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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. Please post any videos of the 2013 season in this thread. W&Y round 1 (Jake 691) Buxton Final onboard 691 11/03 (Jake 691) Buxton Final onboard 315 11/03 (Montangoo89 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_JW9JtKMCc...eature=youtu.be
  2. No substitute for practice But the DAQ plugin is avaliable HERE
  3. Should be OK now nez
  4. Sorry Louis we have been trying to solve this with another driver and no joy
  5. Please state your name, number and grade
  6. Louis Can you post screenshots of your config panel, buxton folder and the graphics settings in game. The advice in the other thread is correct, if you are running it on DX9 with detail on hi and have it installed correctly it should work.
  7. Bookings open on the website
  8. Results: W&Y: 17 330 589 624 84 760 221 274 473 451 954 6 351 338 599 21 419 848 79 122 198 Heat 1: 84 112 624 494 291 17 330 90 589 151 221 262 488 338 212 351 277 Heat 2: 315 274 122 249 6 238 233 41 419 473 451 39 489 21 599 31 46 79 Heat 3: 274 315 291 41 233 116 494 246 589 338 351 151 691 488 31 760 848 599 Heat 4: 17 221 92 90 6 46 262 473 236 489 122 419 198 21 39 954 238 380 Heat 5: 84 624 277 330 451 92 249 212 246 112 198 954 691 848 760 116 236 Consi 1: 277 116 589 488 46 151 262 31 848 351 419 954 338 Consi 2: 236 691 212 473 238 760 246 21 489 451 599 380 39 B-Final: 338 39 238 212 46 488 151 760 848 599 954 21 351 380 489 31 419 246 473 A-Final: 330 17 122 236 291 624 274 277 315 90 84 249 112 233 6 116 41 221 494 589 691 92 GN 1: 221 315 236 6 330 488 122 760 473 233 246 21 691 212 151 238 954 90 31 599 GN 2: 17 624 291 112 274 39 46 338 351 92 494 277 116 380 589 489 848 419 41 Points: 43 pts 17 azata 37 pts 330 Menace 36 pts 624 RayDick 34 pts 291 Marten 33 pts 274 bigdaveUK 32 pts 315 Mike 28 pts 122 craigcharles 24 pts 236 DanSkin 20 pts 84 Timm 19 pts 6 Lunny 19 pts 221 Spike 17 pts 112 Tom D 14 pts 277 southy 14 pts 92 Hoggy 12 pts 90 LiamB 11 pts 494 Cooper 11 pts 233 Grasser 11 pts 249 stoxjack 10 pts 46 Nezza 10 pts 41 Drumbstick 8 pts 338 Evnos 8 pts 39 LeeK 7 pts 238 Kane_M 6 pts 451 Stox Signs 6 pts 473 rudeboy 6 pts 488 Dave 5 pts 116 JK 5 pts 246 Stox 4 pts 589 Stijneman 4 pts 262 Harmen 4 pts 212 Pedz 3 pts 760 Ryano 2 pts 351 TamValentine 2 pts 419 F.Burhenne 1 pts 489 Montangoo 1 pts 151 dode 0 pts 21 LouisH 0 pts 198 aaron_J 0 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 848 bully jnr 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 31 Si 0 pts 380 Liam Powell 0 pts 691 Jakeeey
  9. Welcome to the opening meeting of 2013. Each driver will get two heats, with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 drivers will qualify from a consolation. There will be enough GNs for everyone Heat 1: 494, 589, 624, 17, 84, 221, 330, 338, 351, 262, 277, 380, 488, 90, 151, 212, 291, 112 (Server .48 Steward Danskin) Heat 2: 6, 21, 451, 599, 79, 122, 274, 419, 473, 31, 238, 489, 39, 46, 233, 249, 315, 41 (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 494, 589, 599, 274, 338, 351, 760, 848, 31, 116, 246, 488, 691, 151, 233, 291, 315, 41 (Server .48 Steward TomD) Heat 4: 6, 21, 198, 17, 122, 221, 419, 473, 954, 238, 262, 380, 489, 39, 46, 90, 92, 236 (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 5: 198, 451, 624, 79, 84, 330, 760, 848, 954, 116, 246, 277, 691, 92, 212, 249, 236, 112 (Server .45 Steward Stumpy)
  10. Please post your name number and grade. Late bookings will close at 7:20
  11. Same place you booked in, it will now say cancel instead of Book In
  12. You can un-book yourself on the site.
  13. Bookings are open on the website now!!
  14. We have undertaken a regrade for all driver who competed in more than 10 meetings during 2012. The regrading has been based on the following averages 25+ Superstar 24.99 - 18 Red 17.99 - 12 Blue 11.99 - 6 Yellow 5.99 - 0 White Up Yellow 473 456 Blue N/A Red 233 SS N/A Down Red 560 Blue 131 176 238 277 Yellow 122 926 White N/A These come in to effect for the Kings Lynn meeting 04/03/13
  15. Very nice Johno
  16. Results: Heat 1: 236 197 691 315 238 567 491 51 624 122 848 237 400 Heat 2: 115 41 221 212 249 14 380 246 89 167 448 451 589 488 Heat 3: 267 112 31 99 101 291 46 330 17 473 Heat 4: 40 87 274 180 760 305 151 92 198 391 599 800 Heat 5: 236 315 99 249 40 221 274 760 14 448 89 198 Heat 6: 197 87 101 567 330 494 624 122 17 246 589 237 46 Heat 7: 31 488 238 212 112 167 761 800 599 51 Heat 8: 151 391 115 92 180 291 380 305 473 237 451 848 41 Heat 9: 274 236 197 40 115 249 315 800 473 51 79 99 Heat 10: 87 330 567 151 212 624 691 760 221 599 391 101 494 451 Heat 11: 41 167 89 238 46 305 31 246 198 848 79 448 Heat 12: 380 180 488 112 267 291 92 589 17 14 Consi 1: 17 237 51 589 494 848 599 198 79 Semi Final 1: 236 197 112 40 567 41 238 101 46 31 221 246 17 305 167 599 494 391 760 79 488 Semi Final 2: 180 151 87 315 115 380 89 249 691 624 212 237 198 291 267 589 274 848 99 92 14 A-Final: 236 197 112 87 151 41 115 40 315 101 89 46 212 567 238 249 691 246 380 221 624 31 Points: 59 pts 236 Danskin 54 pts 197 Hamster Jnr 50 pts 87 Robin 46 pts 112 TomD 42 pts 151 Dode 38 pts 115 Green 36 pts 40 Leighton 34 pts 41 Drumbstick 32 pts 180 Wardie 31 pts 315 Mike 26 pts 567 Mike2 25 pts 238 Kane 23 pts 31 Simon 23 pts 380 Liam 22 pts 274 Big Dave 21 pts 249 Jack 20 pts 212 Pedz 19 pts 101 Bristolstokie 18 pts 330 Wilkin 17 pts 488 Dave 16 pts 267 DannyG 15 pts 167 CB 15 pts 221 Spike 15 pts 99 JK 15 pts 291 Marten 14 pts 89 Mooby 14 pts 691 Jakeeey 14 pts 92 Hoggy 13 pts 305 Jakie Jnr 12 pts 624 Ray 12 pts 760 Ryano 12 pts 46 Nezza 10 pts 391 Banwell 8 pts 14 DanR 7 pts 246 Stox 6 pts 17 Aza 6 pts 800 Ben 5 pts 51 AlexT 5 pts 473 Rudeboy 4 pts 198 aaronJ 4 pts 122 Craig 3 pts 589 Stijn 3 pts 599 Harold 1 pts 448 Combesey 1 pts 237 Ricky 1 pts 237 Ricky 1 pts 848 Bully 0 pts 6 Lunny 0 pts 226 MiniTom 0 pts 332 AndyDuck 0 pts 400 Dippy 0 pts 451 Madmat 0 pts 910 Niall 0 pts 22 Curtis 0 pts 79 Ryan 0 pts 84 Timm 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 277 Southy 0 pts 455 Barker 0 pts 80 Lars
  17. Closed no late bookings will be accepted
  18. I need numbers for both of them, and 338 is taken please select another car
  19. Welcome to the 3rd annual running of the F2 UK Dirt open. 2012 champion DanSkin went on to have a fantastic season can anyone take the crown from him this season. Format Bookings will close at 6PM The first race will run at 8PM(Not the early start time) Each driver will get 3 heats(16 laps). After the heats the top 36 drivers will qualify for the semi finals. The remaining 18 drivers(at the time of writing) will go in to a consolation with the top 12 qualifying for the semi finals. The semi finals grid will be decided on points scored in the heats(20 laps). The top 12 from each semi final will qualify for the final. The final grid will be decided by finishing positions in the semi final. Chat Have you installed it. If not you can get it HERE. Check that it works before the meeting Rules Have you read them? If not do so on www.UKDirt.co.uk Heat 1: 51, 332, 400, 624, 79, 237, 338, 848, 122, 277, 567, 691, 197, 238, 315, 236 server .48 ( steward - TomD) Heat 2: 14, 448, 451, 589, 167, 221, 237, 89, 115, 246, 380, 488, 212, 249, 41, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 3: 267, 330, 473, 910, 17, 22, 84, 954, 31, 99, 101, 455, 46, 291, 112, server .48 ( steward - Drumb) Heat 4: 6, 198, 226, 599, 274, 391, 760, 40, 180, 305, 800, 80, 92, 151, 87, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 5: 14, 198, 448, 910, 79, 221, 274, 760, 40, 89, 99, 691, 80, 249, 315, 236 server .48 ( steward - Drumb) Heat 6: 330, 400, 589, 624, 17, 84, 237, 101, 122, 246, 277, 567, 46, 197, 87, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 7: 6, 51, 226, 599, 22, 167, 338, 954, 31, 455, 488, 800, 212, 238, 112, server .48 ( steward - Danskin) Heat 8: 267, 332, 451, 473, 237, 391, 848, 115, 180, 305, 380, 92, 151, 291, 41,server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 9: 51, 332, 400, 473, 22, 237, 237, 274, 40, 99, 115, 800, 197, 249, 315, 236, server .48 ( steward - TomD) Heat 10: 330, 451, 599, 624, 221, 391, 760, 101, 277, 455, 567, 691, 151, 212, 87,server .45 ( steward - Stumpy) Heat 11: 6, 198, 226, 448, 79, 167, 338, 848, 31, 89, 246, 305, 46, 238, 41, server .48 ( steward - Danskin) Heat 12: 14, 267, 589, 910, 17, 84, 954, 122, 180, 380, 488, 80, 92, 291, 112, server .45 ( steward - Stumpy)
  20. Bookings to close at 6 tonight
  21. We are proud to release the 2012 season review, this includes 8 page full season review. The story behinds the UK Dirt Ben Fund donation An interview with DanSkin 2013 fixtures and rule changes 2012 F2 awards The publication can be viewed below.. Many thanks to everyone who helped put this together (1 dp to the first person to mention the deliberate mistake )
  22. God forbid you take the time to read the rules Numbers on the wings must be black numbers on a white background (see example).
  23. Numbers need to be black on white as well
  24. Rich Cab panels cannot be any grade color, including gold
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