidents. Ryan Sharp took the lead and I decided to follow him and wait till near the end of the race for his tyres to go off and spin out or make a mistake. I didn't attempt to get by even when the two yellows caught up. I held Matty back, causing him problems in doing so, until he caught my car wrong and went into a spin. He tried to recover but ended up beaching himself on the kerb; he was out of the race. Ryan was now making mistakes so I went past whilst he was wide, but the following bend he didn't hold back and fired me in. As I went into the fence backwards, I was ready to pull away again, but Ryan tagged my back end again and I was then going across the track, not with it. I again tried to pull it back, but this time PaulE tagged my back end and I was then still going across the track. I then couldn't pull it around in time and found myself beached on the kerb and out of the race. So that left 3 drivers racing for the B Final win! Grand National and I was the only white, so I was away. Again I lead for quite some time then finally Pieter caught me. I didn't want to get in a battle with him so when he passed me I stuck with him and thought "If I am with him at the end I will try for the win". Pieter looked as if he was waiting for my return hit as on the next lap he went wide every bend, but when he realised I wasn't going to hit him, he started to pull away. It would be nice to win, but finishing in the points I am happy with, so 2nd would be fine. Alas two more drivers caught me before the flag, so I let them by and settled into 4th with 5th being along way back. So 4th place and 8 points, can't complain at that! Overall it was an interesting evenings racing at a track I detest. So pleased to finally get my car on show (Hope a few of those quality pictures of the meeting may surface) and to go to bed smiling made a very pleasant change - Thanks to Spike, Wardieee & Grasser for running the meeting, good job done
Matty300 Posted May 3, 2014 Report Posted May 3, 2014 Nice read again Mav, well done on your win, I find this track akin to driving on marbles, must be the rarified air in the hills of Buxton!
Peewee Posted May 3, 2014 Report Posted May 3, 2014 Love reading your after meeting reports as its always good to picture things from someone elses view so keep them coming. P.s The new car looks really good :-)
Wardieee Posted May 3, 2014 Report Posted May 3, 2014 A direct link to the Buxton album is available HERE for you facebookers! Its only a small one this week
Gietema Posted May 4, 2014 Report Posted May 4, 2014 nice report haha and great racing whit you and the grand national story completly true haha!!
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