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Cable Router Help

Pedz 212

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Andy, i aint gonna go for wireless, i aint that silly  wink.gif 





I'll take your word for that Pedz!!! rofl.gif


When I'd asked what you thought about using a router and heard you sayin that my connection speed would be affected by goin wireless I thought  Oh Crumbs!!!..I really dont want to go along the route(Pardon the pun) of drilling holes and trying to hide wires etc.

So I spoke to my PC guru who runs wireless himself without any trouble whatsoever and he said there wouldnt be a problem at all.

I then bought myself a wireless router and USB Network Adapter as a pose to a PCI card as with it being a brand new pc I wasnt wanting to open it up quite so early,and in a fairly short time we had both pc's up and running , without any apparent loss of connection speed whatsoever!!

I suppose time will tell , but on early indications all seems fine.



Wireless router and USB adapter is manufactured by Belkin and was bought for 55 Quid which I thought was a reasonable price..

Hope this helps!!!



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I have a wireless network and I have found that my connection speed is much better than it being a wired network.


No offense but thats crap.


Wireless is unreliable and also unsecure, hence the problems with it.  Wireless goes wrong quite a lot.  Don't you think if wireless was better then every college, school etc would be wireless rather than wired?


Wired is stable, secure and fast, it's still the way to go these days.  Maybe in the future wireless will be safe and secure enough, but at the moment its only good enough for some small home networks.



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Andy, i aint gonna go for wireless, i aint that silly  wink.gif 





I'll take your word for that Pedz!!! rofl.gif


When I'd asked what you thought about using a router and heard you sayin that my connection speed would be affected by goin wireless I thought  Oh Crumbs!!!..I really dont want to go along the route(Pardon the pun) of drilling holes and trying to hide wires etc.

So I spoke to my PC guru who runs wireless himself without any trouble whatsoever and he said there wouldnt be a problem at all.

I then bought myself a wireless router and USB Network Adapter as a pose to a PCI card as with it being a brand new pc I wasnt wanting to open it up quite so early,and in a fairly short time we had both pc's up and running , without any apparent loss of connection speed whatsoever!!

I suppose time will tell , but on early indications all seems fine.



Wireless router and USB adapter is manufactured by Belkin and was bought for 55 Quid which I thought was a reasonable price..

Hope this helps!!!




did the same today with the same gear as you andy u saw me buy it and i have no probs at all with mines  thumbs_up.gif  042.gif


I have a wireless network and I have found that my connection speed is much better than it being a wired network.


No offense but thats crap.


Wireless is unreliable and also unsecure, hence the problems with it.  Wireless goes wrong quite a lot.  Don't you think if wireless was better then every college, school etc would be wireless rather than wired?


Wired is stable, secure and fast, it's still the way to go these days.  Maybe in the future wireless will be safe and secure enough, but at the moment its only good enough for some small home networks.


thats the reason i bought it for a home network with 2 pc's running on it not a call centre coffee.gif

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Maybe in the future wireless will be safe and secure enough, but at the moment its only good enough for some small home networks.


My apologies, I thought Pedz was just wantin to use his at home, and not his vast network of companies  rofl.gif


As said previous, Asked a few folk and all said wireless was good enough for the job in hand as such.. so thats good enough for a half-wit like myself..




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In most cases it will be good enough, depends how much you know about computers.  You also get what you pay for, so unless your planning on paying for top rate wireless equipment then its also not worth it.


I'd rather 100% efficiency from my wired network.  Its one less point of failure in the chain.  If my connection fails then 9/10 i know its my ISP at fault.


Wireless networks are generally used by people who have families that share 2 or 3 pcs, maybe a laptop and have them spread out through several different bedrooms.  It's handy and stops mountains of cabling being run all round your house.


It also depends how far the pc is going to be from the Wireless Router.  If the signal will have to travel through walls etc.  If it's in the same room the you really shouldn't get any bother.  I use wireless at my dads house and its ok, a little slow sometimes but thats only if im sitting downstairs as the wireless is upstairs.


Hey its only my opinion though that wired is better but what do i know wink.gif

Edited by Korizin268
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IMO. Wireless is never going to be as secure as wired and will never be as fast. Even today's standard in my workplace, we have 100Mb to the desktop, wireless will never get that fast.


Even the WEP encrpytion can be cracked in a few hours. I know a friend (!) who goes out in the car with the laptop switched on looking for open connections and sorry, but if you have a wireless connection and it's not secure, you are open to all sorts of attack, minimum being the use of your internet connection.


If your on a desktop, and you can hide the wires neatly, go that route. If your've got a laptop and HAVE to use it whilst sitting on the loo or in the kitchen, go wireless. But make it secure.


I'm currently putting out wireless as a project in my workplace, in a Hospital so you can imagine how secure it's got to be. Anybody got any questions about wireless, give me a PM.

Edited by AlecTPR
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We put wireless in because Her Indoors was sick of the phone extension running up the stairs to the study, and didn't want more holes knocking in the house. Wired is better by far, but a non-broadcast WPA-PSK network with MAC access control and assigned IPs is as good as I can get it for wireless.


And handy for laptops, even if it's just to do away with one wire too many.


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pps it holds up gd with 20 in jolt with say someone on msn on other pc???(any warp etc..)



dont know too much about this but kendo used to share a connection with his housemate and had massive warp probs. i think his mate was constantly downloading off of file share sites which was probably the main reason for problems as he left no bandwith for racing. so i think it depends on what the other pc is doing as too wether you will have any warp problems mate. ask kendo for any more info.

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