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Everything posted by pacman

  1. The h47 website is updated. x pictures of the first race x results from the first race cheers patrick.
  2. The h47 website is updated. x pictures of the new car cheers patrick.
  3. hi all soz that ive not update my last results ive got some points on my last meetings but not enuf too beat cabs so well done m8 cheers pacco
  4. pacman

    For Sale

    Is there a picture of the car? when is he built begining ore the end of 2005?
  5. Well i think the best way is 2 make the f1 f2 ect sections not free but the skin painting real life section ect must be free because there are some people who make the greatest skin greatest renders ect 4 you all but don't pay for jolt. cheers pacco.
  6. yes edman its treu the topspeed is 138 140 something like that. I know rpm know my gearbox,diff and wheels so. cheers pacco.
  7. hi edman, The speed is not 126kmh top but its the adverage. There is just 1 lap raced this fast by toon and i think there whas something whit the lap timer because other rounds he drives are 120-121kmh adverage topspeed is around 140kmh on venray and on lelystad around the 125kmh cheers pacco.
  8. he pik gefeliciteerd he, zondag biertje van jou? cheer pacco
  9. he ruud gefeliciteerd he. netjes gereden trouwens op brakel cheers pacco
  10. look at this link m8. http://forum.kev149.com/index.php?showtopic=1599 cheers pacco
  11. the h47 website is updated. x results from ter apel. x pictures of ter apel. cheers patrick.
  12. thanks all whas agood night whit alot of cheers pacco
  13. whas also trying that budge but it seems it doesnt work ore it just can't. check the final from the f2's, nice battle between H4 and H47 ad the end lol
  14. Whas thinking the same when i read the post when i put it on here. But you also know whe have no grading system whe dutchies must be happy when they have a proper meeting but mostly this is almost too much too ask. Every year whe have a meeting on lelystad after the race season too talk about what could be better and stuff like that. And every year i say that whe must have some kind of grading system but they refuse.i also sugest that whe paint the bumpers instead of the spoiler too keep the cost low ore keep the nice painted wings but they are thinking they have the best starting system there is. i will explain how they start because its really silly. When you are dnf in the first heat you have got 0points (doooohhhh) so in the second heat you are in front of the grid yes even toon schut ore willy peeters lol. ive you got 1st then the second heat you have 12points so over 2 heats that is 6points which is 4 me a good adverage,so you all see the point. lol whant too see a franky wainman ore a bill batten on the front row. but im cool whit it ive you say im a red roof because it is not really a big shame ive people are see you as a red roof lol. cheers pacco
  15. thanks m8 but when there are 7 cars im not very proud on myslf lol. 2th heat i whas getting a good push from my m8 h29 cor schutter and ended on my other m8 h21 jan hoogevorst lol. cheers pacco
  16. results terapel 2-10-2005 1st heat 1st=12points 2nd heat 6th=7points 3th heat 1st=12points final 1st=12points totaal 43 points x2=86+412=498points
  17. the h47 website is updated. x results from the last 2 weeks. x new links. x news. cheers patrick.
  18. Thanks Edman for the nice words. the reason why i whas going slow the last corner whas because i heard 2 rounds before the finish a weird noise under my seat and you know what thats means.I whas trying too hold it together but when i whas on the backstraight 4 the last time it brokes but i whas lucky and it dont block the wheels so i put the clutch and rolled too the finish.... lol but thats cost me the 3 place over the day because i lost 3 places whit it. Cor whas indeed a bit unlucky and he whas saying at the end of the day that he whas better of when he whas landing on his roof because this cost lots more. 3schoks a tyre new right front supspension and lots of work on the chassis. By the way have you seen toon schut in the final i never seen someone drives this hard 127km adverage on his fastest laptime cheers pacco
  19. hi all here are my last results....also some which doesnt count. saterday 17-09-2005 lelystad Rodeo 2ltr (something like saloons) 1st heat - 6th 2nd heat - 6th 3th heat - dnf sunday 18-09-2005 lelystad standaard 1400cc (something like stockrod) 1st heat - 8th 2nd heat - 9th 3th heat - 9th stockcar f2 1st heat - 6th=7points 2nd heat - 9th=4points 3th heat - 8th=5points total 16points sunday 25-09-2005 Venray stockcarf2 1st heat - 4th=9points 2nd heat - 4th=9points final - 7th=6points total 24points 24+16=40x2=80points+332=412points in total. cheers pacco.
  20. no european meeting next year i hope whe are there whit the world final. and i want too have my car bleu and whit a bleu roof its too much bleu i think lol. cya sunday m8 on the short version of venray. cheers pacco.
  21. lol no pete whe have no roof colors here next year the new car whil have a red roof so no qeustions from english,scottis ore irish which roof color i have lol cheers patrick.
  22. the h47 website is updated. x pics from the world cup on venray x pics from the new car. cheers patrick.
  23. RIP Beech. my thoughts are whit his famely and friends. patrick
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