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Posts posted by walker

  1. well kyle lol im not gonna argue with you there thats thats a fair point lol 4got bout that aswell.... guess no1 else goin to comment ;)




    Well I will comment but not on the skin,more on your text talk. Can you not spell :shrug:

  2. Since us mere members cant post anywhere else i thought i should start this




    Admin i am not having a dig at the admin BUT go through driver registration and see how many past members have not paid due to the current state of this forum and game.



    Name and shame them kick them off and you might get some past members back.



    MC ya big hairy clog ye did a fine job and its a shame you have been forced into this position by a few mindless pricks on this forum aye if u read this and you are responsible i am saying it to your face YOUR A FUKN PRICK Why Hack a forum or account your as low as a snakes tits.




    Its time to get the sweeping brush out ADMIN and clean the FILTERED from this forum.....


    Well said :appl:

  3. Ferrari's F1 Team manager has hired some Liverpulian teenagers as there new pit crew. This was because of there renowned skill when removing car wheels quickley. At the first practise session, not only did they change all 4 wheels in 6 seconds. But within 12 Seconds they had re-sprayed, re-badged and sold the car to the Mclaren Team for 8 cases of stella, a bag of weed And some pictures of David Coulthard's Bird getting Shagged up the a**e. :o:rolleyes:



  4. Funny.. I fail to see how any of you're comments are constructive, I also fail to see what he has done to deserve 'COMEDIANS' To take the mick, Just tell him he could improve by changing this from skin to skin, Instead of all looking the same, Don't keep digging at him Because It's just tedious, .. So if you leave a comment make it constructive if you can't manage that don't bother.


    I can quite honestly say well done to dode and i believe Bg for acctually being conrtuctive and not just being nasty about it in the process. Martin and Walker show us some world class skins go ahead please....




    When its the same skin all the time they tend to look a bit boring or a "peice of cheese" as I said in another reply


    And martin has done lots of nice skins just look here for example http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj313/M...?albumview=grid

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