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Everything posted by Hutch#331

  1. nah thats tosh, well spotted.........
  2. thats the last time i'm taking you oot again jeeeez
  3. you can overclock it in the bios or buy using a tweak tool like clockgen, but if you don't know what your doing you'd be better leaving it are you buying a prebuilt pc or are you buying your own i'd get a higher spec graphics card 7500's are pretty pants, 7900gt's or gtx's are pretty cheap on the likes of ebay now depends how much cash your going to spend ?
  4. did ye watch ali g before ye typed that
  5. I use a pad an I'm getting 15.6-8s but Dazza tells me he gets 14.6-8s with a wheel and he aint wall riding! lol wipe yer chin
  6. Hutch#331


    sunday night sounds good to me
  7. cheers mor yer no as bad as cod says
  8. use the 'insert home page up delete end page down' keys to change view laddie there a group of six keys together
  9. uninstall the game again then go in C drive, then program files try deleting the rfactor folder thats left in there
  10. shale cars handle spot on, sideways action loads of fun had a graet time in them, wouldn't change them one bit the tar cars for me seem to lack a bit of grip front end , the front end pushes on too much, a bit of grip turning in wouldn't go a miss instead of having to use the brakes to turn it in on contact, there pretty good when pings are low, the only fault i found is if you try and push whilst sliding around the corners it tends to make the car spin out too easy, other than that its fine good work chaps
  11. ive already spotted the wall riders myself mac, just vote kick/ban them out the server....ehh dicko
  12. Hutch#331


    some cracking skins there lads
  13. hahhaha tosh was in my english class at school right enough
  14. zango ffs......ram it up yer hole
  15. i drive on bonnet view and if i use look back i can see the wheel sometimes, it's only now and again the wheel apears but it isn't of that much a problem to worry about for me
  16. Hutch#331


    what roof colours should folk pick ? numbers etc i have my f1 number registered for ukdirt but i never really use them, hence i don't know what roof colur i should be
  17. if i try to host a server i get crashed to desktop , it plays fine when changing tracks and joins servers no problem
  18. rfactor minis up @ ipswich , ip
  19. i stay about 10 mins away, i think tosh has a good camera, we can go and take some pics for the guy if you want i've added you to msn drumstick
  20. anyone up for some rfactor tonight ?
  21. no really when ye think of who its holding inside
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