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Posts posted by walker

  1. Here is my new F2 after winning the F2 european championship on ATR.


    Thanks to Bigguns for the skin and render :appl:



    Did you get it for half price walker :thumbup:


    Naw I paid full price ya cheeky git :thumbup:


    Anyway you must be tight we don't see you at cowdie :rolleyes::rofl:

  2. Hello I was wondering if anyone would be up for painting me a rfactor hot rod skin ? Does not have to be a fancy paint job and fancy signs.


    Just a name and number thats all. If anyone can do me one then would be great,just leave a reply here or send me a PM.





  3. Hi,


    I don't wanna take part of the semi final if possible,cause iam not ready and don't have the skills for it yet(spinning to much).

    Also don't wanna mess up this race for other drivers who do have the skills.

    I like to race the heats only if possible and keep the semi for next year ;)


    Have a nice semi all :thumbs_up:







    hello Tinman,


    We all have had to lear at some point, and I think this is a perfect way for you to learn. We have had people drop out of the smei final already due to holidays, work etc, and I think it would be a shame for you to drop out as well. Just take your time and I am sure you will get on fine. you can always decide you have had enough in the race if you feel uncomfortable.


    What I am saying, is you never know until you give it ago, and I think you should give it a go!!! :thumbs_up:






    I agree with johno


    I know I won't be quick in the semi final but will be racing it and giving it my best shot if i don't succeed then least I can say I gave it a good go :thumbs_up:

  4. Maybe a bit of a stupid question to ask.


    How do you set the clutch to manual instead of it shifting automaticly as I have been practicing and can't figure out how to set gears or clutch to manual :shrug:

  5. Enjoyed last night alot and must say rfactor is a brilliant game and the f1s are awsome I must add and will be back next thursday for sure.


    Happy to finish all my races last night for my 1st meeting in rfactor f1s,sorry if i got in anyones road in any of the races,I hold my hands up I was a bit clumsy at times and promise it won't happen again.


    Also well done to ryan and allstar,yous done well for your 1st meeting lads glad I was'nt the only newbie lol :scared15:


    Roll on kings lynn :thumbup:

  6. Yes. Novice skins are allowed - but just for a few meetings until you can get one painted and I have a few skins together for a skinpack.


    Walker & Tinman, I've passed your queries onto the admin team as a whole and we'll get back to you.


    Cheers :thumbs_up:

  7. Rfactor all running fine now with new graphics card


    Just had a try to see if I can connect to uk dirt server for rfactor F1s and got this message come up,anything to do with my connection or just simply server has wrong track ?


    Also been booted a couple of times or had a message saying car is not reconisable or something along those lines :shrug:


  8. wouldn't say he let chris through since there was a pile up on the pit bend daz went up wide chris went inside yellows came out and daz got a puncture and after that no one could catch chris.


    ah so I remember


    Sorry had to much beer :rofl:

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