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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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About Stumpy

  • Birthday 14/06/1969

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  1. Can't help out tonight sorry.
  2. Yarmouth next week i'm so happy. Some really fast racing this week. Not a lot of crashing but still some fine driving especially Charlie Boast,impressed with his pace and he had a good battle with Banger Legend Dode. Welcome back Saloons i have missed you over winter
  3. Congratulations to all winners. Also whoever thought of the new rule to limit blocking to last 5 laps only....................Genius it has transformed this series from being so boring with people blocking on lap one to a super fast exciting series and some awesome entertainment,if you have never tried these beasts they are well worth a go,if you tried them before when they were boring you must try them again they are so much better now. UKDirt legend Grasser runs these so well as with everything he does it's a great series.
  4. in my book if u move over ur giving ur place away I don't expect then to me launched into row x.this is not 1st time uve done it this year to me so u had payback. That is the lowest cowardly move up there with accelerating in to the fence and wall riding out to miss a hit.Wait a second you do both on a regular basis. If it was up to me Ginger would not be banned because TomD 100 deserved to lose a win for his cowardly driving. In the same situation i probably done the same as Ginger unfortunately breaking the rules for revenge as good as it feels and as much as it is deserved it will still be a ban for Ginger. Cut out the scumbag way of driving Tomd100. You are already targeted by people because you can't be trusted. Any driver knows if they catch you they have put you into the fence because you can't be overtaken cleanly because you will just follow them in at every opportunity.
  5. 1. I would like half an hour earlier start and run maybe an extra heat in F2's,F1's,and Saloons. 2. Yellow flags would mix it up but it needs to be for a rolled car only not at random point during the race.I am not sure how a yellow flag system works on Rfactor or if it is possible to call yellow during race. 3. I hate blocking and pinning in NZ's and would like the idea of no blocking until the last 5 laps or something similar. 4. Everyone in Teamspeak is a good idea in theory. People like to sit in teamspeak with their mates and not with others.So if they could sit in there own teamspeak channel but maybe a senior admin can call orders during race and can be heard by everyone no matter which channel they are in.Not sure if this is possible with ts currently. 5. I would like to see more people showing gratitude to long time admin members who set everything up for season after season.These people give up alot of spare time to run these leagues with no thanks from lots and lots of drivers. Remember without these people you get no league to race, no mod updates,no new mods,nothing so taking time to thank admin members on the forum for their time is the least you can do. 6.Race steward should be paid a ridiculous amount of money.
  6. Congratulations Danskin 236 on winning another World Final faultless drive from green to chequered flag. Well done to all who raced the world final and special thanks to Jake for his excellent stream.
  7. Well done Jake winning Grand National Championship. Warpy race but lessons will be learned.I could only see about of a third of the track cars disappearing on exit of 4 and reappearing half way down back straight(i was watching in turn 4),its very tricky situation i live in the middle of nowhere and my internet connection is poor so what i see is generally different to what people with decent connections see. In hindsight i should have restarted the race removed the extra cars in the server so sorry to all involved.
  8. Wow what a nights entertainment. Well done Leek retaining the world title. Meeting of the year by a mile
  9. If you'd have watched the replay you'd have noticed I had someone hitting me from behind, but no we'll jump on the bandwagon without watching a replay first :/ Why do you continue lying Jake. You hit a tyre taking yourself out of contention so you preceded to lap at a much slower pace until Danny passed you then you sped up with no one near you from behind and spun Danny from a lap down. At no time did anyone hit you from behind so before bleating about watching replays you should maybe think of watching it yourself. Your lie has been found out.
  10. Why don't you retire from ukdirt for good.Hoped we had seen the last of you you act like a 12 year old child. No respect for anything or anyone.Go away and grow up.
  11. That's the way to run a meeting Sir Skinner of Goerdieshire instructions that no messing about tonight lots of racing to get through,the feature server ran to those instructions and i thought it worked great. As for the meeting it was a typical Northampton,big hits everywhere it seemed alot of drivers forgot to "load" brain before the meeting. The Euro final was one of hardest races i have ever seen,whoever was in front at the corner ate fence,then the cream rose to the top and escaped and won by half a lap while everyone else continued bumper testing. Congratulations Danskin 236. Unlucky to Ricky for not being able defend your title but you have done something that many want to do by winning last years Euro, lots of drivers race for years and never win anything you can be proud of "wearing" the Euro roof for a year.
  12. Well done to all the winners. There was great race in the heats which Hoggy won there was 6 reds or ss racing for the win no ridiculous hits just proper racing great to watch and probably great to be involved in. TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU EXPECT TREATED YOURSELF..............RESPECT EVERYONE UNTIL THEY DON'T DESERVE IT.
  13. Final was spolied at end by the usual but was very good except that "Pot calling kettle black" who did you take out from a lap down on the last bend of the final last week ? .........................with your logic that makes you the spoiler so its fine for you do what you want but when someone else does it they spoiled the meeting.Its saloons grow a pair then shove them in your mouth and shut up.
  14. Well done CB for Final win and top points scorer. Way to talented to be Blue graded driver given the time and inclination would be a super star graded driver. CB was catching TomD 100 in the final with laps running down only for the leader to be taken out by a lap down driver so luck went with CB for a change.
  15. Well done D. Dickson on your final win and massive points haul.You have had a pretty good week racing.Its so nice to see a new driver come to UKDirt and do so well,you have earned lots of respect through your driving skill. So often we get new members who decide to hit everything that moves its nice to get a "good one" for a change. Keep it up As i don't know your first name and you don't have a nickname you have been christened and will always be known as "double D". Keep up the good work.
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