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RESULTS: Cowdenbeath (03/07/14)


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Well done Samwit #254 for winning the meeting final and LeeK #39 for top scoring!



Whites and Yellows: 443 254 244 237 503 470 71 109


Heat 1: 90 527 297 151 691 122 262 244 89 47 109 470 443

Heat 2: 43 254 112 236 180 238 246 380 39 48 237 71 503 31

Heat 3: 90 112 39 151 244 122 180 443 246 380 48 503

Heat 4: 297 43 691 236 238 262 527 47 254 237 71 470

Heat 5: 39 262 254 89 43 237 246 527 380 112 297 109

Heat 6: 180 151 443 90 236 238 691 122 47 503 244 470 48 71


Scottish Championship: 236 112 90 151 297 262 89 39 122 238 48 246 244 527 380 180 254 47 43 691 443 237


B-Final: 71 503 109 470

A-Final: 254 39 89 297 112 443 262 527 43 90 237 238 244 236 151 122 691 380 47 48 246 180


GN 1: 90 112 443 39 262 48 122 503 244 380 89 691 109

GN 2: 236 238 527 180 47 246 237 151 254 43 470 71



46 pts 39 LeeK

43 pts 254 Samwit

39 pts 90 LiamB

39 pts 112 Tom D

32 pts 297 HamsterJnr

31 pts 262 Harmen

30 pts 443 ritzoberst

29 pts 527 fast track

27 pts 43 pinken

26 pts 236 DanSkin

25 pts 89 Montangoo

22 pts 180 wardieee

22 pts 238 Kane_M

21 pts 151 dode

12 pts 237 rickyljames

12 pts 122 craigcharles

12 pts 691 Jakeeey

10 pts 246 Stox

8 pts 47 Samson

6 pts 48 Tinman

5 pts 244 Toff

4 pts 503 Dane Bell

1 pts 380 Liam Powell

0 pts 71 JoshW

0 pts 109 Dan W

0 pts 470 beesfanmatty


No show:

0 pts 303 dan heath

0 pts 62 HHUNTER

0 pts 146 CrashleyEngland


The replays are here!

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Hi all.

Tonight was my 1st race on UKD, I wasn't sure what to do but now I get the jist of things(I think a little more could be done to help first timers like myself).

I didn't know I had to exit after every race an then go back into chat, Other than being a noob an getting in every 1s way as my new wheel decided it was not going to work

work I enjoyed it, I will go an get a tin of gold paint.( the gates will look very nice),

Thanks guys for a good night

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Hi all.

Tonight was my 1st race on UKD, I wasn't sure what to do but now I get the jist of things(I think a little more could be done to help first timers like myself).

I didn't know I had to exit after every race an then go back into chat, Other than being a noob an getting in every 1s way as my new wheel decided it was not going to work

work I enjoyed it, I will go an get a tin of gold paint.( the gates will look very nice),

Thanks guys for a good night

championship meetings arent ever the best meetings to have your 1st time out


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30 points are you serious!?? Haha thats almost twice what id scored altogether before this meeting :P

I hate Cowdy with a passion, so as I said to Kane and Alex before the meeting I was aiming for 1 point and id be happy. But it goes to show with a good setup even a novice like me can pick up decent points :) very happy with my results, so I guess I can go back to a few weeks of bad results and not care :)

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Danny17 just keep going and it will all fall into place. Ritzo joined us not to long back and look at him now!


Brilliant effort last night ritzo you really made me work to catch you in most races. Well Done to all the winners and LeeK for top scoring! Also thanks to all the stewards and Mr Skin for running the meeting.

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WD dan on winning the Scottish and leek for topscoring! Wd to samwit too for winning the final, you were quick in the heats so was only a matter of time! :appl:

Last night was the first tar meeting I've enjoyed in a while, just not usually good enough on tar to get results but it seemed to come together a bit last night (been back at blue probably helped).

Was really hard and fast racing all meeting which led to some really good races! :thumbup:


Stick at it Danny, we all had to start somewhere!




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30 points are you serious!?? Haha thats almost twice what id scored altogether before this meeting :P

I hate Cowdy with a passion, so as I said to Kane and Alex before the meeting I was aiming for 1 point and id be happy. But it goes to show with a good setup even a novice like me can pick up decent points :) very happy with my results, so I guess I can go back to a few weeks of bad results and not care :)


well done ritz... welcome to yellow

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