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Everything posted by Badura_Racing258

  1. Good man MC. I take it Moo picked you because your the biggest lad and time, and no one would mess with you chap?! To be fair....what you say goes!
  2. Is that you Nightowl? Or am i seeing things
  3. Good man, thanks for that. Danskin caught me on MSN this morning, and gave me the exact same thing
  4. Having more problems, but this time it's not PSP.... I'm looking for a tool (or how to do guide, or whatever...) on a sort of burst out thing for the bonnet and the roof. It's hard to describe... Best way probably is like a ripped effect, to seperate the grade from the actual body colour....like guys paint it on if they have won a title etc....i think it's in the shape of LeeK's Hot Rod? I don't know how to go about doing that, and i can't see anything in the programme that i use to helpo me either? Any suggestions? Cheers, Hack
  5. That done the trick. Should have thought of that! Ha! Cheers mate, back up and running now
  6. Whenever i go into PSP7, and i go to write Text....the programme just shuts down by itself. Anyone know what the problem could be?!
  7. There is always a sunday night where F2 and F1 run... Get yourself along there, and there's not many people around for the 'afternoon sesh' but you can pay for a small amount of time ( i think...) and see how the sundays are? Might be worth a punt, and it's much better than offline...
  8. News Just In Just seen this thread. Take it easy Albert, i'm sure you enjoyed my company at the meetings Take it easy mate, and enjoy yourself away. Not a nicer bloke about Cheers, Hack
  9. Have a good un' chap
  10. Aslong as your number is clear on it mate, there shouldn't be a problem
  11. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=4410&hl=darby Have a look there....you will see pictures of it
  12. Spikey, Wouldn't it be best to wait until the Darby Chassis is out? I'm pretty much sure the lad that's making it (James maybe?) will do the chassis, and show it off in the real skin?
  13. ....and a certain Scottish based driver was playing dirty....apparently
  14. Aw leave the boy along. I'm going to leather him at Cowdenebath if i can find him I'm probably up there for being the mos annoying...budge over Sparky ya wee fud
  15. Bit of a 'spat' apparently between Mr Moodie and Mr Fegan....Dummies flying all over the place from the 79, apparently
  16. Could anyone upload, or point me in the right direction of the gold, red, blue and purple bubbles for singwriting textures? I can't find it anywhere on the pc here! Any help much appreciated, a link in the right direction or upload would be helpful! Thanks, Hack
  17. Good man, thanks alot chap Much appreciated
  18. What font did you use for the numbers (top pic) mate? I'm looking for some decent numbers, and a name of a font would go down a treat Uploaded would be perfect! Thanks in advance, Hack
  19. Engineered To Excel. Built to Perform. Driven To Win. Thanks Albert, just exactly what i was looking for. The slogan is the dugs baws....
  20. Hi, I'm looking for a picture of the back panel of F2 968, has anyone got a pic of it they can put up, send or point me in the direction of? Cheers, Hack
  21. What F2 is that? Looking good to be fair, if only it was a real life car i knew! Good work though.
  22. I seen this and was pishing myself for about an hour....Learn to speak South Korean in 5 minutes... England will win the World Cup Mo Fu Kin Wai
  23. My mates got a £10 on a 2-1 Brazil final win over Italy. I'm still undecided on who to go for. I think Ronaldo will score goals, but Brazil are dreadful at the back and ageing...and i just don't think their defence will hold out, not to mention Dida the dodgy keeper. I kind of fancy Italy, Spain or Holland to stop pissing about and actually do something, but Brazil are the strong favourites. England? Great talent, and a joy to watch (as individuals..) but i've never known a team counting on one player as much as this lot. Whatever happens, i hope it's entertaining, and it's goals galore. Scotland are so gash, they should never be in it atall, hate them too...but aslong as the best team wins.
  24. Enjoy the day son, congrats
  25. Has JB sorted you out with a skin mate? The skin i'm doing is taking me ages, but i was bored and i've got nothing to do...but i was basing a skin around you (scottish, chassis, name, number and colours..) and just wondering if somesthings sorted? If it is, no worries....i'll design it for myself, i don't want to knock JB or anything, but i seen it and thought i'd see, just for me getting back into skin painting really
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