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Coventry (Night)


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Heat 1: 397 800 455 981 474 691 274 711 249 238 641 599 411 94 82 117

Heat 2: 718 394 380 236 315 167 233 237 180 267 511 488 221 758

Heat 3: 212 653 711 246 233 39 397 82 411 691 274 394 372 550 758 599

Heat 4: 184 800 236 718 511 981 237 167 221 249 180 267 488 474 641

Heat 5: 184 653 455 212 246 372 315 39 380 117 238 550


Consi: 117 249 180 267 372 238 411 274 691 550 758 488 641 82 221 599


B-Final: 372 691 641 274 238 221 411 488 758 517

A-Final: 184 800 167 236 380 981 718 180 267 39 237 397 394 212 315 511 711 474 454 117 653 246 233


GN 1: 397 800 455 711 39 82 488 511 180 237 184 167 981 372 221 117 691 233

GN 2: 653 212 474 236 315 380 238 274 246 641 394 718 758 249 411 517



45 pts 800 BenChambers

40 pts 184 Jack Ward

36 pts 236 DanSkin

28 pts 653 Ryan Simpson

27 pts 380 Liam Powell

26 pts 212 Pedz

25 pts 718 MartynR

24 pts 167 CB

24 pts 455 Kbarker

24 pts 397 HamsterJnr

22 pts 981 MartinB

18 pts 711 JoshW

16 pts 315 Mike

16 pts 39 LeeK

15 pts 246 Stox

14 pts 474 BeesFanDanny

10 pts 233 Grasser

10 pts 180 wardieee

9 pts 372 Double_R

9 pts 394 PaulE

9 pts 511 MarkPuxty

9 pts 691 Jakeeey

8 pts 82 Dbecks

8 pts 237 rickyljames

8 pts 274 bigdaveUK

6 pts 238 Kane_M

5 pts 267 DannyG

4 pts 488 Dave

3 pts 641 Mav

3 pts 221 Spike

3 pts 249 stoxjack

2 pts 411 ReeceWinch

1 pts 117 Dan W

0 pts 94 Marriott

0 pts 517 radiogaga

0 pts 758 Don witherall

0 pts 599 Harold

0 pts 550 Lars


Messers: :3:

146 Crashley

356 Mitch Wells

566 Danny-boyy


The replays are here!

The replays are also here (should be the correct files now...!

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