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Everything posted by Dazza290

  1. Hello all, Issue 11 now available at the top of the forum. Cheers Darren
  2. Issue 11 now available Issue_11.pdf
  3. Well done to Leech, Mike and the other winners. And to Kev and Johno once again for the meeting, nicely run. And cheers for the initiation Jnr lol. Wont be long until you and your old man are up the front consistantly, Spike for gold isnt it?
  4. Nicely done Walker top effort mate, and a good read from Dan too
  5. Wd Murf and all race winners. Cheers once again to Kev too
  6. Looking cool Matty, have got the one down the right hand side of my car as my desktop now
  7. Driver: As mentioned, a fair few lower graded drivers could get the nod here but starting off the back is never easy so Im going to nominate my fellow superstar TomD for recovering from a poor start to the season (something which he would agree with) to being 4th place in the National Series chart. DotGP: 112 TomD Meeting: Hard to pick really, havent had a bad meeting yet just never seem to get any luck in the final at the moment which I hope can turn around. But for managaing my first win of the season at this track the meeting of the first grading period will have to be Sheffield. MotGP: Sheffield Cheers Daren
  8. Hello all, Chance for a bargain, Logitech DFP wheel for sale, ideal for rFactor. Google it for pics. Mint condition, used it all through the F1 season in 2008 but upgraded to a G25 for 2009 onwards. £20 and its yours, I will even DHL it for free!! Cheers Darren
  9. Hello all, An ever so slightly delayed issue 4. Apologies for that. Cheers Darren Issue_4.pdf
  10. Nice one Tosh, every formula needs something like this in my opinion.
  11. I'll use last years cars please, I've got to reinstallall of the F2 stuff as I made a mess of it last week so if you could grab them for me it would be apreciated. Cheers Darren
  12. Dazza #1 please. Arena Essex (as if I needed to vote!) Cheers Darren
  13. Superb track lads, well done all involved. Darren
  14. Cheers Mike again and all race winners. Had a number of great races last night including some good battles with Johno, Skeet, Tosh, Mike and a few others. Was chuffed with 3rd in the final aswell, hopefully the Sheffield final curse has been lifted with that one! Darren
  15. Dont push too hard on your pedals Matt
  16. Was just thinking the same! For what its worth, I dont think any amount of physics changes and tyre rates will actually affect the racing, it will come down to the drivers. The amount of times, particulary at places like Skegness and Birmingham where you get someone skipping the concrete or kerbs to nail you and get position is unreal. It wont change whether your tyres are knackered or the cars drive straighter. From my point of view having tyres wearing faster will only mean bad news for the guys trying to get through the pack. Trying to level the playing field? Well to me thats a huge disadvantage to the guys near the back? The default setups are plenty quick enough to be competitive and It will unfortunately come down, as always, whoever can get in the most practise. As Johno mentions its normally tarmac meetings which get the complaints, purely because people dont brake early enough for the corners and always feel the need to hit the car in front. I know its stockcars at the end of the day and hard racing is all part of it but theres a fine line between ''hard'' and 'excessive' and the sooner people take responsibilty for there own actions the quicker the situation will get better. Anyway, back to original topic, I dont find the tarmac physics as they were last year too much of a problem, and If I had to vote I would vote against having the tyre wear increased. Darren P.s Forgot to mention well done to Mav for the final and the other race winners, and to admin for running
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