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Posts posted by Allan964

  1. I don't seem to be able to grab any luck in finals after winning two back to back.


    Generally a very good meeting on what is a tricky track. Again one or two rejoins to look at but all in all not bad.


    Thanks for the meeting and WD Southy, you drove well.


    Completely agree about the rejoins, i was guilty of a bad rejoin myself, it would have been fine had i not done a complete 360 rather than a 180 and faced the wrong way....again.


    For such a tight track thats very slidy, i thought the carnage was kept to a minimum.

  2. Unfortunately a few years ago I bought a Dell Dimension 3100 as it seemed good value for the spec you got. What I didn't realise till after was that the graphics are onboard and it's one of the few 'modern' pc's that does not allow a separate Graphics card to be fitted! You live & learn...


    Really? I did not know that. That is completely stupid on Dell's part.

  3. yes got his pm and yes they were uploaded just me looking at the wrong upload due to being lazy and not emptying the folder from last month, all sorted now tho


    Brilliant, cheers mate.

  4. Just had a read into it and it looks like a few cards have been reported to have similar issues and a couple of people said the power supply was the cause. What is the spec of the supply you are using?


    The recommended supply for a decent setup using a single 280 is about 550w



    I found that 200fps was too much for my system so like you say messing with the fps might be the best solution but if it doesn't solve the problem then the supply might have something to do with it.


    600w Seasonic mate.


    I will try an FPS limiter as i am definitely not going back to vsync as the game felt horrible !


    Strange problem eh? In my 10+ years of gaming i've never heard of such a problem.


  5. Is the noise coming from the card or through your speakers? Is it the fans or something on the card itself?


    I have 3 of the same card in but mine are water cooled and running in a 3 way sli setup so do not use the stock fans/heatsink. I got similar results with fps but realised that actually my other components could not keeps up when I was getting over 200 fps so I decided to go 3way and triple monitor. Yes I am crazy but it was all second hand and now performs better than 1 monitor single card (after hours of playing with settings and building it).


    The vsync should help your cards like you say by reducing fps and so fan noise because of reduced heat. If you update drivers there should now be an option for adaptive vsync which would be worth trying. I'm not sure why your card struggles more with vsync on but I would guess it is to do with other settings. If you are using the adaptive half refresh rate vsync then I found similar problems with poor game performance but I found rfactors vsync to be better and set nvidia to use the application vsync settings.


    If your problem is with the fan I have an unopened Zalman VF3000N I would be willing to let go for a bit less than I paid for it. That has a variable fan speed so you can reduce noise manually when you don't need the cooling.


    Hi mate.


    It's not the fan, i run a huge arctic cooler on my card rather than the standard cooler. It's definitely electrical noise, i run EVGA precision to manually control the fan speed on my card. When i googled it, apparently it's electrical noise coming directly from the card which i have never heard before, its the weirdest thing. For example, when your in game and you click between monitor, garage and settings, the pitch of the whine changes, its crazy.


    I might download an FPS limiter and limit my FPS to 110, that way the noise will reduce as its directly in proportion with the FPS you get.


    On all the latest drivers etc. It was Rfactors vsync i had turned on, i probably should have mentioned that, i didn't force it on via nvidias control panel, that is set to let the application decide.

  6. Hi Allan, just to mention that I still could not race this season at Buxton with the same problem as last season, with the updated track. My pc is onboard graphics which I can't do anything about and it's the only track that won't load, using DX9, tried every graphics setting etc. Glad you managed to get sorted though.


    Hi Al, sadly the only way was changing the card. Although you set RF to DX9, if your card/onboard does not support DX9, it will just default to the lower version and this is the reason it won't load.


    Sparky's card wasn't old but it obviously just didn't support DX9.


    Can you not pick up a cheapish card that supports DX9 Al?

  7. So my graphics card (GTX 280) makes an electrical squealing noise when playing RF and after a bit googling i figured out it was due to my card producing extremely high FPS, roughly around 260 in the pits and 180 on track. I think a lot higher in the menus as the squeal is extremely annoying.


    Turning Vysnc on fixed this instantly in game and vastly lowered the noise in menus, as some will know, vsync limits your FPS to your monitors refresh rate, in my case 60.


    Now, you would say to yourself, just leave vsync on? I went in for a practice with vsync on and my car handled completely different. I thought i had to be making it up in my head so i turned it back off, practiced, car went fine. Turned it on and the car felt less responsive to the throttle and steering once again.


    Anyone else had anything like this or even heard of this problem? Some people wouldn't even notice to be honest but i am so fussy with things that i noticed straight away.


    Anyway, the solution for the moment is leaving vsync on and putting up with the daft noise, its only in RF it does it!

  8. Damn right typical this is lol. My bro is right I won't be racing 2moz as im on holiday I did mention it in server last week Dave but u might have missed it. Just my luck this year though lol finally get a good bit of luck in a draw and at a track I have decent pace at and I can't bloody race lol. Never mind good luck all competitors.

    Cheers Gary#131


    It's Harsh man, just cancel the holiday.

  9. What wheel you got mate?


    I know the some wheels require their own drivers for windows.


    THRUSMASTER FGT Rumber 3 in 1


    I go in the control panel for it? status says 'Ok', wheel moves about when testing but pedals aint working.


    How do the pedals connect to wheel? On my wheel the pedals plug into the back of my wheel.


    Has this wheel worked before with rF or this your first time using it?

  10. Last night i was in practicing and Sparky was going to join me but he kept getting an error that PEAK could not load for HORIZPEAK. This is when you load into the game and try and load the actual track.


    Every other track works fine.


    I got Sparky to bring his PC round to mine, i uninstalled rF and reinstalled but it was the exact same. Now i think the problem lies in his graphics card. I have been trying to update the drivers but it suchs an old card that it's now pretty obsolete. I am trying to find out if drivers are going to make a difference or if there is something in the Buxton track that his graphics card just can't handle. His PC ran the old Buxton fine, just not the new one.


    His graphics card is an ATI X600, and he runs Windows XP.


    I have tried everything i can possibly think of so far. I tried to download a driver from AMD's website for a "legacy" driver for his card, but the link was broken to the driver so i have sent them an email.


    Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Won't let me edit my reply but this seems to have been a problem dating back more than a year with no solution:



  11. Last night i was in practicing and Sparky was going to join me but he kept getting an error that PEAK could not load for HORIZPEAK. This is when you load into the game and try and load the actual track.


    Every other track works fine.


    I got Sparky to bring his PC round to mine, i uninstalled rF and reinstalled but it was the exact same. Now i think the problem lies in his graphics card. I have been trying to update the drivers but it suchs an old card that it's now pretty obsolete. I am trying to find out if drivers are going to make a difference or if there is something in the Buxton track that his graphics card just can't handle. His PC ran the old Buxton fine, just not the new one.


    His graphics card is an ATI X600, and he runs Windows XP.


    I have tried everything i can possibly think of so far. I tried to download a driver from AMD's website for a "legacy" driver for his card, but the link was broken to the driver so i have sent them an email.


    Does anyone have any suggestions?

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