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  1. Yesterday
  2. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 139 6 58 238 114 924 184 210 62 Heat 2: 6 139 58 114 238 924 210 184 62 Heat 3: 139 62 924 210 6 114 184 238 58 A-Final: 139 6 210 58 114 184 238 924 GN: 924 238 6 58 184 210 114 139 Points: 86 pts 6 K ODonnell 85 pts 139 Ellie Douglas 67 pts 58 d_dickson 64 pts 210 Davros 56 pts 114 DannyRoss 54 pts 238 Kane_M 53 pts 924 Tosh 48 pts 184 NielsR 13 pts 62 twiggydriver
  3. Congratulations to Ellis_Rogers #889, Kane_M #238, DannyRoss #114, BraderzzCooper #468, Tomdavison #461, Jack Ward #484, Agrindey #355, d_dickson #58, fast track #527, Mav #525 and CharlieGuinchard #183 for qualifying for the 2024 UKDirt F1 Shootout Series. The format for 2024 is similar to the updated real life series with a group stage and a Final stage. 8 meetings in the latter part of the season count towards the Shootout Series. The top 12 drivers in the National Points Championship before the first round will contest the Shootout Series. All drivers start with zero points and scoring is as per normal meeting points. The 12 drivers will be split into 3 seeded groups of 4. Only 1 group will contest a Shootout meeting to avoid overload of Superstars. Each group will contest 2 meetings with the top 2 from each group progressing to the final stage. The final 6 drivers start with zero points. At Shootout Series meetings the Shootout drivers will all race from Superstar, and any superstar not in the series will race from Red. At Shootout Series meetings the Shootout drivers will be gridded for A-finals in reverse Shootout points order. The last two rounds of the Shootout Series (The Shootout Final Stage) will be double-point scoring. The 2024 Shootout Series Champion is entitled to silver stripes until the 2025 Shootout Series. GROUP A DannyRoss #114 HGR #777 Agrindey #355 Mav #525 GROUP B Kane_M #238 Tomdavison #461 Jack Ward #48 fast track #527 GROUP C Ellis_Rogers #889 BraderzzCooper #468 d_dickson #58 CharlieGuinchard #183 CURRENT STANDINGS (Updated after Belle Vue) FINAL STAGE DannyRoss #114 Agrindey #355 1st Group B 2nd Group B 1st Group C 2nd Group C
  4. Last week
  5. National Series Championship 6 meetings in the latter part of the season count towards the National Series. The 2024 World, British, European and 2023 World of Shale Champions will be seeded into the series, together with the next 4 available drivers from the National Points table. In the case that a single driver holds multiple titles, additional drivers will be taken from the National Points table. All drivers start with zero points and scoring is as per normal meeting points. At National Series meetings the National Series drivers will all race from Superstar, and any superstar not in the series will race from Red. At National Series meetings the National Series drivers will be gridding for A-Finals in reverse National Series points order. The last round of the National Series will be double-point scoring. The 2024 National Series Champion is entitled to run 2 silver stripes on the centre of their wing from front to back until they lose the title. This years qualifiers are as follows: Jack Ward #48 (World) McFerran #910 (British) ShayMurphMurphy #80 (European) Kane_M #238 (World of Shale) Ellis_Rogers #889 (Seeded from National Points) BraderzzCooper #468 (Seeded from National Points) DannyRoss #114 (Seeded from National Points) Tomdavison #461 (Seeded from National Points)
  6. World Championship Final: After 7 World Ranking events, Ellis_Rogers #889 top scored in the World Ranking points chart. He will line-up pole in the World Final on 01/10/23 at Cowdenbeath. We had 7 different Final winners from the 7 World Ranking events - DannyRoss #114, Belgian Devil #127, McFerran #910, Tomdavison #461, HGR #777, Davros #210 and K ODonnell #6. Championship and Track Championship points have also been included in the final standings. The World Final grid will line-up as follows... *OUTSIDE - INSIDE* 238 - 889 114 - 777 461 - 468 3 - 977 127 - 992 355 - 910 210 - 5 48 - 6 107 - 551 532 - 4 621 - 136 628 - 143 898 - 153 80 - 47 Reserves (in order): 245 184 546 125 24 150 265 58 620 422 312 412 463 139 606 399 836 959 251 22 382 227 381 926 253 659 578 Drivers banned for the World Final: Drivers confirmed not taking part in the World Final: Notes: World Championship Final: World Final - Cowdenbeath (01/10/24) Rules: World Rankings will run up to the last meeting before the world final at which point the top 28 cars in the rankings will automatically qualify for the WF in points order. Any reserves will be taken from the next positions. Last Chance: The last chance will be a 16 lap race, non-points scoring, 24 cars. The grid will then be formed in points order of those who are not already on the World Final grid. The Top 4 in this race will join the back of the WF grid giving a 28-car final. World Final: The world final will be a 25 lap race. The Grid will be formed in World Ranking Points order. Drivers qualifying from the last chance qualifier will be added to the back of the grid in the order they finished in that race. If the World Champion does not qualify, the driver will be added to the back of the grid to make a 29-car final. The winner of this race will be declared World Champion after any appeals have been decided. Points will score: 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 The World Champion must display a gold roof until they lose the title.
  7. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 777 898 114 238 889 127 422 80 143 468 6 125 48 910 532 Heat 2: 910 238 127 889 777 468 114 80 422 6 125 107 48 532 898 143 Heat 3: 468 114 238 910 889 777 6 80 125 127 143 107 422 532 48 898 Heat 4: 468 898 114 80 6 777 422 125 107 127 889 238 48 143 910 532 A-Final: 468 889 80 238 114 777 107 127 6 898 143 422 48 125 532 Allcomers: 107 127 143 468 889 114 238 422 777 532 48 80 Points: 53 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 46 pts 114 DannyRoss 43 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 42 pts 238 Kane_M 38 pts 777 HGR 32 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 30 pts 127 Belgian Devil 20 pts 898 Reg 20 pts 107 Evnos 17 pts 910 McFerran 15 pts 6 K ODonnell 10 pts 143 Cammy 5 pts 125 ASHNFFC 1 pts 532 Jimbo 0 pts 48 Jack Ward
  8. We are now collecting skins for the 8th skinpack of the 2024 season, please read all of the below: A FEW SIMPLE RULES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ ALL OF THIS POST BEFORE SENDING ANY FILES 1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no OTT inlay colours) 2: SAVING - YOU MUST SAVE ALL F2 FILES IN DXT1 NOT DXT5 3: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates: main file/veh - 889_RCE2T for tar and 889_TLFS for shale (your name and number not mine!!) other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 889_RCE2Tblue or 889_RCE2Tyellow etc... If you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way but please state what chassis and surface for each car. 4: SENDING IN FILES - PLEASE SEND IN YOUR FILES VIA THE UPLOAD TOOL ON THE WEBSITE OR UPLOAD TO THIS THREAD. DO NOT PM ME! 5: RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2023 season, let me know on this thread please and I will add them to the pack 6: ROOF GRADES - roof grades are red, blue, yellow and white, no brown, purple or green wings will be excepted! 7: Members are permitted to change chassis TWICE on each surface during the course of the season. After changing the second time they may NOT change again, even if they wish to revert back to the original chassis. I think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if I have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself I can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Any questions regarding any of the above please PM Kane238 or EllisR889 and ask BEFORE sending your skins in DEADLINE FOR THIS PACK IS FRIDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER @8PM
  9. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 80 468 281 107 47 532 889 114 6 127 461 125 659 628 777 Heat 2: 183 48 355 127 461 924 47 777 520 107 281 238 30 Heat 3: 889 520 143 910 281 355 628 659 468 532 125 399 924 Heat 4: 6 183 80 628 520 48 659 399 889 355 910 777 143 114 Heat 5: 80 6 143 532 910 47 114 127 238 924 468 461 183 World Championship: 48 468 910 238 889 80 183 628 114 520 777 924 281 127 47 461 659 6 355 125 107 399 143 A-Final: 777 238 468 48 889 924 520 80 114 47 6 183 910 532 355 107 659 399 281 127 143 461 GN 1: 281 910 889 107 47 114 355 924 468 238 143 48 777 127 183 80 6 532 Points: 36 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 34 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 29 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 28 pts 48 Jack Ward 25 pts 520 Joey janssen 24 pts 281 Clayton 23 pts 47 Trez 23 pts 777 HGR 22 pts 910 McFerran 21 pts 6 K ODonnell 21 pts 238 Kane_M 19 pts 924 Tosh 19 pts 183 CharlieGuinchard 18 pts 355 Agrindey 16 pts 143 Cammy 16 pts 114 DannyRoss 15 pts 107 Evnos 13 pts 532 Jimbo.E 11 pts 127 Belgian Devil 11 pts 628 Woss Mclaughlin 7 pts 659 LeoHeffer 6 pts 461 Tomdavison 3 pts 399 Joewebbo 0 pts 30 Jan Harzbecker 0 pts 125 ASHNFFC The replays are here!
  10. hi  mate im having issues with discord, i cant even get onto the website to download it

  11. ******************Skinpack Deadline: 25/09/24 9:00pm****************** Members who have previously raced this season without a skin will not be permitted to race any further meetings until a skin has been submitted. Please send the skins via the upload page on the website or on this thread, any skins that are sent via Discord will not be accepted for any skinpacks. - Novice skins will not be permitted in championship races. - If a replica skin is being used then the real drivers name and number (if different) must be replaced with your UKDirt number at least. - Novice cars are available for any member without their own custom skin (but these are not for extended periods of use). - Chassis use is surface dependent: - Tarmac cars: EliteT, FaldingT, flcsT, flt, fwjT, LundT, MurrayT, smithT, smithX, WainmanT, WainmanX, YarrowT. - Shale cars: EliteS, FaldingS, flcs, LundS, MurrayS, SmithS, StuS, WainmanS, YarrowS. - Members are asked to submit their own custom skins to race for the season (paint your own, or use the Skin Painting section on the UKDirt Forum to make a request). - Members should submit skins (tarmac and shale) of all (white, yellow, blue, red) roof grades, these should all use the same base car design (tarmac and shale may differ). - There is a skin painting and saving/converting guide on the UKDirt website, additional further recommendations are available on the UKSOM website. - Rules relating to signs and appearance: - The roof grade on each skin should be clear, and not in doubt. - No swearing, obscene images or any other paint/signs intended to cause dispute/offence. - Correct upgrades (to match painted skin) should be used (e.g. roof type, bonnet upgrades, etc). - Superstar lights should only be used by superstars. - Members are permitted to change chassis twice on each surface during the course of the season. - Members without correctly graded skins will be required to start at the back, a grade gap behind the superstars. - Skins will only be released in official UKDirt F1 skinpack installation files. - It should go without saying, but it is not acceptable to “rip-off” skins or signs that others have painted… issues of this nature will be dealt with by disciplinary process. Skins Received:
  12. The skinpack has been updated for this month. You will need to click on the link above to download this for Taunton 23/09/24.
  13. I can see the New Car Folders in the Vehicles folder when I search the vehicles file, they are not loading into game though
  14. Thanks for getting back to me. I have double checked and I don't have the new cars for selection. Im installing on the root rFactor folder, do I need to do anything prior to installation?
  15. The mod in game will still read as v5.6. It's just the update installation that's named v5.7 that's all.
  16. Can anyone help me? I have V5.6 running on my PC. I try and install the 5.7 Mod, looks like it installs fine but when I open Rfactor its still V5.6? What am I doing wrong Thanks
  17. Earlier
  18. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 461 127 520 924 468 238 355 48 114 183 4 Heat 2: 520 127 461 924 4 238 48 355 114 468 183 Heat 3: 127 924 520 4 238 355 48 461 468 183 114 A-Final: 127 924 468 461 114 238 355 48 4 183 GN: 127 924 114 183 48 355 238 468 461 Points: 98 pts 127 Belgian Devil 86 pts 924 Tosh 60 pts 461 Tomdavison 55 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 50 pts 114 DannyRoss 49 pts 238 Kane_M 42 pts 355 Agrindey 38 pts 48 Jack Ward 26 pts 520 Joey Janssen 23 pts 4 Owen Strong 21 pts 183 Charlie Guinchard
  19. Make sure to download the skinpack before Birmingham 19/09/24
  20. Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 777 6 127 628 238 889 114 468 992 461 210 3 5 977 4 Heat 2: 127 6 992 114 468 889 628 238 210 3 461 777 977 4 5 Heat 3: 468 127 6 238 889 992 628 114 777 4 461 5 3 977 210 Heat 4: 777 238 889 6 992 468 4 114 461 5 3 977 A-Final: 468 238 889 777 114 992 461 3 4 5 977 6 Allcomers: 777 889 4 114 3 238 468 992 977 5 Points: 49 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 48 pts 238 Kane_M 48 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 46 pts 777 HGR 36 pts 114 DannyRoss 34 pts 992 Burnsy 33 pts 6 K ODonnell 27 pts 127 Belgian Devil 17 pts 4 Owen Strong 15 pts 628 Woss McLaughlin 13 pts 3 Rentek Jnr 11 pts 461 Tomdavison 4 pts 5 Sworder 2 pts 977 James 2 pts 210 Davros The Replays Are Here!
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