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Posts posted by walker

  1. Don't think you will see speaky back racing for a very long time.


    Heard last time he had a elite all ready but it got sold to a dutch driver and was for sale last time I heard but don't take my word for it :unsure:


    Mind you it would be good if he came back as he was amazing to watch and knew how to use the bumper.


    this car I used to love when he raced



    2 Luke Dawson (Spedeworth)

    6 Robert Moore (GMP)

    11 Paddy Clarkin (Ireland)

    16 Bob Dunn (PRI)

    18 Richard Webb (Standlake)

    24 Jason Cuddihy (Spedeworth)

    40 Pete Stanley (Mendips)

    54 Terry Delacour (Buxton)

    60 Steve Laybourn (PRI)

    65 Alan Kirby (GMP)

    76 Ryan Scott (GMP)

    99 Ritchie Ahern (RDC)

    139 Nick Stoffell (Autospeed)

    152 Jim Dillton (Barford)

    155 Dave Hamilton (GMP)

    157 Tam Gordon (GMP)

    158 Craig Chalmer (GMP)

    159 Paul Farrell (GMP)

    160 Davy Patton (Ireland)

    172 Ben Forbes (RDC)

    179 Shaun Rushton (Incarace)

    193 Graham Black (GMP)

    202 Mike Kilford (Spedeworth)

    224 Gary Glenn (GMP)

    225 George Coate (GMP)

    241 Zander Brown (Crimond)

    244 Mike Bunyan (Spedeworth)

    256 Shaun Kelly (Spedeworth)

    257 Gary Jackson (Ireland)

    279 Andy Swallow (GMP)

    283 Nigel Forton (Autospeed)

    294 Steve Martindale (RDC)

    297 David Linton (GMP)

    310 John Nicholson (Incarace)

    323 Jim Riddell (Crimond)

    326 Paul Picton (Spedeworth)

    363 Donald Murdoch (Ireland)

    363 James Bulley (Spedeworth)

    380 Trevor Wright (RDC)

    397 Lee Marks (GMP)

    409 Joey Collins (Spedeworth)

    421 Lawrence Ault (Startrax)

    422 Chris Ault (Startrax)

    440 Pete McVay (GMP)

    446 Jason Burt (Mendips)

    456 Steve Allen (GMP)

    509 Les Dolan (Incarace)

    514 Paul Woods (Warton)

    517 Scott Weldon (Mendips)

    523 Rob Phennal (Buxton)

    555 Sam Gelsthorpe (TSR)

    626 Josh Bramley (Spedeworth)

    733 Carl Picton (Spedeworth)

    777 James Connolly (Ireland)

    949 Tony Fideo (Incarace)

  3. 158,47


    and the LEGEND 617 jack overy coming to race I hear :thumbup:



    11 Steve Matthews (Incarace)

    17 Nick Sweet (Incarace)

    21 John Riddell (Crimond)

    24 Lee Hughes (PRI)

    27 Dale Hughes (Spedeworth)

    46 Keith Painter (Spedeworth)

    67 Mark Whittaker (Buxton)

    148 Ian Redden (RDC)

    158 Shane Davies (Spedeworth)

    159 Mitchell Mills (PRI)

    160 Shayne Windsor (TSR)

    190 Steve Bailey (Auospeed)

    207 Michael Woodward (Autospeed)

    222 Colin Riddell (Crimond)

    223 Brett Harrison (Incarace)

    226 Brian Youngson (Crimond)

    243 Doug Thompson (GMP)

    252 John Wibberley (Buxton)

    262 Buddy James (Autospeed)

    269 Dean French (Incarace)

    271 Dean Goodall (PRI)

    271 Mark Dalgarno (Crimond)

    272 Neil Sutherland (Crimond)

    273 Kevin McClagish (RDC)

    274 Jon Taylor (Crimond)

    311 Gary Lown (TSR)

    340 Jay Atkinson (RDC)

    379 Adrian Clifton (RDC)

    454 Danny Thompson (GMP)

    456 Steve Allen (Crimond)

    474 Matt Threkald (GMP)

    536 Annette Nicholls (TSR)

    537 Martin Brunson (TSR)

    592 Mark Marchant (PRI)

    614 Chris Hide (Spedeworth)

    617 Jack Overy (Startrax)

    810 Paul McNulty (GMP)

    911 Chris Harkess (Crimond)

    998 Wayne Cotterill (Startrax)

  4. Hi


    If any of yous are going in on wedensday then give me a shout as am off work that day,prob be off this wedensday.


    P.S tried to get in last night about half eleven but said unknown server name or something alone those lines :shrug:




  5. yh u can use a controller like heat. You get a banger server and lots of different kinds of servers a just got mine less than a week ago and a think its worth the money


    cheers :thumbs_up:


    how do you set it up to use as a ps2 pad as the only opitions I get is keys or wheel :shrug: or that because its the trial am using.


    sorry,just a bit thick with this game as am new to it :scared15:

  6. Hey all


    Just downloaded the trial off the LFS site (live for speed) and was wondering if its worth paying for the full version as I love the game so far.


    If so what do you get with LFS as I heard theres LFS bangers (maybe chris (CAPRI) could confirm this) and if so then superb :thumbup:


    Heres other questions I want to ask :


    *Can you use a ps2 pad like you can on heat ?


    *Or am I better using a wheel ?


    All help and answers appreciated :thumbs_up:




  7. Had to laugh at this:


    Young guns

    Today the Tumshies revealed 2 new young signings, 20yr old Leonardo Folque and 19yr old Silviu Mugurel, both hungry midfielders with an eye for goal and should fit in well with the already free scoring midfield players.


    Tumshie manager Pryde released this statement "We here at Tumshie think that if your good enough then your old enough. The unfortunate injury to Coppard made us go out into the transfer market and pick up some new players"


    When pressed about the injury to Coppard, Pryde would only say that "Coppard was injured by an incident in the team shower room" The press are now going wild with speculation regarding Coppards sexul tendancies.



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