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Posts posted by walker

  1. I have no official news on this car, but keep your eyes peeled for another one making it's debut soon......


    At long last....




    You remind me of bayne asking all the time "whens the new RCE coming out" :rofl:


    So it is the new RCE that we're keeping our eyes peeled for "soon" then? :coffee:


    Just keep your eyes peeled all am saying :whistling:

  2. I have no official news on this car, but keep your eyes peeled for another one making it's debut soon......


    At long last....




    You remind me of bayne asking all the time "whens the new RCE coming out" :rofl:

  3. he didn't ask me Gaz but it was at Cowdenbeath when we meet - if i remember you said 'have you 2 met before?' the F2 GN was racing at the time


    Hey Radduz, remeber me, Jimmy and Grant asking you and your..........yes, okay I won't say anymore on that subject :rofl: Fritz spoke to me, wasn't so much questions as a lecture about "cheating" though :coffee:


    Would I happen to know what your talking about :rolleyes::whistling:

  4. :rofl: at that video cod



    Who cares about the racewall,lets face it the racewall has went downhill since gordon mcdougall and paul brown have handed the running of the racewall over to mr I cant run a meeting to organise a pish up borthwick.


    Thats my opinion anyway.




  5. obviously doesnt have any common sense and is partially sighted to other peoples sigs.


    edit* this is the size a sig should roughly be, and yes i did make it leecopy.png



    What is it with moany folk these days ? :shrug:

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