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Everything posted by Dazza290

  1. Ive got the drivers its just, it recmmends that you install the software before putting the card in, and as i didnt read the insructions i done it the wrong way round, so to get it to work i would have to uninstall it, take the card out, install it put the card back in and technically it should work. It says its running on the Graphics card properly, but the graphics havent improved on the onboard graphics, if anything it has made it worse So im not sure what to do! Cheers for info though Dazza
  2. i Have a Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 256mbDDR pci Graphics card, but i have lost the install cd for it, would i have to contact Nvidia about a replacement or is it possible for someone to send me the file. (I dont see this as illegal as I only want the install pack, without the card whats the point in the install pack) however if any of admin arent happy with this request i will edit my post. Whats best to do Cheers in advance Dazza
  3. Thanks Yor worked a treat m8! Dazza
  4. Hi all, i try and load up a disk and i get this error, any ideas how to cure it? C:\Windows\SYSTEM\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Its not the disk as ive tried it on my other pc and it loads up fine. Any help appreciated Dazza
  5. Hi again lads, nearly there now! Just a couple more things needed, where would be the cheapest place to get a router and 2 network cables which run to the back of your pc's?? Are there any little shops about which would do a deal which you know about? Help appreciated as always Dazza
  6. Im sorry Yor i forgot to say, it was to connect a computer in one bedroom with a computer in another. Would i need double of everything? Dazza
  7. Hi again lads, Just wanted to know how would i go about setting up a wireless Broadband connection. I would need to know a list of exactly what i need, i.e 2 Modems etc etc Ive no idea how to set this up so a small idiots guide would be appreciated Dazza
  8. Ok ta for the extra info Muns and Pedz, PIPEX could well be worth looking at. That link is also very handy Cheers again dazza
  9. Thanks for the replies lads, will be looking into it all very very soon! Cheers Dazza
  10. Hi all, Im looking into getting Broadband for the new season, and wondered which are best? Is AOL any good for online racing, as im sure the 56k wasnt too good for it ? Others in the household seem to find this easiest to use and would prefer it to Wanadoo, BT etc Opinions would be appreciated Cheers Dazza
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