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Posts posted by Tosh924



    here are the replays.


    1st heat 2nd heat


    final and gn.



    as i said in-game nezza its all about how u get hit that you receive the damage, the cars still take a good whack without damaging them.


    its part and partiall with the game the damage, in my view i like it, because its more life like, makes you look after the car a bit more.

    if i had 3 or 4 dn,f s tonight thats just the way it is goes unfortunitly.



    i just think you were unfortunite tonight thats all m8. both punctures you were doing well to get them.

    in real life the cars are like a fag paper.


    see how it is a couple more down the line.


  2. very nice cars murf!

    heres my new tarmac F2 for GBS..





    Comments please.. :)



    loving the exhaust touch...where you get that from m8.....


    wow same as mine aswell.


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