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Everything posted by H33Racing

  1. And shale skin also ready for use .. Cheers Mark Shale and Tarmac skin and drivers.txt is added to the zip file mate 641_DBL_Cars.zip
  2. Found out im gonna be red top in DBL so change colours and a few little signwriting changes Cheers Mark
  3. Found out im gonna be red top in DBL so change colours and a few little signwriting changes Cheers Mark
  4. You can knock on my door anytime lol but i dont think it will be needed m8 seen the beauty designs you paint. Cheers for the kind replies guys, and to answer a few questions, The design from the back off the sidepods i didnt made myself, i just do a lot of search for nice stuff at google so thats also where that design came from, customised it just a bit You have a pm Pshyco Cheers Mark
  5. Just thought i'd also post it up here, comments welcome My new skin for my return to the DBL F1 League, dunno if roof colour is right but thats easy to change so just made it white.. Cheers Mark
  6. Lmao thats quality m8 Cheers
  7. How about do some reading in the skinpainting section as there have been loads of questions been answered about making signs, or otherwise do some search on google and read some tutorials. 3rd option is just open an empty page and try some stuff out. Lately more and more people want to paint their own cars, nothing wrong with that only most of them want that their first skin is gonna be perfect wich is almost impossible without any psp or photoshop experience, just by trying thing you will learn more and more. I paint skins for 5 years now and still learning by the day. Making your own skin with decals that other people made and then posting the skin up here saying its your first attempt isnt the right way .. Cheers Mark
  8. Lovely skins once again m8 .. keep it up Cheers Mark
  9. I have windows vista to since a week or 2 .. and not having any problems with running brisca heat or ukdirt. Havent installed the entire nascar heat game tho, only installed the nascar heat essentials and it just worked from the beginning so .. Cheers Mark
  10. Awesome skin DannySan .. keep up the good work Cheers Mark
  11. Think warneton is more a mini nascar track then venray .. still guess venray wouldnt add anything new to the game i guess... Some of our dutch members maybe need to learn a bit english before replying and posting over here ... MrTerp why on earth are you posting those venray pics over and over .. people allready answered your question about venray track, no need to post pics.. Cheers Mark
  12. 2007 skin on the Yarrow .. love that chassis .. Great job Mor Cheers Mark
  13. Finally found something to put on the other side of the car, still need some signs but here's a preview Cheers Mark
  14. Aint nothing wrong with that, we just run the league in dutch, for loads of people who dont understand english, people (lots of younger members) who cant afford ukdirt and there are also a few people who got familiar with online racing at dbl and are gonna join ukdirt this year so .. indeed most people are dutch, about 70 dutch members but we also have some belgian and english drivers and everything goes very well .. people are enjoying themselves .. and so what if the world championship title doesnt mean very much .. its just fun to have a race like the world final, or european championship and to call yourself world champ of DBL .. Plz click Here to get to the DBL forum but plz notice that the forum is still in Dutch and that you have to register to watch the forum topics, as we had a bad case of spammers etc .. Cheers Mark
  15. You've got mail Cheers Mark
  16. I noticed that as well! lol H33Racing, if you still have the British flag decal from Cecils roller could you please send it to me? as i made a real life skin of his car, and that decal would finish it off perfect If you can't no worries Here you go .. hope it helps .. PS very nice skin AUB Cheers Mark UK_Action.zip
  17. One more render .. freshly out of the paintshop lol Cheers Mark
  18. Cheers lads for the kind words .. your skin also looks very great Tombo .. ill post the tex file when its completely finished .. Cheers Mark
  19. Lol cheers m8 .. thats a quick reply Cheers Mark
  20. My new Dutch Brisca League car for the 2007 season .. pictures from other side follow soon as soon as its been painted lol .. Painted and rendered by me Cheers Mark ..
  21. Skin looks pretty good m8 .. only them signs on the sides look a bit unclear, maybe a suggestion to make em a bit larger .. keep up the good work Cheers Mark
  22. lol i think this is gonna be one of these long long discussions.. Cheers Mark
  23. I cant believe whats wrong with some people .. especially Hutch .. seeing that you are 28 years old and still acting like a baby .. grow up ffs, everybody should be happy that there are skinpainters who are offering there services to ukdirt members .. i think its a nice and tidy skin and something different then most skins so good work Kruiz keep it up m8 .. i also sometimes dont like a skin that someone painted like i think we all have sometimes... so what .. but you can see that those people have spent a lot of time and effort in it, .. and as a skinpainter meself, i ask people what they want on there car, sponsors, cartoons, colours etc and i paint a skin the way they want it ... My suggestion to you Hutch is that you paint a skin, post it up here and then we will see how you did it as its very easy to slag people of and not knowing what on earth your talking about !! Cheers Mark
  24. No its not a font .. i just took a picture .. cutted out the colour so i only have them black lines wich says motorsport and just filled it in with any colour i wanted .. Cheers Mark
  25. Bit late but maybe this can also be of some help .. Cheers Mark Motorsport_Randall_sign_Blue.zip
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