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Posts posted by Tosh924

  1. hit or miss really, are you sharing connections now?


    could be hidden programmes running in the background (ie) maybe virus related.


    or check with the isp virgin and get them to test your line it may be spiking budge.

  2. Looks nice Dode, unsure about the right hand side though and the back panel though.



    lee can you not give folk a break, try and say something positive for a change.


    we aint all good skin painters, we only try our best really


    looks good to me dode and great skin bayne.

  3. When veiwing a replay press the page up button to get the chase veiw then use the number keys on the number pad of the keyboard ( right hand side for those of u that dont get what i mean lol ) and i think the default button to move the camera around is U pressing that and moving your mouse should let you move the camera... Let me know if it works for you lot as thats how it works for me.. oh and btw make sure you are using Chase veiw ( Page up ) as this is the only veiw it works in NOT any others..





    you dont need to go to all that bother ;)


    assign move camara buttons left, right, up, down, zoom in/out...then


    press END ingame, move camara..sorted


    least your having go m8 instead of asking folk to do it, its the only way to learn. keep at it.


    tips is look at some signs on the real cars and copy the size of drop shadows etc and inner shadows,depths and sizes, then add your own gradient colours, 2,3 or 4 colours. once your happy use your T on the options panal and start curving them.

  5. "Awsome pics once again tosh."


    Agree with Walker Tosh, some great mouth watering action shots there.


    "You should be the photographer for the stock car mag called unloaded"


    Dont agree with Walker there, you'd be stood in the middle of the track for some of them shots,,, believe me Tosh the pay is nowhere near enough to be that committed !!





    Lol was thinking the same, great pics again Tosh



    Lol Ali, something i woudnt mine having A go at actually, il stick to the game for now.


    thanks for the kind comments lads :thumbs_up:

  6. Hello Guys,


    I wonder if a few people got mixed up with the days - perhaps this is my fault and I should of put a reminder up sooner (I had forgot in all honesty - remembered when I got home from work). Dont forget, next week is Cowdenbeath, and it is on a Wednesday, not Thursday.


    Thanks to everyone that raced tonight. I didnt think the racing was too bad at all, and I cant say I found the backmarkers a problem either, but by the sounds o it I was in the minority.


    Please try to remember that this is a winter series, and people will be trying new things ahead of the new season, and people are still learning. This game is not easy, and I admire them white top drivers that give it ago and try their best - keep at it guys - it will come!!


    Anyway, well done to Sybe for taking the meeting final and being the top points scorer on the night.


    Sorry it isnt any longer than that - back with more thoughts tomorrow, but I have R.E to plan!!!



    Heat 1: 188 531 290 315 413 3 221 151 500 106

    Heat 2: 531 525 290 151 3 500 488 315 188 413

    Heat 3: 315 290 188 3 488 413 106 151 500 112


    A-Final: 315 48 290 531 413 488 3 112 500 151

    GN 1: 413 500 315 290 3 488 112 188 531 48



    48 pts 315 Sybe

    45 pts 290 Dazza

    34 pts 531 Lee

    34 pts 413 Matthew

    29 pts 3 Johno

    22 pts 48 Tinman

    24 pts 488 dave

    21 pts 500 Allstar

    14 pts 112 Tom D

    19 pts 188 Aub

    11 pts 151 dode

    7 pts 525 Maverick

    2 pts 221 Spike

    3 pts 106 Albz

    0 pts 507 Neil

    0 pts 527 fast track


    Sorry for not having Cowdenbeath up for practice. We currently dont have it on our server, but I will rectify the matter on Friday evening actually, after the NZ racing.


    Points will be updated in 2 secs.






    dam never knew about this, oh well.


    cheers lads, appreciate the comments as it takes a while to get the best angle. i also deleted a good few that werent that good.


    ill see what i can do johno, perhaps somebody else wants to do it though mate :unsure:

  8. Assuming Ian hasn't kept i dueto the fact he will only be remembered by the 'default' winner because of all this controversy, he has deciced he doesn't want to be remembered by that, and I don't blame him, I doubt Luscombe would want it either, for the same reasons. I can see there being no Wolrd Champ next year, or it given back to Sworder, my bet is on no Gold Roof.



    give the boy a prize....spot on kruiz my lad, what i said all along about it.



    the only guy that deserved to wear the gold is ian but if he decided he doesnt deserve it in that way then the gold is de-funked, why would 642 wear it if he was 3rd in the cue, he wouldnt want it either.


    no roof for 2009 and thats be that unfortunitly.

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