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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Results: Heat 1: 87 41 31 233 249 246 380 46 79 589 977 58 338 236 21 84 Heat 2: 236 489 249 116 112 246 262 315 305 691 41 58 84 977 237 Heat 3: 112 87 315 305 46 237 262 31 233 338 589 21 380 79 116 691 B-Final: A-Final: 489 41 46 236 87 338 116 315 249 262 589 21 380 977 237 112 233 691 84 246 305 31 58 GN 1: 249 246 87 236 41 691 237 305 112 380 46 315 116 489 589 58 262 977 233 79 31 87 338 Points: 39 pts 87 Robin 33 pts 41 Drumb 31 pts 236 Danskin 29 pts 489 Mooby 28 pts 249 Jack 25 pts 46 Nezza 19 pts 246 Stox 18 pts 112 TomD 17 pts 315 Mike 15 pts 116 JK 12 pts 305 jake 11 pts 338 Evnos 11 pts 31 Simon 10 pts 262 Harmen 9 pts 237 Ricky 9 pts 233 Grasser 6 pts 691 JakeC 5 pts 380 Liam 2 pts 79 WeeRyan 1 pts 589 Stijn 0 pts 58 MiniTom 0 pts 429 SammyT 0 pts 21 Louis 0 pts 977 James 0 pts 39 Leek 0 pts 84 Tim Replays are HERE
  2. Tonight sees the first of three Scottish championship rounds in 6 days. Each driver will get two heats, with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the consi Heat 1: 58, 79, 21, 246, 977, 46, 249, 338, 489, 589, 84, 116, 233, 380, 31, 41, 87, 236 (Server 45) Steward Dode Heat 2: 58, 429, 237, 246, 977, 39, 249, 262, 489, 691, 84, 116, 305, 41, 112, 236, 315, (Server 45) Steward Dode Heat 3: 79, 429, 21, 237, 39, 46, 262, 338, 589, 691, 233, 305, 380, 31, 87, 112, 315, (Server 45) Steward Dode From the website Scottish Championship The Scottish Championship will be run over 3 meetings. The Scottish Champion will be the driver who scores highest points total in the 3 meetings (all races). This year the 3 meetings will run at Cowdenbeath, Knockhill, and Crimmond
  3. I would delete any knockhill folders you have in your locations file and then install the oval only
  4. Make sure you don't have the full version of the circuit installed, they will not work together
  5. The track has an error, you need to make sureyou are running the game in DX9
  6. Closed
  7. Please state your name number and grade. Bookings will close at 7:30
  8. Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: SS
  9. On Wednesday we visit knockhill for a double header meeting with saloons, the F2 meeting will start at 7:30 with the Saloon meeting starting at 9. This thread is to book in for the F2 meeting only, you can book in for the saloon meeting as normal on the website. Please note bookings for this meeting will be limited to 36 so book in early to avoid disappointment To book in please post using the template below Name: Number: Grade: Drivers booked: 26 White 58 MiniTom 79 Wee Ryan 429 SammyT Yellow 21 Louis 237 Ricky 246 Stox 249 Jack 977 James Blue 39 Leek 46 Nezza 262 Harmen 338 Evnos 489 Mooby 589 Stijn 691 JakeC Red 84 Tim 116 JK 233 Grasser 380 Liam 305 jake SS 31 Simon 41 Drumb 87 Robin 112 TomD 236 Danskin 315 Mike
  10. I am not going to disagree with anything that has been said, and personally I do find it very frustrating because you know its going to be the same handful of drivers involved every week. Having said all that we have asked people to trust in the DP system, and we have seen more complaints in the first couple of months this season than we probably had in the whole of 2012. Looking at the DP points gained so far this season the system is working, those consistent offenders are gaining points and their bans will start to increase in length. You also have to remember we are still only 2 months in to what is a 12 month process. At the start of next season these drivers will have a whole seasons points hanging over them as a deterrent, and if they still decide to behave outside the rules then the bans they receive for even a small infraction could be very large indeed.
  11. Results: Heat 1: 43 488 238 236 87 848 74 31 116 188 237 84 277 480 65 Heat 2: 41 691 246 39 315 380 122 589 305 46 221 58 Heat 3: 246 691 315 221 46 480 74 84 848 43 589 116 236 277 Heat 4: 238 41 488 305 39 87 380 122 31 188 21 237 Consi 1: 277 188 116 84 589 31 21 58 237 B-Final: A-Final: 43 236 246 39 315 480 41 116 305 277 238 691 87 488 84 848 380 122 74 188 221 46 GN 1: 46 41 236 488 31 380 84 480 277 21 221 237 238 GN 2: 39 188 305 116 315 74 43 58 87 691 122 246 589 848 Points: 37 pts 39 LeeK 36 pts 41 Drumbstick 35 pts 43 Sije 34 pts 246 Stox 33 pts 236 DanSkin 32 pts 315 Mike 24 pts 488 Dave 21 pts 305 jakiejnr 19 pts 691 Jakeeey 18 pts 238 Kane_M 18 pts 480 leightonh 17 pts 46 Nezza 15 pts 116 JK 14 pts 380 Liam Powell 13 pts 74 Tommy Vaes 13 pts 87 Robin H25 11 pts 188 Aub 11 pts 31 Si 7 pts 848 bully jnr 7 pts 122 craigcharles 7 pts 221 Spike 7 pts 84 Timm 4 pts 277 southy 3 pts 58 minitom 3 pts 589 Stijneman 1 pts 21 LouisH 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 237 rickyljames The replays are here!
  12. Welcome to tonight's domestic meeting at Barford. Each driver will get two heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the consolation. There will be enough GNs for everyone Heat 1: 21, 43, 65, 237, 848, 74, 238, 277, 488, 84, 116, 188, 480, 31, 87, 236, , (Server 48) Heat 2: 58, 79, 246, 39, 46, 122, 221, 489, 589, 691, 305, 380, 41, 315, , , , (Server 45) Heat 3: 43, 58, 246, 848, 46, 74, 221, 277, 589, 691, 84, 116, 480, 236, 315, , , (Server 48) Heat 4: 21, 65, 79, 237, 39, 122, 238, 488, 489, 188, 305, 380, 31, 41, 87, , , (Server 45)
  13. Closed
  14. Please state your name, number and grade
  15. 589 has bee docked 2 places in heat 1 and 6 places in heat 3 for continually putting all 4 wheels off the racing surface to avoid hits
  16. UP SS 31 41 87 Red 380 Blue 589 338 64 Yellow 21 329 Down Red 84 17 274 Blue 74 Yellow 262 246 6 White
  17. It depends on a lot of things, but the main ingredients are your position in the points, season average and month average
  18. Given that i won't even get to have a first look at them until probably Friday, Robins comment is probably about right
  19. Please state your name, number and grade
  20. Glad to hear she is feeling better mate
  21. Results: Heat 1: 31 41 305 236 188 338 237 74 84 17 122 58 Heat 2: 488 39 116 87 315 262 380 212 589 244 246 6 238 65 Heat 3: 236 238 31 116 380 188 74 246 262 122 244 Heat 4: 41 305 338 39 589 17 87 84 6 212 237 488 315 65 Consi 1: 237 122 246 244 6 212 65 205 B-Final: A-Final: 305 236 31 41 380 589 87 188 315 17 122 39 116 262 74 238 237 246 244 338 84 488 GN 1: 41 236 188 74 380 338 246 122 17 238 205 39 GN 2: 589 87 315 116 237 6 262 305 212 84 31 58 488 244 Points: 44 pts 236 DanSkin 43 pts 305 jakiejnr 43 pts 41 Drumbstick 34 pts 31 Si 28 pts 380 Liam Powell 28 pts 589 Stijneman 28 pts 87 Robin 25 pts 188 Aub 22 pts 116 JK 18 pts 338 Evnos 18 pts 315 Mike 16 pts 39 LeeK 14 pts 74 Tommy Vaes 11 pts 262 Harmen 10 pts 237 rickyljames 10 pts 238 Kane_M 10 pts 488 Dave 10 pts 17 azata 7 pts 6 Lunny 7 pts 246 Stox 6 pts 212 Pedz 6 pts 84 Timm 4 pts 122 craigcharles 1 pts 244 krish 0 pts 23 Dayne Powell 0 pts 58 minitom 0 pts 65 dan heath 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 569 dexter-fifteen 0 pts 205 Pistol 0 pts 46 Nezza 0 pts 274 bigdaveUK Replays are here!
  22. Welcome to Birmingham on our next stop on the road to gold. Tonight each driver will get two heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 will qualify from the consi. There will be enough GNs for everyone Heat 1: 58, 79, 569, 31, 205, 237, 338, 46, 122, 305, 41, 74, 188, 17, 84, 236, , (Server .48) Steward Tom Heat 2: 23, 65, 244, 380, 589, 6, 39, 238, 246, 262, 488, 87, 116, 212, 274, 315, , (Server .45) Steward Stumpy Heat 3: 23, 58, 244, 31, 205, 380, 46, 122, 238, 246, 262, 74, 116, 188, 236, 274, , (Server .48) Steward Tom Heat 4: 65, 79, 569, 237, 338, 589, 6, 39, 305, 488, 41, 87, 212, 17, 84, 315, , (Server .45) Steward Stumpy
  23. Closed
  24. Late booking will be open until 18:50, please book in below stating your name, number and grade: Please note this meeting starts at 7:30
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