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Everything posted by kane

  1. kane

    Heat Error

    on my old comp(upstairs now) that happened all i did was went back on game and it worked try it m8
  2. it looks to me that he has not got mod laucher downloaded?
  3. i am probs as gud as you (i'm rubbish lol) cheers
  4. yeh i have give ya then on msn
  6. what a prat i spent 2 hours wasting my time and you missed dots out haha
  7. i have just been told something else you mite not have the track
  8. i think that menes "TRACK SETUP" but i don't know what that menes it cud be something to do with the game file if i was you i would remove all then restart and download it all again and see what happens if that don't work try downloadin some tracks on it see if that work hope any of this works cheers kane
  9. kane

    F2 Skins help

    i will help you but i'm not the best in the world if you use msn add me smithy804@hotmail.co.uk and i will try and help cheers kane
  10. HUTCH lets see your car then that YOU painted,o have i not seen one you have painted is it because you have never painted one but you like extracting the urine out of other peeps cars which take them a long time if you spent hours on a car you would not like us to take the mick out of your car because you spelt 1 only 1 word wrong would you?if we all tuck the mick out of your car you would go mental and have a freddy at us all so stop takin the mick out of this car and grow up and even if there is a word spelt wrong go and p/m them so they can change it or improve it don't get takin the mick when its not needed. so grow up and if you think its rubbish then don't say that just say things to improve but not bad points
  11. NO my upload never works weather im am doin it wrong i don't know but kyle said he cud post them for me cheers kane
  12. cheers for adding my cars on here kyle cheers kane
  13. watch she don't hit you lol congrats anyway kane
  14. cud be 50th hand but i aint bovered
  15. on ebay goin for cheap call it a tenner pedz thats all on ebay or is the offer for all your setups aswel?
  16. i was sat here for about 2 hours tryin everything with him but it did not work i think i know why now becuase of his fire wall cheers wrighty
  17. hi m8, if i was you i would take it to pc world and ask them to look at it or try a different screen because it mite be the screen, if that is no gud i would try gettin a new graphics card but if you do don't put it in till you got comp switched off because it goes bang and it mite make ya scared lol. hope this is some help cheers kane
  18. This keeps cummin up wheneva i load the internet they phoned my dad up to ask if we wanted faster internet then this has happened if anyone can help i would like to say thank you in advance.
  19. this topic is about ministox so there was no need to put about me and follow ins so leave it as ministox
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