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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Some more quick thoughts on this, I know the booking list will change a bit but the numbers should not change too much(sample taken at 11:30). At present tonight’s booking list looks like this SS 5 Reds 10 Blues 11 Yellow 3 White 4 The total number of drivers who have raced this year by grade is SS 6 Red 15 + 2 banned Blue 19 Yellow 13 White 24 That means the eligible number of drivers as a percentage booked in tonight is SS 83% Red 66% Blues 57% Yellow 23% White 16% I think these numbers show us two things 1.) As mentioned above we don't have enough yellow graded drivers because we struggle to downgrade people. 2.) We need to find a way to encourage lower grade drivers to race. I am not sure how we tackle point 1 but encouraging more lower grade drivers is something we need and always try to do but it appears we have not been overly successful. Few ideas I had, and I would be interested in comments especially from the lower grade drivers A.) Have a W&Y race before every meeting and do a monthly championship. This would not replace the yearly championship as one round would be designated for that each month. B.) If we were getting enough W&Y the race above could be run as heat 1, giving lower graders more of a chance to qualify for the final. C.) Have a set-up posted the week before from a red or SS. This would not have to be the fastest but stable an competitive
  2. I am happy to have an open discussion about this, I have attached the final page of the grading spreadsheet to the grade changes thread. If you would like to suggest some things that should have been different and some different rules around it. One thing I will say is we probably won't make radical changes to the rules in season, but we can improve things for next season. One thing I did think was we could have a mid season grading change based on this theory although the number of meetings would have to be decided.
  3. These grades take effect from the Buxton meeting 03/06/13 Congratulations to those going up and commiserations to those going down. As noted in the other thread we have an issue with the grading at the moment where we have to many higher grade drivers. I have included a snapshot of the final grading spreadsheet with the changes and reason people have gone up/down/not moved so people can see some of the problems we face/ UP SS 305 Red 43 246 846 Blue 981 Down Red 31 Blue 17 212 Yellow 589 330 221 White 21
  4. As an admin team we agree with you spike, and its the reason the new grades are not out yet. We have been exploring all the options to try and even things out a bit but there seems to be no straightforward answer. We have a couple of real issues, but the main problem seems to be a number of drivers racing all the time from the lower grades going up and then not doing 50% of the meetings so we cannot downgrade them. Now I am not saying people shouldn't pick and choose the meeting they want to do but it does make the gradings look a bit one sided, especially at championship meeting. Anyway grades should be up in a bit
  5. Bump No drivers that ask for a late booking will be allowed in the championship race so get booked in now!
  6. 7: SENDING IN FILES - please send in your files via THE UKDIRT WEBSITE UPLOAD TOOL or BY PMING ME ON THIS FORUM, DO NOT upload to this thread
  7. This Monday sees the third championship in as many weeks up for grabs, and with what looks like the strongest field in many years(new British champion Leighton is the final qualifier), and the random grid sure to spice things up its looking like a cracker. We are asking the drivers qualified to book in as early as possible or to let us know if you cannot race, so the reserves can get as much notice as possible. Remember a full meeting will follow the championship race, so get booked in now for what promises to be a fast and furious evening. Qualified drivers (Those booked in red) 41 236 87 305 315 31 380 246 116 84 39 691 338 46 249 17 262 43 238 589 291 488 74 480 Reserves: 274, 112, 624, 330, 237, 188, 122, 115, 64, 6, 221, 233, 21, 494, 90. 329. 846, 217, 101, 212
  8. Replays added to the first post
  9. Chris Once you are a paid member, the information becomes avaliable to you on the website
  10. Well done to Leighton, good to see a new name on the trophy I think I must be getting soft in my old age. last night could be my last serious chance at the British and although a bit frustrated with the final, overall I think the racing was really good most people behaved themselves and it is lunch time on Tuesday and I have received no complaints yet so life is good
  11. Results: W&Y: 846 246 217 981 58 419 393 43 244 237 Heat 1: 846 246 691 217 87 480 315 46 101 17 330 305 249 233 212 58 393 31 Heat 2: 43 291 616 981 41 277 244 116 380 115 262 589 131 419 112 Heat 3: 43 246 87 112 116 249 233 262 981 380 151 84 122 131 277 393 Heat 4: 616 217 480 236 115 305 691 589 315 17 237 46 338 101 244 419 Heat 5: 43 291 131 41 217 237 249 84 17 101 233 151 236 419 393 122 616 Heat 6: 846 246 691 315 46 480 330 262 115 31 116 212 87 58 338 Heat 7: 246 262 217 122 41 151 112 393 305 115 17 419 981 31 84 217 Heat 8: 846 249 330 46 87 233 58 380 291 237 101 244 338 236 Heat 9: 43 691 846 305 41 480 112 246 122 291 17 330 101 393 589 Heat 10: 236 981 277 315 262 233 244 131 84 380 31 116 46 237 338 151 58 Heat 11: 846 236 217 380 115 41 151 237 84 589 338 277 Heat 12: 981 315 480 330 87 131 305 112 116 291 249 616 244 31 43 122 58 A-Final: 480 236 87 305 315 291 112 41 691 233 246 43 46 981 115 616 131 846 249 380 330 277 Points: 51 pts 480 leightonh 48 pts 846 Chevykiller 44 pts 236 DanSkin 42 pts 87 Robin H25 41 pts 315 Mike 40 pts 43 Sije 40 pts 246 Stox 38 pts 217 N.Burhenne 36 pts 41 Drumbstick 33 pts 691 Jakeeey 32 pts 291 Marten 32 pts 305 jakiejnr 28 pts 981 MartinB 26 pts 112 Tom D 21 pts 262 Harmen 19 pts 330 Tyler 18 pts 249 stoxjack 18 pts 616 Jeyder 16 pts 46 Nezza 16 pts 131 Gary 16 pts 115 michael green 16 pts 233 Grasser 14 pts 380 Liam Powell 13 pts 277 southy 11 pts 116 JK 9 pts 237 rickyljames 9 pts 122 craigcharles 9 pts 151 Dode 8 pts 244 krish 7 pts 84 Timm 4 pts 58 minitom 4 pts 589 Stijneman 4 pts 17 azata 3 pts 393 MatthewL 3 pts 101 bristolstokie 1 pts 31 Simon 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 338 Evnos 0 pts 212 Pedz Replays
  12. Welcome to the 2013 British Championship. Each driver will get 5 heats with the top 24 qualifying for the final. Heat 1: 58, 217, 393, 246, 846, 39, 46, 101, 249, 330, 691, 17, 212, 233, 305, 480, 87, 315, server .48 ( steward - Dode) Heat 2: 232, 244, 43, 419, 981, 131, 221, 262, 277, 589, 616, 115, 116, 291, 380, 41, 112, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 3: 232, 393, 43, 246, 981, 122, 131, 221, 249, 262, 277, 84, 116, 151, 233, 380, 87, 112, server .48 ( steward - Drumb) Heat 4: 217, 244, 237, 419, 46, 64, 101, 338, 589, 616, 691, 17, 115, 305, 480, 236, 315, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 5: 217, 393, 43, 237, 419, 101, 122, 131, 221, 249, 616, 17, 84, 151, 233, 291, 41, 236, server .48 ( steward - Tom) Heat 6: 58, 232, 246, 846, 39, 46, 64, 262, 330, 338, 691, 115, 116, 212, 480, 87, 315, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 7: 217, 393, 246, 419, 981, 39, 64, 122, 221, 262, 277, 17, 84, 115, 151, 305, 41, 112, server .48 ( steward - Danskin) Heat 8: 58, 244, 237, 846, 46, 101, 249, 330, 338, 589, 616, 212, 233, 291, 380, 87, 236, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 9: 232, 393, 43, 246, 846, 64, 101, 122, 330, 589, 691, 17, 212, 291, 305, 480, 41, 112, server .48 ( steward - Robin) Heat 10: 58, 244, 237, 981, 39, 46, 131, 262, 277, 338, 84, 116, 151, 233, 380, 236, 315, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 11: 217, 232, 237, 846, 64, 221, 277, 338, 589, 691, 84, 115, 151, 212, 380, 41, 236, server .48 ( steward - Grasser) Heat 12: 58, 244, 43, 419, 981, 39, 122, 131, 249, 330, 616, 116, 291, 305, 480, 87, 112, 315, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy)
  13. Admin, Can you please book 330 Tyler in, He wont be home until 7:00pm to book in officially but will be racing. Cheers Jack
  14. For the second season running the points are ties for the Scottish championship with Myself and Robin on 87. As per last year we have counted back the race wins over the 3 meetings and Robin beats me 3 to 1 so he claims the title. Results: Heat 1: 43 480 84 338 116 41 237 589 488 691 244 212 Heat 2: 262 115 39 305 380 315 17 112 87 246 848 58 330 101 Heat 3: 115 39 112 246 58 488 848 274 480 338 237 17 101 31 Heat 4: 43 691 87 315 41 380 305 589 84 116 429 Consi 1: 101 274 17 589 31 212 237 848 429 A-Final: 87 305 43 380 39 112 691 488 41 84 58 262 116 17 115 315 480 246 101 589 274 338 GN 1: 480 84 112 246 380 101 691 315 17 338 212 GN 2: 43 39 41 237 58 115 305 262 31 87 589 274 116 488 Points: 46 pts 43 Sije 38 pts 39 Leek 33 pts 305 JakieJnr 31 pts 380 Liam 31 pts 87 Robin 29 pts 112 Tom 24 pts 115 Green 23 pts 41 Drumb 22 pts 691 Jake 21 pts 84 Tim 21 pts 480 LeightonH 15 pts 246 Stox 15 pts 315 Mike 13 pts 262 Harmen 13 pts 488 Dave 12 pts 58 Mini 11 pts 237 Ricky 9 pts 338 Evnos 7 pts 116 JK 6 pts 589 Stijn 6 pts 17 Aza 5 pts 101 Bristolstokie 4 pts 848 Bully 3 pts 274 Bigdave 2 pts 31 Simon 0 pts 244 Krish 0 pts 429 SammyT 0 pts 451 MadMat 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 330 Tyler 0 pts 212 Pedz
  15. Results: Heat 1: 41 43 480 691 338 488 31 237 212 244 429 589 Heat 2: 115 246 17 116 101 39 380 848 305 262 330 58 87 221 Heat 3: 115 262 488 246 101 480 39 31 17 338 237 848 Heat 4: 691 41 87 116 305 212 380 43 244 221 58 589 330 429 Consi 1: 112 589 330 848 58 221 429 237 244 A-Final: 305 488 112 39 115 246 338 43 41 101 330 116 380 589 87 262 31 848 17 480 691 GN 1: 43 41 480 305 338 380 262 58 31 39 848 GN 2: 87 488 246 101 17 112 691 116 212 237 589 115 429 244 Points: 40 pts 488 Dave 35 pts 305 JakieJnr 34 pts 246 Stox 32 pts 41 Drumb 32 pts 115 Green 28 pts 43 Sije 24 pts 39 Leek 21 pts 101 Bristolstokie 21 pts 338 Evnos 21 pts 691 Jake 21 pts 480 LeightonH 18 pts 87 Robin 17 pts 116 JK 16 pts 17 Aza 14 pts 262 Harmen 13 pts 380 LiamP 9 pts 212 Pedz 9 pts 31 Simon 4 pts 237 Ricky 3 pts 58 MiniTom 3 pts 244 Krish 3 pts 848 Owen 1 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 429 SammyT 0 pts 451 MadMat 0 pts 330 Twilkin 0 pts 589 Stijn 0 pts 274 Bigdave 0 pts 315 Mike Replays
  16. Welcome to the second part of our double header to decide the Scottish championship. Each driver will get 2 heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the Consolation. Heat 1: 244, 429, 43, 237, 338, 488, 589, 691, 116, 212, 274, 480, 31, 41, (Server .48) Steward Dode Heat 2: 58, 451, 246, 848, 39, 101, 115, 221, 262, 330, 17, 305, 380, 87, 315, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy Heat 3: 58, 244, 237, 246, 848, 39, 101, 115, 262, 338, 488, 17, 274, 480, 31, (Server .48) Steward Dode Heat 4: 429, 451, 43, 221, 330, 589, 691, 116, 212, 305, 380, 41, 87, 315, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy
  17. Welcome to the first part of our double header to decide the Scottish championship. Each driver will get 2 heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the Consolation. Heat 1: 58, 244, 237, 246, 39, 221, 330, 589, 691, 17, 380, 480, 31, 112, (Server .48) Steward Dode Heat 2: 429, 451, 43, 848, 64, 101, 262, 338, 488, 115, 116, 212, 305, 41, 87, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy Heat 3: 58, 429, 43, 246, 39, 64, 221, 262, 488, 212, 380, 480, 41, 112, (Server .48) Steward Dode Heat 4: 244, 451, 237, 848, 101, 330, 338, 589, 691, 17, 115, 116, 305, 31, 87, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy
  18. Closed
  19. Closed
  20. Please post your name, number and grade
  21. Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: SS
  22. Please book in below for the final round of the scottish championship below using the template. Name: Number: Grade: For this meeting we will be using the 2013 version of cowdenbeath which can be found HERE! (I will put it on the website over the weekend). DO NOT INSTALL THIS VERSION UNTIL AFTER THE F1 MEETING TONIGHT(THURSDAY 16/05) AS THEY ARE USING THE OLD VERSION OF THE TRACK The Crimmond meeting will start at 7:30 Scottish championship rules from the website Scottish Championship The Scottish Championship will be run over 3 meetings. The Scottish Champion will be the driver who scores highest points total in the 3 meetings (all races). This year the 3 meetings will run at Cowdenbeath, Knockhill, and Crimmond Drivers Booked 26 White 58 Mini Tom 244 Krish 429 SammyT 451 MadMat Yellow 43 Sije 246 Stox 237 Ricky Blue 39 Leek 101 Bristolstokie 221 Spike 262 Harmen 338 Evnos 488 Dave 589 Stijn 691 Jake Red 17 Aza 116 JK 212 Pedz 274 Bigdave 305 JakieJnr 380 Liam Powell 480 LeightonH SS 31 Simon 41 Drumb 87 Robin 315 Mike
  23. There is a naming clash with one of the versions. Not sure which one, but the track does have some odd quirks that's for sure.
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