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Posts posted by Tosh924


    hope someone can help opened up the new randall template for rf. got the colours done but when i write a sign and want to move it, it hesitates sometimes.


    the sign also drags itself with the cursor once i let go the button to finish dragging it. tryed all the usuall stuff like re-booting and opening an old heat template but still the same.



    this was ok the last time i used adobe. cant mind what car, think it was the retro f1 tar i did..



    any help appreciated.



  2. Excellent pictures Tosh :)


    You have me facing the right way as well :rofl:


    May I use some of those for the F2 Website Please??


    I could do with a grid picture from the front showing both in & out together - Could you do that for the Website???


    No Worries if not m8 :thumbs_up:




    since its you mav....................................NO...just kidding .aye carry on m8 no problem.



    have to say the racing was good all night and with the time settings for each heat getting darker in the server as well added to the effect lol :thumbup:


    cant believe i lost the british on the last corner with kruiz firing in with a flat outer, but hey thats stock car racing, feels worse when you lead it for 18-20 odd laps or so aswell.

    but fair play to him , id have done the same. :5:


    a special mention to the guys who were being lapped that moved over. thank you. :appl:





    i think most will agree that coventry has to be the best shale track yet for the shale v8,s, looks and racing wise.

    so the man only deserves some pics of his creation and the time and effort that went in to it for our enjoyment.


    wd MoR.


    enjoy some of the action from the WQ10 & NS12 A final.































    Mav we all say and do things in the heat of the moment, i was having a chuffing good race till i saw you reverse out onto the racing line and boom. :rolleyes:


    i just thought here we go again .

    next bend or 2 i was fustrated and gave you a good belting with the bumper i admit that. just seems this unluckyness happens to me and not others i dont know what it is maybe it doesnt who knows.




    anyway. lets forget what happened in the past 2 weeks, get booked in and we will forget about it all and try and enjoy the challenge. :thumbs_up:


    call a truce if your happy with that and move on.

  6. I feel that what Tosh done was a bit over the top to do that from watching that video, could've waited a few laps and passed him cleanly, i could see that Mavs hit was a racing incident



    i think you missed the point m8 lol. but thanks for your input.


    i past mav clean to start with if you watched the video closely. i sure wasnt taking any chances second time round.


    anyway enough from me now cyas monday.

  7. It was only out of curiosity to see if the F2 rFactor worked on my PC that I logged into the server at 9pm. Duly it didn't work as I had an update missing.

    After installing it, I logged back in and the game worked. I had no settings for F2's, all the screens were foreign to me, not even my wheel was configured properly, and needless to say no setup for the car. Lee531 sent me a setup and I literally did my first three laps ever prior to the server being rebooted for the meeting.


    I went into chat to tell Dave that all was ok, and between us he convinced me to try the meeting. I changed my roof colour and literally was lining up for my first race. I suddenly thought "What fuel do I have?" looked down and saw 4/22 and thought "Oh well, I will do 4 laps and pull off!" Didn't know that It didn't read right!! Set off steadily and settled into a rhythm only to be spun by 531 as he charged his way through. Race over. Second heat, same again but spun by Spike, got back into it and was running eighth and decided to try a last bender on Cider and got it wrong - race over.


    Being allocated pole for the English Open was an honour. It meant I was officially the worst driver on the grid :)

    I held my own for a long period of time until the charging reds came through. I battled gamely to try and pass Cider for that elusive first points but ended up 11th.


    In the Grand National, I was determined to boot it earlier and hold the drift, thus making my lap times quicker, and it worked. I passed Cider for the lead in the early laps but as I exited the bend there was Daveyboy across the track!!! Road block ;) I survived but lost a few places. I then settled into 5th or 6th and late on Tosh passed but went wide, I caught his back end and he spun. I was getting confident now, but suddenly I was in the fence curtosy of Tosh's full bore deliberate revenge hit. Race Over and a real sickner. The following laps though I flew and drove really well, catching and passing Wrighty who was on the lead lap.


    I know I am a seasoned driver, but I am a complete novice at rFactor (white in both mods) and to be treated in this way by Tosh is disappointing.


    I apologise for the number error, but as you can see I had no preparation time as my intention wasn't to race but to see if it worked properly.

    I will attempt to create a new profile, but last time (ages ago) I tried rFactor crashed and I had to do a complete installation again. Just a bit weiry to do it again!!! As for another meeting, we shall have to see.


    Well Done Lee531 for taking the final and the English Open, and the set up advise, as well as Drumstick, whom without his help, I would have been dead last and spinning on the spot :rofl: - maybe then Tosh would have accepted that I was just a novice ;)



    Sorry for my sworder type driving style mav, il try and calm it down until next week. ;)



    had a belting race with drumb with the same attitude driving and we had a classic he will admit and also had a good few battles with tomd like this aswell. i dont usually see them complain. :thumbup:


    a revenge hit you say but i aint lying down to contact like that could which could have been avoided and cost me places. i past you on the outside out of turn 4 after you were off track and you came on it again at full speed. i then got infront of you by turn 1 and had my line so you had time to brake and adjust easily but to me you came flying in. your not that such a novice are you mav :shrug: .


    i am a fair racer, most know how to take me and race me. ive probably hit drumb, tomd and mike harder but they,ve managed to control the hit even if it was a full bore un and they know thats how i race, and within the rules.


    anyway after getting spun twice myself last night i enjoyed it and let the racing with the "move or be moved" attitude carry on. :5:


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