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Everything posted by drumbstick
Cheers Nez, second year running things have fallen in to place
As those of you who have been racing with us for the last couple of years will know we have avoided Taunton because of the issues with the walls. Bristolstokie is updating the track ready for World Final time however he has kindly let us use an updated version he produced for another league until that is finished without the sticky walls. You can download the update HERE. Extract the zip file to your locations folder I.E C:\Program Files (x86)\rFactor Many thanks to Stokie for his rfforts
Results: W&Y 221 589 58 237 21 72 393 Heat 1: 87 238 221 338 31 43 981 262 246 58 39 72 305 Heat 2: 691 249 236 488 589 21 237 489 41 480 116 380 393 Heat 3: 249 221 691 589 41 87 480 39 338 380 21 262 72 Heat 4: 236 238 58 237 116 488 305 246 489 981 43 393 31 A-Final: 41 87 691 305 31 480 488 380 249 43 262 39 221 589 21 237 236 238 981 338 246 116 58 489 GN 1: 262 305 249* 589 380 480 981 238 246 21 393 GN 2: 691 221 237 338 87 43 488 116 58 72 236 31 39 489 Points: 44 pts 691 Jakeeey 39 pts 87 Robin H25 31 pts 249 Jack 28 pts 41 Drumbstick 27 pts 305 jakiejnr 26 pts 221 Spike 24 pts 488 Dave 21 pts 238 Kane_M 20 pts 589 Stijneman 20 pts 480 leightonh 19 pts 237 rickyljames 18 pts 31 Si 18 pts 236 DanSkin 16 pts 338 Evnos 13 pts 262 Harmen 13 pts 380 Liam Powell 12 pts 43 Sije 11 pts 58 minitom 9 pts 981 MartinB 9 pts 116 JK 7 pts 246 Stox 6 pts 21 LouisH 5 pts 489 Montangoo 3 pts 39 LeeK 1 pts 72 Biffo 0 pts 393 MatthewL * Docked two places for starting in the wrong position No Shows 0 pts 419 F.Burhenne 0 pts 84 Timm Replays
Welcome to tonight's Irish Open. The format will be two heats, followed by a final gridded in points scoring order from the finals. Heat 1: 21, 393, 221, 237, 589, 249, 488, 691, 116, 380, 480, 489, 41, 236, (Server .48) Steward Dode Heat 2: 58, 72, 419, 39, 238, 262, 338, 981, 31, 43, 84, 246, 87, 305, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy Heat 3: 21, 72, 419, 589, 39, 249, 262, 338, 691, 84, 380, 480, 41, 87, (Server .48) Steward Dode Heat 4: 58, 393, 221, 237, 238, 488, 981, 31, 43, 116, 246, 489, 236, 305, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy The will be enough GNs for everyone
Please state your name, number and grade
Results: Heat 1: 691 291 31 236 315 122 217 31 981 246 43 589 58 Heat 2: 238 41 87 6 116 380 46 17 305 338 262 237 Heat 3: 39 217 122 238 315 262 87 17 291 43 246 237 Heat 4: 691 41 236 338 46 305 981 116 6 58 380 589 31 A-Final: 236 238 217 291 39 315 246 87 338 6 589 41 46 691 122 43 981 58 380 262 305 116 237 31 17 GN 1: 39 6 691 315 217 87 41 981 236 238 380 291 58 17 338 589 246 237 46 43 122 305 116 31 262 Points: 39 pts 236 Danskin 36 pts 238 Kane 35 pts 217 N Burhenne 32 pts 39 Leek 29 pts 315 Mike 28 pts 691 JakeC 25 pts 291 Marten 23 pts 87 Robin 22 pts 41 Drumbstick 20 pts 6 Lunny 13 pts 122 Craig 12 pts 338 Evnos 10 pts 46 Nezza 9 pts 981 MartinB 9 pts 116 JK 9 pts 246 Stox 8 pts 31 Simon 7 pts 305 Jake B 6 pts 17 Aza 5 pts 262 Harmen 5 pts 380 Liam P 1 pts 58 Minitom 1 pts 43 Sije 0 pts 237 Ricky 0 pts 589 Stijn No shows 0 pts 489 Mooby 0 pts 21 Louis Replays
Results: Heat 1: 315 291 39 236 691 338 246 122 31 58 101 981 13 Heat 2: 238 17 6 116 262 41 46 305 380 237 21 87 Heat 3: 691 46 17 246 87 41 31 338 380 58 101 39 43 Heat 4: 236 315 589 6 981 305 262 291 122 238 237 116 Consi 1: 43 101 84 380 122 31 58 237 217 A-Final: 17 39 236 291 87 6 84 981 43 238 305 589 262 101 691 116 246 41 338 46 380 315 GN 1: 6 46 981 315 291 338 39 31 41 84 101 380 GN 2: 262 691 87 236 589 43 238 305 217 17 122 246 116 58 Points: 40 pts 236 DanSkin 38 pts 17 azata 35 pts 6 Lunny 32 pts 291 Marten 30 pts 39 LeeK 26 pts 87 Robin H25 26 pts 315 Mike 25 pts 691 Jakeeey 22 pts 46 Nezza 20 pts 262 Harmen 20 pts 981 MartinB 17 pts 238 Kane_M 14 pts 589 Stijneman 13 pts 338 Evnos 12 pts 41 Drumbstick 11 pts 246 Stox 11 pts 305 jakiejnr 9 pts 31 Si 9 pts 43 Sije 9 pts 84 Timm 7 pts 116 JK 5 pts 122 craigcharles 4 pts 380 Liam Powell 2 pts 58 minitom 2 pts 217 N.Burhenne 1 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 21 Louis 0 pts 101 bristolstokie No Shows 0 pts 51 Alex Taylor 0 pts 99 el_dingo 0 pts 330 Menace Replays
Welcome to the second meeting of the evening, the format will follow the same as Stoke Heat 1: 58, 217, 589, 39, 122, 330, 691, 981, 31, 246, 291, 236, 315, , , , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 2: 21, 6, 237, 17, 46, 238, 262, 338, 116, 380, 489, 41, 87, 305, , , , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 21, 217, 237, 17, 39, 122, 238, 262, 330, 246, 291, 489, 87, 315, , , , (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 4: 58, 6, 589, 46, 338, 691, 981, 31, 116, 380, 41, 236, 305, , , , (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Booking from 90 LiamB has been refused as no skin has been received
Welcome to our first ever meeting at Stoke, there will be 4 heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final and a further 4 from the Consi. The final will be followed by a GN Heat 1: 51, 217, 6, 101, 589, 122, 238, 338, 691, 31, 43, 291, 380, 41, 236, 305 (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 2: 21, 58, 99, 237, 330, 17, 39, 46, 262, 981, 84, 116, 246, 87, 315 (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Heat 3: 21, 51, 58, 101, 330, 17, 39, 46, 338, 691, 31, 43, 246, 380, 41, 87 (Server .48 Steward Dode) Heat 4: 99, 217, 6, 237, 589, 122, 238, 262, 981, 84, 116, 291, 236, 305, 315 (Server .45 Steward Stumpy) Booking from 90 LiamB has been refused as no skin has been received
Drivers Booked so far, booking will be open until 7PM White 21 Louis 58 Minitom 217 N Burhenne Yellow 6 Lunny 237 Ricky 589 Stijn Blue 17 Aza 39 Leek 46 Nezza 90 LiamB 122 Craig 238 Kane 262 Harmen 330 Tyler 338 Evnos 691 JakeC 981 MartinB Red 31 Simon 116 JK 246 Stox 291 Marten 380 Liam Powell 489 Mooby SS 41 Drumbstick 87 Robin 236 Danskin 305 Jake B 315 Mike
Please state your name number and grade
Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: SS
Following our first ever meeting at Stoke, will be the second half of the double header at Coventry. Please book in below using the template below Name: Number: Grade:
The eagle eyed of you will have noticed that the double header for next week changed from Kings Lynn and Coventry to Stoke and Coventry a few weeks ago. The stoke meeting has now been elevated to WQR status The 19th of August was scheduled to host a double header at Lelystad and Ipswich. With the sucess of the recent saloon/F2 meeting the Ipswich meeting will now move to Wednesday the 21st of August. The website and Poster will be updated soon
Results: Nationals 236 480 31 305 41 330 238 84 116 43 87 262 291 274 249 17 380 338 691 246 39 488 46 589 Heat 1: 330 236 46 41 116 79 291 221 262 246 274 238 43 31 491 39 Heat 2: 21 87 589 305 480 84 237 17 380 691 58 244 249 338 488 Heat 3: 236 116 315 480 87 691 58 31 262 237 17 238 330 291 274 Heat 4: 41 46 488 39 221 84 246 380 43 244 79 589 21 338 305 491 Consi 1: 262 17 291 274 58 246 43 380 338 491 244 31 238 A-Final: 87 236 480 330 39 291 46 305 84 41 315 79 691 116 274 237 589 21 488 262 17 221 GN 1: 236 691 17 39 305 41 315 84 480 31 244 246 237 79 GN 2: 589 488 46 21 58 291 380 262 87 274 43 116 338 Points: 47 pts 236 DanSkin 39 pts 87 Robin H25 33 pts 46 Nezza 31 pts 480 leightonh 26 pts 39 LeeK 24 pts 330 Menace 24 pts 41 Drumbstick 19 pts 291 Marten 19 pts 305 jakiejnr 18 pts 589 Stijneman 17 pts 21 LouisH 17 pts 488 Dave 17 pts 84 Timm 15 pts 691 Jakeeey 15 pts 116 JK 12 pts 315 Mike 11 pts 17 azata 10 pts 58 minitom 9 pts 221 Spike 9 pts 380 Liam Powell 7 pts 262 Harmen 5 pts 79 weeryan 5 pts 237 rickyljames 5 pts 246 Stox 4 pts 31 Si 2 pts 43 Sije 1 pts 244 krish 1 pts 274 bigdaveUK 0 pts 393 MatthewL 0 pts 491 crewesader 0 pts 238 Kane_M 0 pts 249 stoxjack 0 pts 338 Evnos The replays are here!!!!!!
F2 server up on 45
Welcome to tonight's F2 Nationals meeting. The nationals race will be the first of the night with a random grid, followed by a full meeting. The top 18 points scorers will qualify for the final with a further 4 qualifying from the consolation. Heat 1: 79, 393, 491, 221, 330, 39, 46, 238, 262, 31, 43, 116, 246, 274, 291, 41, 236, (Server .48) Steward Tom Heat 2: 21, 58, 244, 237, 589, 17, 249, 338, 488, 691, 84, 115, 380, 480, 87, 305, 315, (Server .45) Steward Stumpy Heat 3: 58, 244, 393, 237, 330, 17, 238, 249, 262, 691, 31, 116, 274, 291, 480, 87, 236, 315 (Server .48) Steward Tom Heat 4: 21, 79, 491, 221, 589, 39, 46, 338, 488, 43, 84, 115, 246, 380, 41, 305, , (Server .45) Steward Stumpy There will be enough GNs for everyone
Please state your name, number and grade. The confirmed lineup for the F2 nationals is 17 31 39 41 43 46 84 87 116 236 238 246 249 262 274 291 305 315 338 380 480 488 589 691
Of those 24 whites 6 have only attended once 16(66%) have done less than 5 meetings Interestingly we are now up to 7 whites booked for tonight which is 29% of those avaliable. For context 6(46%) of the 13 yellows have done less than 5 meetings