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i recieved an email today from a friend and it actually made me feel sick thinking about it. please have a look and put pen to paper and stop this  3.gif  3.gif  ohmy.gif

Edited by Cod120
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As someone who has 2 dogs myself and a d/d setup to go out of my bank every month for the rspca i find this rather shocking and further more the dog in the picture looks very similar to one of mine.


What get's me is though these petitions,do they really work?i truly hope so and i hope the reply i get from signing it is a picture of a bloke with a hook through his nut's being dangled over the side of a boat with a shark just about to strike.

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I saw this article in the sun paper the other week and I too felt sickened by it, I signed the petition straight away, I have heard since that some people have been arrested over it, lets just hope that they get exactly the same thing done to them as they've done to the poor animals, The woman on the news the last couple of days that killed her cat by putting it in a washing machine IMO should be put in a washing machine herself to see how she likes it! There's no excuse for animal cruelty.

Edited by Nick M48
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I saw this in the sun too a few weeks ago and it sickened me as well as the young dalmation pup which was hanged


I have a Border Collie and even tho he's crazy, he wouldn't hurt a fly.


But I thought i read in the sun last week that the scum who did it, only got a fine and a slap on the wrist?

Lets hope they get given the same treatment as they gave to the poor dogs.

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I have a Border Collie and even tho he's crazy, he wouldn't hurt a fly.


lol @lee i got a collie 2 ,but mine would hurt a fly,spiders,moths etc as well  rofl.gif ,he loves playing with them just before jumping on them or just smacking them with his paw l shrug.gif .some night's the bugger wakes us up hearing him trying to catch a bloody moth by trying to jump on it  rofl.gif

Edited by jamesy
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It really is nothing but barbaric. We saw The Sun's uncovering of this the other week and all the animal cruelty cases they have featured since. It's not nice waking up to find these images on your doormat but if the scum doing this sort of thing are not exposed in the way they are be then things will just continue like nothing was happening.


Signed by both myself and the wife.

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Signed by Mr and Mrs Ham


It's beyond belief this sort of thing goes on really.  3.gif

Like Crasher i also have a monthly direct debit donation to the Rspca set up. It's not a lot, but it'll help



Here's a pic of our golden retriever Bailey in a rare state of cleanliness   rofl.gif .






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