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Posts posted by Tosh924

  1. to rectify all or most of the above, which is generally caused by the cars, they are way too loose, ie they drive into the corners sideways, making contact difficult, and lap times too fast. The higher tyre wear is only going to go against the high graders again in my opinion, slowing the drivers who were fast down, and as mentioned above, making it very difficult to get through pack, which is hard enough without having to make sure your not sliding a little bit too much.


    I'm pretty sure most lower graders are going to think 'ah he just wants to win more easily', but when you think about it, the above does actually need changing to make it more life like, tarmac racing me at the moment, isn't.

    majority of lower grade cars in real life are slower than the superstars cars, not just in setup, but in the engine etc as well.





    good replay kruiz thats my thinking of the situation we have, the 2 things that i never mentioned were what you said above.(engine spec and real damage ie budget)


    in our game were all eqaull on this part and most lower graders move over to save on damage from higher graders in real life, again the game doesnt reflect this part as well as their a lot of stubborn graders out there i think these 2 points kruiz mentioned have a part to play on the tyre wear issue. this after all is a game at the end of the day. s/s and reds wont get to the front this way reflecting on the real life situation with lower graders moving over and thus saving the tyres on higher graders.



  2. P.S. Does anyone have the replay to Heat 2 that they could upload or forward to me as it seems to have disappeared from my replay fridge???


    admin should have it skeet.


    welcome back mate and it was great having some good practice with you before the meeting. hope you stick around fella, great to have you back on track.


    id like to bring this tyre wear up if i may (i know its only the first meeting and would just like to share my view on the wear thing) and i know why were doing it but....


    pah... personally im stuck on this trial on the tyre wear at level 2 were trying atm.

    imo id prefer the physics to maybe be looked at than upping the anti on tyre wear when the cars are hard enough to drive as it is from a white grader to red grade for 22 consistant laps. i find it not enjoyable to drive from at least halfway through a race as im trying to charge through the pack and gain places whilst.... on tenter hooks not to blow up the rears lol. and then fall back as the tyres are burnt to a sinder and lose control of the car into oncoming leaders and cause big fights in chat lol.


    looking after the tyres early on just doesnt seem right on a stockcar its not formula 1 lol. i think the mid battles were better last year when tyre wear was normal. yes the tyre wear levels the field up and that but is it worth it in the end if drivers are turning agressivley because the tyres are shot early doors due to a spin etc which happens a lot (hence maybe a physics change)


    i think its an idea to be tryed 100% but i dont think it is for the racing personally.



    on the upside i had 2 great races with johno in the heats, the final was a bit heavy bumpered affair and ended being the loser in that 1 lol but a win in the gn made up for it.


    thanks for running admin

  3. Awsome skins JK,Kruiz and tosh not sure if it's worth posting my efforts when there done judging by the quality of the skins so far :scared15:



    cmon walker get them up doesnt matter if its good bad ugly, throw it up lad


    aye lee i decided to go for the different look for a bit of banter with the pink. i quite liked it so it just stuck.

  4. Super pictures Tosh, great viewing - captured 523's potshot of 39 into myself, which then sent me into a half-spin, quite nicely there! Thought I might have had a dream start to the race before that, for all of 4 seconds!


    ta- walkers in charge of them next year.




    McLaren announced the signing of reigning world champion Jenson Button on a multi-year deal that will see him partner 2008 title holder Lewis Hamilton next season.


    button is est to be earning 6million. whilst hamilton is on a further 10 more (i think).


    whats peoples views on this partnership next year, who should come out ontop, who would you like to see ontop out of the 2.


    whilst brawn were streets ahead at the start of the 2009 season buttons driving was equally superb, whilst hamilton was struggling in a poor car. come end of the season the mclaren seemed to be edging the brawn car whilst button was falling behind in points stake as other cars got better.


    what does this mean? could we see button perform better in an equally the same car as hamilton. or will hamiltons true ability shine?


    2010 season is going to very interesting for these 2.




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