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To all at Ukdirt.

I getting fed up with the inability of drivers to line up for a race,hitting other drivers on formation lap,not lining up correctly,ignoring instructions,inability to keep correct gaps on rolling lap,cheating by jumping starts,not having a button to reset force feed back.For those who don't me I am disabled now and i don't leave my house anymore so i don't get to go racing so the stewarding is great for me to watch and enjoy,but this season i am having to restart races,race weekends constantly.I have admin on my headset some saying "kick him" some saying don't kick him,some saying restart server for him some saying don't restart.Nobody making decisions and sticking to them.Some of you drivers need to shut up and race, and some admin need to make a decision and not keep changing your mind.It used to be my word was final on matters about the race starting if someone was not doing what they should be they would be removed and the race continues but now we go into race and everyone is making decisions so i think whats the point you don't need me anymore.So if this is how you want things to be i will not be joining to "help" anymore its been fun thanks for the memories. :042:


You do a grand job stumpy and I appreciate the time you take out your own life for our enjoyment I can only imagine how annoying it is have 1 admin telling you to do 1 thing and another telling you to do something totally different.


Your job as steward so your decision should be final no questions asked and the mod admin shouldn't question your action's your not a daft steward you've been doing it long enough and I'd trust your judgement (maybe not tuesdays tho lol).


Regarding the driving to the grid I tend to stick to the inside and allow the lower grades to pass me on the outside but the problem is majority of the lower grades want to race round to the grid and end up wiping someone out or squeezing past on the inside of an already lined up grade maybe something needs put in the mi about slowly rolling to the grid and passing grades on the outside as they do in real life most of the people who race have been to a race meeting so that shouldn't be 2 difficult to do and anyone making contact should be removed only way people will learn to stop messing about.


I could go on all day about restarts but I'll keep my suggestion simple.


Restarts should only be for people dropping connection and restricted to 1 maybe 2 per race regardless who it may be. It does get a bit tedious with alot of restarts. People with no ffb or blew the engine up then that's tuff at a real meeting do you expect the promoter to hold back a meeting while you change an engine not gonna happen so why should a meeting here be held up for the same thing.

Posted (edited)

just like to say stumpy a great person to know and hooty and thank's for your help matey I too catch up next time you guys are at racing ;-)

Edited by Spike

Stumpy, I can completely understand your decision.


Should you reconsider in the future, please know that you will always be welcome around the F1s. Personally, I trust your judgement implicitly.


Thank you for all your help over the years.



I concur Mr Skin, Sorry you feel that way Stumps. Missed you not being there on Thursday, not the same without you.


I must admit this whole "my keyboard froze" is doing my head in. i work with any where upto 60 different computers a day and never one have i had a keyboard "freeze".


It was particularly bad in that Mini meeting as I took over proceedings and I totally understand why you left the meeting, and they are the easiest cars to line up! Ironically, apart from someone lining up in the wrong grade, last night was pretty decent for people lining up at least although you were sorely missed from the position of Mr Starter and I certainly noticed your absence.


As for the restarting of race while lining up, I don't mind it if someone has dropped connection (A common rF thing when it switches over to race and particularly bad in the NZ mod for some reason). We already refuse to restart for a blown engine as that is the drivers fault. The keyboard freeze thing though totally baffles me, I've been modding and racing rFactor now for a long time and not once have I had a keyboard or mouse freeze up. It's getting really old now with this one, and the relevant people should be looking at a fix for this by now.


I echo Dan's comments, and I hope you return to F1's at the minimum at some point of the season (soon).




Too many people racing to the front of the grades is the problem. Me personally just stroll round at 20 and start in the slot i come too. Over the years i have come across the keyboard failure a few times but im led to believe its down to alt and tabbing out while in game? Not 100%. As for yourself stumpy can totally see where your coming from, just like to say thanks for the effort you do put in and hopefully it continues. Cmon people lets bring the fun back to the racing here at ukdirt , something thats went out the window recently. Despite this i actually feel the racing as been spot on at times.




For once I agree with Simpson.

It is stated in the rules an the rule states that there is no racing to the grid an there should be no over taking on the way there.

Too me it seems that stumpy needs to be back where he belongs which is being Mr Starter an I think a new admin post must be formed, Stumpy would fill this role perfectly

my reasons are


1st Most Admins Race an this should be their main goal.


2nd We need a Mr starter in charge of a meeting to at times be able to over rule any admin as this takes out any priority to certain drivers (as at times happens)


3rd Mr starters decision should be final( may be with consultation with other head Admins) an not over turned by any other admins.


4th I want to thank stumpy for his great work to the UKDirt league an I want to ask him to come back to us. I for one have not being an angel but Racing without Stumpy is like flying without wings.


Come back stumpy please an any one that thinks the same plz post. :king:



Many Regards



Please don't leave Stumpy, I don't really know you but the way people talk about you, you seem to come off as a fantastic bloke. I know that myself and a lot of others appreciate every single effort you put into stewarding from your own spare time when you could be doing other things and nobody does it better than you do. If you did leave, I'm sure you would be missed a lot by not just the admins, but a few members too (including me). Hopefully people will read this and see how much trouble is being caused and reconsider their behaviour in the server, I know I ain't no angel but I never mess about in the server to the point where I get kicked. There has been a few times where my USB has gone west and my cars stuck in 1st gear, revs stuck on and full lock doing donuts! Lol, but I believe I've fixed it (fingers crossed) Haha.


I think a discipline should come into place for people who race to grades, it seems to be the same people that do it, we had a problem in the Superstar grade at Sheffield on Tuesday where a driver was racing to grades and Jamie forced him to start at the very back of the grade. As for the whole restart situation, I've had problems with FFB in the past and I have a Reset FFB button set, sometimes it doesn't work but if it doesn't, I just get on with it and deal with what I'm given, engines being blown up should be the same, as Samson said, you wouldn't be able to 'restart' to fix it there and then in real life and I'm positive the attitude set by UKDirt is to keep it as close to real life rules as possible. Anyone that blows their engine should simply either be less throttle happy or be made to escape and it will teach them to not do it again, but I think due to restarts people will think "Oh it's fine, I'll ask for a restart". And most people don't know that whilst the timer is counting down, if you have any engine damage, you can escape and join back before the timer runs out and it resets your car to it's normal state. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there a rule that states only 1 restart will be allowed per race?




It takes all sorts of people to make things a success. In UKDirt F1's & F2's Stumpy is definitely a part of what makes it a success.

When Kevin hung his starting boots up, people wondered if it would be the same again, but since then UKDirt has moved on with TeamSpeak etc and Stumpy slotted in perfectly.


I have often called a few of his decisions but I have cursed at lot more when the race is started from a driver at the back, so Stumpy's contribution is unmeasurable, for the consistency and integrity of the meetings and the league itself.


IF all the drivers acted as they should then the whole system would run a lot smoother and Stumpy would have only to concentrate on his performance, making his evenings enjoyment a whole lot better and more satisfying.


Things that drivers do that I believe should be stopped (which causes the most issues) are :


1) Racing to your grade. Drivers should be prepared to start each race in a different position in the meeting, unlike one driver at the latest F2 meeting who raced round every race to claim pole yellow and even tried to start there after he won a race!


2) Rolling start. Drivers should NOT boot it when the Roll at 20 is given. This just causes the rest of the grade to fly and catch up, only to slow dramatically because they have caught the grade in front, thus bunching the whole grid making the race more hectic than it should be. I know Stumpy says keep up with the grade in front, which is correct, but sometimes I am doing 25+ just to stay with them. Maybe we should just say Roll and the pole car for every grade should be responsible for controlling their grade. anyone going beyond the lead car could be docked. Pole White is responsible for keeping to 20.

Having said all that in general most people observe the rolling lap once it gets under way, it's just the beginning.


3) Restarts. This should be purely down to the starter. He controls the race so should decide if to restart or continue based on what he sees.

A steward should have the authority to decide what happens and NOT over ruled by any Admin. They may advise but cannot dictate what should happen. Stumpy is well capable of making the decisions necessary and isn't influenced to the degree of being bias.


All in all to have someone who is prepared to sit and watch rather than race is worth their weight in gold to the league.

Stumpy you are that man, and I hope that UKDirt Admin can see how invaluable your contribution is and put things in place to convince you to continue to do the job that most suits you within the league.


All the best Stumpy and I hope to see you starting my next race in the league :thumbs_up:

  Mav said:
2) Rolling start. Drivers should NOT boot it when the Roll at 20 is given. This just causes the rest of the grade to fly and catch up, only to slow dramatically because they have caught the grade in front, thus bunching the whole grid making the race more hectic than it should be. I know Stumpy says keep up with the grade in front, which is correct, but sometimes I am doing 25+ just to stay with them. Maybe we should just say Roll and the pole car for every grade should be responsible for controlling their grade. anyone going beyond the lead car could be docked. Pole White is responsible for keeping to 20.

Having said all that in general most people observe the rolling lap once it gets under way, it's just the beginning.


you make a valid point regarding the rolling start's mav not often will you see me say that haha but anyway When I'm on pole for my grade I always set off after the grade infront or try to but I've often been rammed to close up the gap I've seen me do maajority of a rolling lap with the clutch dipped and on the brakes I'm being pushed that much.



Not been here long but just thought id say thank you Stumpy. You've always struck me as a down to earth, straight down the line sort of bloke. Hope whatever you decide is the right desicion for you. Cheers, Twisty


Can only really echo what others have already said, you do a sterling job stumpy and I've got a feeling your presence at the meetings will be sorely missed.

Huge thanks for your contribution so far, hopefully things can change for the better and its not the last we see of you around ukdirt!


Totally back your decision Stumpy, having been an admin and steward before in god knows how many meetings, I can understand your frustration. Only had a quick read of this thread but can echo what Mav has said, as these are some the problems that have been about for years.


Thanks for all your help over the years mate, it is appreciated.

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