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Everything posted by freew67
Sexbierum was designed with the help of a track official. Since the shape of the track varies from race to race, what we did was a general length and width of the track. Which got full approval from the track official, as well as the track owner. As for Ipswich, the track was made from an overheard shot, and measured for as accurate reading as we can get. We had Aussie and a few others who have been there, and are very familiar with the track look over it. Then we double checked our overheard and made adjustments. Since I live in the USA, and only have been to Coventry, I have no idea. I have only seen the track from pictures and some video. I had to rely on the Beta team to help me out. As for starting on the track for practice, I dont see that happening and here is why. You start in your garage stall, and when you wreck out, you get put back in your garage stall. So the cars sit in the infield that are out of the race, and out of the way. If we put them on the track or on the edge, you would constantly be hitting parked cars. ISI_BABYFACTORY type that in chat during testing, never worry about loosing credits again... We also had to make the pitroad like that so the ai would not go crazy. http://photos.stoxnet.com/displayimage.php...=496&pos=22 http://photos.stoxnet.com/displayimage.php...=597&pos=35 http://www.mkpics.smugmug.com/gallery/3139240#172200732-M-LB As you can see, with 2 cars on the straight, there isnt a hole lot of room on either side. I cant find the orig pics I worked off of. They showed the F1s sitting on the front straight. We appreciate the feedback. We knew the mod and tracks would be picked apart and looked over. F1 Stockcars to you, is on the scale of Nascar in the USA. We love our racing!!! We all want the most accurate cars and tracks. This way, we can race the real thing, and not have to pay the bills to fix them Sexbierum and Ipswich were the first 2 real tracks we made for Rfactor. It was a big learning process for us all. We cant learn from our mistakes, if no one voices their opinion. Hope this clears up some questions...
I suggest maybe do another full RF install, and just install the F1's and see what happens. I havent had RF crash in a couple months now. I have been in game almost every single day the past month working on a couple projects. Scrap have you tried other mods? If that dont work, its Pedz fault Were you hosting a race btw?
You could just del all the F1 files there, and reinstall. You need to point the exe to your main RF folder. If you point to a sub folder you will prob get stuff like this. Hopefully you dont have just the demo of RF and have the full version.
Im sure I can speak for the group, that we appreciate the feedback. This is our first mod release for RF, and we were bound to miss some small things here and there no matter how much we tested. Hence, why its a beta, we know we still have some room for improvement. We released the beta for folks to get used to the cars, and then to see if any major catastrophic problems would pop up. Grasser just gets to add that to the things to do list for the next version...
Thanks Andy, Cow and I made Ips before I built my monster computer. Some of the beta testers didnt have the greatest of comps, and with 20 cars on track fps was ok, just couldnt take much more. On the real shale tracks, dust will be there, just not to the extreme of Sexbierum. Its hard to judge how much and how thick the dust is from videos. After my trip to Coventry this year, I know first hand... I think I still have some of the track in my camera bag. If anyone downloads that aiw, please backup your old one, you will more than likely get mismatches. If you race online, you will need to convert back to the old one. Thanks...
Ipswich dirt doesnt have the dust to help with FPS. Sexbierum doesnt have a ton of objects around the track, Ips is loaded 24/7. So I decided not to make it one big dust cloud like Sexy. You will get TDF mismatch, and if mismatches is on, you wont be able to race in the server. Since Sexbierum is a true field track, to go as real as possible without killing fps. As for Ips, not sure why that is. Had the groove when I zipped it up for release, released it, it was gone. Just one of them goofy fubars with RF or I was hitting the bottle to hard that night Never thought about the starts, since there is the option to check rolling. I assumed most people would just check rolling if thats what they wanted.
Not sure how you managed to do that, but all the F1 files should be in a folder called F1Stockcar in your gamedate/vehichles folder...
We ran into a problem with someone having the wrong files. This problem was due to them "getting mod from a buddy" an older version of the beta mod. You can not overwrite these files. First you need to del the orig veh folder. Since some of the files are the same, you will get conflicting files in RF, and that can make it crash. You also need to del any RFM for Brisca or F1 Stock car files. And the last trick is you need to del the cch file. It will be briscaf1, f1stockcar, or something of the sorts. These files are located here... Veh C:\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles RFM C:\rFactor\rFm CCH C:\rFactor\UserData\"your user name" This could be why some of you are having problems. This goes for all beta testers also, please del the old stuff, it is no longer good. The rest of the cars will get released here in the near future.
http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?ID=F1%20Stockcars If you look under the section Download Links, just below the mod you will find Elite Templates for F1 Stockcars Beta 0.1 Download and enjoy...
Once you buy it, it gives you a code to unlock everything. Then your good to go...
Its an RF issue. After you cross the line stop, do not pull into the pits. Since the xsectors are so close, once you cross xsector1, it counts it as your doing another lap.
Scrap I just think RF has a brain fart once in a while. Something Im working on, loaded, and says missing this gmt? What was odd, I had the folder open and it was in there. Closed RF, opened it back up, and it worked fine. I have so much installed in RF, Im sure there is just a conflict from time to time and the game gets confused. It doesnt happen that often, but has happened to me, just like the servers not showing up. did that since day 1.
TBH it does that to me sometimes to. No idea why, but I shutdown RF and restart, or click refresh servers. Usually that does the trick... usually main word.
A pad is possible, and can run decent with one. I recommend a wheel, throttle control is huge factor with these. Pos someone can post their pad setups.
I was going to join to see what my ping was from the states, but didnt see it. Which F1 mod u running, there are 200 dif ones to choose from...
Waist or age?
I think someone is lying about their age! Happy B-day old man!
I really like the track also
Was just gathering photos for it...
Wrighty that is an interesting background you have there, which is weird cause here is mine? hmm...
A new mod has been added to the WIP section at RFC... Im not going to say it has an F and a 1 in the name.
ASTG takes a trip across the pond and releases Foxhall Stadium, a tight 1/4 mile track located in Ipswich, England. There are 3 versions, Stock Car, Hot Rod and a bonus Dirt version. For more info and links check out RFC: http://www.rfactorcentral.com/detail.cfm?I...xhall%20Raceway
Back to the states and a normal time for the sun to come up!!! Was great to meet everyone I did. Nice to put a face with a name, well some of you it was nice I have been messing with RF stockcars for around 2 years. Watching numerous videos, vids to create Sexbierum, vids to create Ipswich, so was nice to see the cars in person finally. I figured they would be a little bit taller, but I think in photos the wings make them look that way. Other than that, still funny to see a solid front axle on a race car. We have that here, but only on fig 8 school busses Sounds (cough cough american motors), smells, action, very sim to short track racing in the states, just minus some banking, and more hitting. Well worth the 4000 miles I walked to see them. Had a blast visiting England. When out in the country, I found it odd, that it looked just like Kentucky. Once a house shows up in the pictue, I knew where I was. lol Now I guess I will have to attend a tarmac race
Thats just were the bus dropped me off, and my driver picked me up. Yes, cant wait to meet some of you at Cov. Shall be good fun, I will have my UK hat on