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I have followed all the directions and have saved an F2 skin however when I open up F2 program the car is plain red with none of the paintwork I have done present anywhere.


I have deleted the whole thing. Done a new one and exactly the same happens.


Any ideas?


I have tried 2 different chassis types.




Is the file you have saved it as converted from a .tga to a .tex, that may be your problem. unlessit is saved as a .tex file the game won't recognise it. The program mktex that you can get on ukdirt.co.uk doesn't work so if you look around the file manager you will find something called tga 2 tex. Download that, that will turn your tga to a .tex file.





  Kruiz 136 said:

Is the file you have saved it as converted from a .tga to a .tex, that may be your problem. unlessit is saved as a .tex file the game won't recognise it. The program mktex that you can get on ukdirt.co.uk doesn't work so if you look around the file manager you will find something called tga 2 tex. Download that, that will turn your tga to a .tex file.






Why doesnt mktex work??? Ive always used it and it works fine every time. Only have to read the guide on how to use it on the UKDirt website and should be no problem.


Have followed the guide to the letter. Managed to upload a skin yesterday with no issue. Today regardless of what I try the whole thing is just red.

  Kruiz 136 said:

Not sure why mktex doesn't work. It never works for me along a few other people.


have you downloaded cmdhere.exe from microsoft? my mktex didnt work until i got that now its sorted. cheers, damo.


about the skin being red. if you have put the tex file in the correct folder then check your drivers text to make sure its correct. cheers, damo.


Need more help now guys. Have created my car saved the skin etc and it works in the ukdirt f2 program. How do I know add it for others to see and for me to use in the league?


Wouldn't mind trying out in practice tonight if anybody can give me an idiot proof guide to what I need to do.





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