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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  2. Congratulations to everyone going up, I am sure those going down will bounce back UP SS N/A Red 180 329 589 653 Blue 264 Yellow 237 244 Down Red N/A Blue 31 Yellow 330 White 419 THIS IS ANOTHER REMINDER IF YOU HAVE RACED IN A PREVIOUS GRADING PERIOD WITHOUT SUBMITTING A SKIN, YOU CANNOT DO SO UNTIL ONE IS SUBMITTED
  3. Thanks Jamie top work
  4. Please state your name, number and grade
  5. As always new grades come in to effect for the first meeting of the month. As today is the 30th they will be decided this week and made available before next Monday
  6. The dates of all the W&Y rounds are marked on the fixtures poster above in this forum LINK
  7. All the points charts are now up to date
  8. All Sorry for the late notice, but this Mondays meeting has been moved from Sheffield to Stoke. It was decided to try and have an extra meeting at Stoke after the success of the first, and with the last Sheffield at the start of this month this seemed the obvious fixture to replace
  9. No not at the moment, I am having some issues with the points sheets. Hope to have it sorted this week.
  10. Results: Heat 1: 84 653 264 87 115 354 237 238 58 691 380 246 305 589 491 Heat 2: 455 211 41 98 112 236 31 244 217 134 21 116 919 180 Heat 3: 589 84 211 455 116 305 112 217 653 246 264 244 Heat 4: 236 180 87 237 41 98 380 238 58 691 31 134 419 354 Consi 1: 31 691 217 244 380 58 246 419 134 A-Final: 112 653 236 180 98 41 87 238 31 84 264 691 380 217 305 589 211 455 237 244 354 116 GN 1: 98 87 236 653 237 264 217 41 112 246 238 84 180 31 305 58 691 455 211 380 589 244 354 Points: 39 pts 236 Danskin 36 pts 653 Ryan 34 pts 98 Ian 34 pts 112 Tom 32 pts 87 Robin 27 pts 41 Drumb 23 pts 180 Wardie 21 pts 84 Tim 17 pts 237 Ricky 17 pts 211 Stannie 17 pts 455 Barker 13 pts 264 Imber 12 pts 238 Kane 10 pts 589 Stin 9 pts 217 Neke 8 pts 31 Simon 6 pts 115 Green 6 pts 116 JK 5 pts 354 Suicide 5 pts 305 Jake 4 pts 58 Tom 4 pts 380 Liam 3 pts 244 Krish 2 pts 246 Stox 2 pts 691 Jake 1 pts 134 Bondy 0 pts 21 Louis 0 pts 198 Aaron 0 pts 491 Crewe 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 419 Fransie 0 pts 43 Sije 0 pts 330 Tyler The replays are here!
  11. Welcome to round 2 of the F2 shootout. Each driver will get two heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 drivers will qualify for the consolation Heat 1: 237, 264, 491, 954, 58, 354, 380, 589, 653, 84, 115, 238, 246, 87, 305, 691, , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 2: 21, 134, 198, 211, 419, 43, 180, 217, 330, 31, 98, 116, 455, 41, 112, 236, , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 21, 134, 264, 491, 211, 217, 330, 589, 653, 84, 115, 116, 246, 455, 112, 305, , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 4: 198, 237, 954, 58, 354, 419, 43, 180, 380, 31, 98, 238, 41, 87, 236, 691, , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy)
  12. Results: Heat 1: 87 305 238 244 58 691 115 330 354 455 134 217 491 246 211 Heat 2: 236 237 112 180 264 589 98 84 653 116 31 221 380 41 Heat 3: 236 116 41 115 237 653 691 330 244 58 221 246 455 589 217 491 Heat 4: 98 112 264 380 87 238 31 180 84 354 134 305 Consi 1: 84 455 221 589 31 246 217 354 591 134 B-Final: 246 198 134 A-Final: 236 115 653 180 41 98 589 116 238 264 84 305 691 221 244 112 237 87 330 455 380 58 GN 1: 237 112 653 116 98 58 84 236 246 380 211 491 305 GN 2: 115 180 87 264 41 691 589 221 354 455 238 134 244 31 Points: 46 pts 236 DanSkin 39 pts 115 michael green 33 pts 180 wardieee 31 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 30 pts 98 Bailey 26 pts 41 Drumbstick 26 pts 112 Tom D 25 pts 237 rickyljames 24 pts 87 Robin H25 23 pts 264 imberj 23 pts 116 JK 17 pts 589 Stijneman 17 pts 238 Kane_M 14 pts 691 Jakeeey 12 pts 58 minitom 9 pts 244 krish 9 pts 84 Tim 9 pts 305 jakiejnr 8 pts 380 Liam Powell 6 pts 330 Menace 6 pts 246 Stox 5 pts 354 Suicide 4 pts 31 Simon 3 pts 198 aaron_J 3 pts 221 Spike 2 pts 134 Jakebond 2 pts 455 Kbarker 0 pts 491 crewesader 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 211 Stannie 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 43 Sije 0 pts 217 N.Burhenne The replays are here!
  13. Check the booking list on the website you are clearly not
  14. drumbstick


    Welcome to round 1 of the F2 shootout. Each driver will get two heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 drivers will qualify for the consolation Heat 1: 134, 244, 491, 954, 58, 354, 43, 217, 330, 115, 238, 246, 455, 87, 305, 691,217 , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 2: 198, 237, 264, 221, 419, 180, 380, 589, 653, 31, 98, 116, 41, 112, 236, 84,211 , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 198, 237, 244, 491, 221, 43, 330, 589, 653, 115, 116, 246, 455, 41, 236, 691, 217, (Server .Steward Dode) Heat 4: 134, 264, 954, 58, 354, 419, 180, 217, 380, 31, 98, 238, 87, 112, 305,84 ,211 , (Server .Steward Stumpy)
  15. Closed
  16. Closed
  17. Please state your name, number and grade
  18. Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: SS
  19. Please post below to book in for round 2 of the F2 shootout. This meeting will start at 21:00 after the Onchan meeting that starts at 7:30 Name Number Grade Drivers booked 29: White 21 Louis 134 Bondy 198 Aaron J 237 Ricky 264 Imber 491 Crewe 954 Samwit Yellow 58 Tom 211 Stannie 354 Suicide Blue 43 Sije 180 Wardie 217 Neke 330 Tyler 380 Liam 589 Stin 653 Ryan Red 31 Simon 84 Tim 98 Ian 115 Green 116 JK 238 Kane 246 Stox 455 Barker SS 41 Drumb 87 Robin 112 Tom 236 Danskin 305 Jake 691 Jake C
  20. They don't count for meeting points, they only get added to the National points. WD to skinner. I got caught up on the first lap so happy to get back to 4th, it was one of the most intense races I have ever been in with no time to rest and traffic for the whole race. Good meeting all in all, good to see "most" of those removed from the final took it in the spirit intended and will learn. Those that didn't never will!
  21. Results: Consolation Semi Final: 211 981 84 64 229 212 101 116 238 246 380 454 244 58 491 419 217 354 237 World Final: 236 87 112 41 305 84 46 338 589 691 180 151 291 330 212 43 64 315 101 31 115 918 211 262 Heat 1: 238 31 116 305 291 246 330 41 653 237 21 180 211 981 419 454 Heat 2: 101 329 236 43 217 46 112 691 354 589 244 64 115 151 Heat 3: 58 338 21 112 315 41 691 64 31 180 244 454 212 46 84 330 Heat 4: 101 236 87 981 238 354 217 115 329 291 43 116 491 Heat 5: 237 84 653 151 305 338 589 87 315 380 58 246 212 491 Consi 1: 211 151 180 691 291 46 246 589 380 354 454 491 244 115 43 981 Consi 4: B-Final: 981 291 354 454 589 46 246 244 380 212 491 43 A-Final: 238 217 112 101 236 329 58 41 87 338 653 151 180 84 31 116 237 315 691 305 211 21 GN 1: 291 691 21* 46 244 380 981 84 58 41 454 217 354 589 112 315 GN 2: 180 237 329 246 305 101 151 31 87 238 653 116 212 236 338 491 *Docked two places for a jump start Points: 39 pts 101 bristolstokie 37 pts 238 Kane_M 29 pts 329 Tsjalle 29 pts 236 DanSkin 28 pts 217 N.Burhenne 27 pts 112 Tom D 20 pts 237 rickyljames 20 pts 58 minitom 20 pts 291 Marten 19 pts 305 jakiejnr 17 pts 87 Robin H25 16 pts 21 LouisH 16 pts 338 Evnos 16 pts 691 Jakeeey 15 pts 981 MartinB 15 pts 41 Drumbstick 14 pts 31 Si 13 pts 46 Nezza 12 pts 84 Timm 12 pts 246 Stox 11 pts 180 wardieee 11 pts 151 dode 10 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 9 pts 354 Suicide 8 pts 116 JK 8 pts 315 Mike 7 pts 43 Sije 6 pts 244 krish 6 pts 380 Liam Powell 6 pts 589 Stijneman 4 pts 330 Menace 3 pts 64 Ayrton Smith 3 pts 115 michael green 1 pts 454 Frans 0 pts 491 crewesader 0 pts 211 Stannie 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 212 Pedz 0 pts 262 Harmen No Shows 0 pts 511 MarkPuxty 0 pts 198 aaron_J The replays are here!
  22. Welcome to the 2013 F2 World Final the meeting format is below Race 1: Consolation Semi-Final Race 2 World Final Race 3 Heat 1: 21, 237, 211, 419, 454, 180, 238, 262, 330, 653, 981, 31, 116, 246, 41, 291, 305, (Server .48 Steward Hooty) Race 4 Heat 2: 198, 244, 511, 101, 354, 43, 64, 217, 329, 589, 46, 115, 151, 112, 236, 691, , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Race 5 Heat 3: 21, 244, 58, 211, 454, 64, 84, 180, 212, 330, 31, 46, 315, 338, 41, 112, 691, (Server .48 Steward Hooty) Race 6 Heat 4: 491, 511, 101, 354, 43, 217, 238, 262, 329, 380, 981, 115, 116, 87, 236, 291, , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Race 7 Heat 5: 198, 237, 491, 58, 419, 84, 212, 380, 589, 653, 151, 246, 315, 338, 87, 305, , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Race 8 Consolation Race 9 Meeting Final Race 10 Grand National 1 Race 11 Grand National 2
  23. Closed
  24. Post your name number and grade below. Late bookings will close at 7:15 due to the nature of tonight's meeting Please note; The world and consi semi final grids are set. No more cars will be added
  25. Rows 1 & 2 added. Thanks to Simon(31) and Dave(488) who did all the hardwork behind the preview and good lick to everyone this evening
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