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UKDirt 2nd Tier Admin
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Everything posted by drumbstick

  1. drumbstick


    Below you will find all my shale setups from previous seasons, and the Tarmac setup I used during mod testing Enjoy F2_Setups.zip
  2. Effective immediately I will be stepping down as head admin for UKDirt F2, with Dave taking the position he vacated in 2012 This has been prompted by a number of factors, but by far and away the biggest is that since the birth of my son I no longer have the drive or commitment to give to the role that it deserves. I would like to say thank you to all the admin members past and present who have helped behind the scenes. Finally thank you to all the drivers who raced, and made my tenure "mostly" enjoyable, we would be nothing without the drivers Drumb
  3. If you mean this one it was me
  4. Well Done to all our Champions, I will add more to this post tomorrow but like expect most people are I am shattered after that Results: Central Series Consi 87 236 338 98 112 41 58 274 454 848 354 244 221 79 Central Series Final 98 236 41 87 246 46 488 238 380 21 338 589 981 691 31 112 116 39 180 COC/DOY 112 41 236 98 31 116 488 87 46 246 330 380 237 180 39 589 Shootout Final 236 41 589 691 246 84 46 488 112 21 237 116 244 380 58 31 180 238 87 W&Y Final 330 238 589 221 84 211 454 274 79 21 246 848 354 981 31 244 338 380 237 954 481 Heat 1: 98 488 46 848 981 244 454 112 21 380 237 229 31 238 116 58 79 385 Heat 2: 236 354 330 84 39 87 691 274 211 180 246 954 589 221 338 611 41 Heat 3: 244 98 41 385 180 981 46 488 274 246 454 58 611 211 589 116 Heat 4: 236 84 338 229 112 237 330 43 238 39 380 691 848 87 79 221 31 354 Consi 1: 21 43 380 238 246 454 848 329 611 58 589 116 691 B-Final: 691 58 329 454 31 589 848 211 246 611 A-Final: 236 43 338 238 330 385 39 112 87 84 981 46 98 488 21 354 244 274 180 237 41 380 GN 1: 98 84 41 848 236 589 380 338 244 31 691 454 211 611 488 116 GN 2: 21 237 329 43 46 39 180 112 58 246 274 238 87 981 385 Points: 52 pts 236 DanSkin 29 pts 98 Bailey 27 pts 84 Timm 27 pts 338 Evnos 24 pts 330 Menace 20 pts 39 LeeK 18 pts 46 Nezza 18 pts 112 Tom D 17 pts 244 krish 17 pts 385 Boostman 16 pts 238 Kane_M 16 pts 41 Drumbstick 14 pts 848 Bully 14 pts 848 Bully 14 pts 237 rickyljames 12 pts 21 LouisH 12 pts 488 Dave 11 pts 981 MartinB 11 pts 180 wardieee 10 pts 329 Tsjalle 9 pts 354 Suicide 9 pts 87 Robin H25 8 pts 691 Jakeeey 6 pts 589 Stijneman 5 pts 58 minitom 5 pts 274 bigdaveUK 5 pts 380 Liam Powell 5 pts 454 Frans 2 pts 211 Stannie 2 pts 31 Si 2 pts 246 Stox 0 pts 8 pinken 0 pts 79 weeryan 0 pts 481 Mackie D 0 pts 611 Schuey 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 954 Samwit 0 pts 116 JK Replays are HERE
  5. Welcome to the 2013 F2 Gala Night, we have lots of races to get through this evening so good luck to all. Please note the Central series Consolation will start at 20:15, and the meeting will carry double points for the shootout finale which will be the last race of 2013. Tonight's running order will be Central Series Consolation (20:15) Heats 1 & 2 (20:30) W&Y Championship Heats 3 & 4 Driver of the year voting closes Central Series Final Consolation COC/Driver of the year Final Grand National(s) Shootout Finale. Heat grids: Heat 1: 8, 21, 79, 244, 385, 58, 237, 380, 454, 848, 981, 31, 46, 98, 238, 329, 488, 112, 116 (Server 48 Steward Stumpy) Heat 2: 354, 481, 611, 221, 954, 39, 84, 211, 274, 330, 589, 180, 246, 338, 691, 41, 87, 236 (Server 45 Steward Grasser) Heat 3: 244, 385, 481, 611, 58, 954, 211, 274, 454, 589, 981, 46, 98, 180, 246, 488, 41, 116 (Server 48 Steward Stumpy) Heat 4: 8, 21, 79, 354, 848, 221, 237, 39, 84, 330, 380, 31, 238, 329, 338, 691, 87, 112, 236 (Server .45 Steward Grasser) W&Y Grid 58 21 221 237 589 454 330 211 848 244 354 79 338 954 481 246 380 981 31 84 238 274 Central Series consolation Grid 87 338 58 354 79 244 454 848 --- 2 Grade Gaps -- 236 41 112 329 330 98 211 221 274 Tonight's meeting will be broadcast live on Grasser TV
  6. Closed
  7. Please state your name, number and grade.
  8. Before tonight’s festivities begin, congratulations to Stijneman 589 who wrapped up the 2013 novice of the year many weeks ago and is the only driver to do every meeting this season
  9. http://rfactor.net/web/rf1/
  10. F2 Central Series Consolation Semi-Final grid (Top6 Qualify) Central series consi grid 87 338 58 354 79 244 454 848 491 --- 2 Grade Gaps -- 236 41 315 112 188 262 480 329 17 249 115 74 122 330 43 Reserves: 212 98 653 291 918 211 221 455 6 599 264 90 274 494 718 80 393 760 205 210 134 515 419 14 351 198 761 23 569 65 64 233
  11. Enjoyed it Grass thanks. My only comment would be that nowhere it said ukdirt.co.uk and people in chat were asking what it was all about
  12. Congratulations to Danskin 236 who wrapped up the national points championship on Monday evening. Dan is the first driver since Michael 567 in 2003/4to win back to back points titles, proving how hard it is to do.
  13. So he is it is ordered driffernt on the site to my points sheet
  14. With 1 round still to go before the grand final at Birmingham Wheels on the 18th of November, the points chart could not be much closer. 58 Minitom leads by just one point from 21 LouisH with 221 Spike only 3 points further back. All three of these drivers are eligible to compete on Monday to try and secure the all important pole position. None of the next 4 drivers are eligible to race on Monday night due to advancing up the grades, however 237 RLJ can leapfrog them all with a good result. Further down there are a number of drivers who can advance their position, and put themselves in the mix for the final. 31 Si Bassett has won this championship for the past two seasons, but a more successful season has seen him only eligible to take part in one round and currently sits in 24th the last eligible position and he could be bumped out yet. Any eligible white or Yellow can still qualify, so get booked in now!!!
  15. Over recent weeks the BriSCA F2 Stockcars have been all systems go with many championships running back to back in the closing stages of this 2013 season. This Monday will see the Ftooz make their last visit to Hednesford Hills Raceway for their penultimate meeting of season 2013, and yet again Hednesford looks to be another huge meeting! Starting off the night at this week's penultimate meeting will be the Whites and Yellows, who will undoubtedly be fighting for every last point possible ahead of next week's Whites and Yellows Championship final and the twinned Incarace track Birmingham Wheels Raceway. The points table is awfully close, so it all comes down to this last round. Who will be pole in next week's finale? The penultimate meetings main attraction will be the BriSCA F2 Central Series Semi-finals, where we will see 48 of the biggest names in online stockcar racing battle it out for a vital top 9 finish! The Central Series is one of the biggest races Birmingham Wheels Raceway gets to host, and with a large grid of cars all chasing one title it's likely to get messy! Semi Final #1 236 - 41 589 - 39 691 - 380 488 - 84 112 - 262 237 - 329 338 - 115 122 - 43 212 - 653 291 - 981 918 - 221 6 – 354 Semi Final #2 semi 2 87 - 305 31 - 21 315 - 116 489 - 46 188 - 238 480 - 17 249 - 74 330 - 246 98 - 58 180 - 217 211 - 455 599 - 264 Just as you thought this coming Monday night couldn't get any better, it is also the last Shootout round ahead of next week's Shoot Out Finale at Birmingham Wheels Raceway!! Get Booked In NOW for this unmissable night of BriSCA F2 Stockcar racing!
  16. All grades should now be corrct on the UK Dirt site.
  17. Congrats to those going up, and I am sure those going down will bounce back!! Up SS 116 Red 31 Blue 211 330 454 Yellow 954 Down Red 691 Blue 84 589 Yellow 264 667 White 354
  18. It looks like matchmaker is down, to access the server simply click on the blue button indicated, and enter the server IP. The IP can be found under member options on the website.
  19. I have had a number of drivers reply to DP PMs in recent weeks, asking did so and so get a penalty for this or did he get a penalty for that often not related to the incident they were penalized for. We have a DP system in place for complaints received, or incidents recorded by the live stewarding system we use. This means if you have a complaint you need to log it. Our stewards stewards do an outstanding job, but trying to watch up to 24 cars at once is impossible. The long and the short of it, if you don't complain don't come moaning if nothing gets done about it!!!!!
  20. WD Stox another new name on a trophy
  21. Name: Drumbstick Number: 41 Grade: Superstar
  22. Please book in below using the template, this meeting will start at 9PM after the 7:30 Belle Vue Meeting Name: Number: Grade:
  23. Results: Heat 1: 488 112 41 653 116 180 380 238 246 667 354 244 954 264 848 21 Heat 2: 84 236 112 397 180 237 31 58 338 246 354 264 589 667 380 Heat 3: 236 488 84 653 116 954 338 244 397 58 238 31 41 237 21 589 848 B-Final: A-Final: 84 236 41 653 238 488 954 31 112 246 180 116 354 380 244 589 21 58 848 237 338 264 397 667 GN 1: 112 41 397 954 236 238 354 488 246 116 589 244 667 84 653 21 58 31 338 237 848 180 380 Points: 43 pts 236 DanSkin 38 pts 84 Timm 33 pts 41 Drumbstick 32 pts 488 Dave 31 pts 112 Tom D 28 pts 653 Ryan Simpson 20 pts 954 Samwit 20 pts 238 Kane_M 17 pts 397 HamsterJnr 13 pts 116 JK 11 pts 180 wardieee 10 pts 31 Si 7 pts 246 Stox 6 pts 338 Evnos 5 pts 237 rickyljames 4 pts 58 minitom 4 pts 354 Suicide 4 pts 380 Liam Powell 3 pts 244 krish 1 pts 667 Mr Dangerous 0 pts 21 LouisH 0 pts 134 Jakebond 0 pts 848 Bully 0 pts 217 N.Burhenne 0 pts 264 imberj 0 pts 589 Stijneman The replays are here!
  24. Welcome to round 4 of the shootout. Each driver will get 2 heats with the top 18 qualifying for the final. A further 4 cars will qualify for the consi Heat 1: 21, 198, 848, 954, 244, 354, 217, 264, 380, 488, 667, 116, 180, 238, 246, 653, 41, 112 (Server .45 Stumpy/Dode) Heat 2: 21, 134, 198, 58, 237, 354, 31, 84, 264, 380, 667, 180, 246, 338, 397, 589, 112, 236 (Server .45 Stumpy/Dode) Heat 3: 134, 848, 954, 58, 237, 244, 31, 84, 217, 488, 116, 238, 338, 397, 589, 653, 41, 236 (Server .45 Steward Stumpy/Dode)
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