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Everything posted by Dazza290

  1. Dazza290/684 please, not sure on number yet
  2. Great stuff Wrighty!
  3. Dazza290 booking in please
  4. The booking list currently stands at 14 cars for tommorow nights meeting, numbers are expected to rise to around the 20 mark with the usual flurry of late bookings. Dont forget, this is the first WQr meeting for next years road to gold. Get yourself booked in now!! 551 Savage 588 fordy 599 Harold 221 Spike 527 fast track 17 munis 259 jimmymuk 315 Mike 3 Johno 112 Tom D 136 Kruiz 363 razza 87 Robin H25 1 Dazza Click Here for more info.
  5. Well done Grasser, Murf, Jk and FT. 16 Points is a reasonable effort I feel, NIR is notorius bumper country so im pleased with that, hoping I can improve that abit though! Had a good race with Tom and Grass in heat 2 I think it was, good stuff lads. Dunno what happened in the GN, dunno if the hit from Aub was meant but it certainly did the front wheel in a treat lol Thanks again Johno and Kev Cya next week
  6. Many thanks to Dode for updating the car for me so quickly, super job as always mate:)
  7. Many, many many thank to everyone who has said well one, it means lot. Im sorry if I missed anyone in chat but never had so many pm's appear at once. I just hope and can do the gold roof some justice now Cheers again, an over the moon Dazza !
  8. Well done to the entire admin team with this one, especially to Johno and Kev though, these guys work so hard for this league it really is untrue. The presentation is to the best standard I've ever seen from a preview, and was glad to be a part of it. (apart from that dodgy looking British Championship poster lol) Well done guys, and thanks to all those drivers who saw some potential in me, I hope I didnt let you down Darren
  9. Ok, slightly false I must admit but it has got nearly 100 views so it must have worked!
  10. Please take a look, its not looking good ............. Click HERE!
  11. Come on guys, alot of effort has gone into this preview/programme from admin side of things, so it would be appreciated if you could get these replies back to Johno asap, as he says it makes for much better reading if there are views from everyone. Darren
  12. Thursday rFactor F1 action see’s another double header in the form of Belle Vue, and a new track to grace the fixture list thanks to that man Madcowie, in Scunthorpe. Belle Vue as always will see some top action, the tight shale way often produces a mixture of race winners whilst Scunthorpe is again likely to throw up some surprises as many drivers have commented saying this is the slipperiest track of the lot! Last week saw an Ipswich/Baarlo double header with the drivers to watch at those meetings being 3 Johno with a long overdue Championship win, and TomD picking up some excellent wins from the very back of the grid including the meeting final at Baarlo. Book in for Scunthorpe on the UkDirt site and Belle Vue on the forum for what promises to be another classic night of full lock sideways shale action. Don’t forget yer goggles now! P.s Please ignore the date on the Belle Vue poster!
  13. Dazza#290 please
  14. Thanks Kev. Well done Tom and the 4 who qualified for the World. Seemed a really good night, wins are always nice, not quite so good in the final but never mind, there always next time!
  15. SHEFFIELD UK DIRT RFACTOR F1 CONSOLATION SEMI FINAL Thursday sees the mighty F1’s take centre stage for the last big race before the World Final. Drivers will be competing for those all important grid slots in this year’s main race when they take part in the consolation Semi Final. There are currently 21 drivers booked to race in the fully scheduled meeting that follows including newcomers 222 BossHog and 495 Lew who will be competing against established stars such as 2 Michael, 233 Grasser, and 256 Hooty. Get booked in on the Uk Dirt site now for what promises to be a top nights action. QUALIFIED DRIVERS GROUP 1: Chevy #11 Bumpy #15 JK #16 Matty #300 Ironmac #288 Travel #365 Mart #435 Dave #488 Big Al #515 Harold #599 GROUP 2: Pink #6 Marky #18 LeeK #39 Tinman #48 Kevin #52 Dode #151 Jarry #164 Grasser #233 MrBeef #286 Marten #291 BigFatDad #351 Daveyboy #380 Allstar #500 Mav #525 Murf #561 Those drivers in bold are currently booked in to race in tonights WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CONSOLATION SEMI FINAL.
  16. Nice one Walker, some cracking pics there mate.
  17. Cheers for the reply mate, but it seems I have narrowed it down a little further. During the week I would test my ping in the server to qhich it was reporting a good 16-27, and all seeemd well. Checked today and its back showing at 400. So I went into another server and its running at about 40 which is ok, so the problem seems to be the connection to the Uk Dirt server. How the buggering tits do I sort that! Help appreciated as always! Darren
  18. Hello all, As some may be aware, I keep getting a high ping in Rfactor. Now I am on AOL, which I know isnt the best anyway, but I have raced all last year and the start of this year with no problms what so ever. And I still cant see any problems either! I run a speedtest on speedtest.net, it says upload was a fraction over 6mps, upload was about 0.37mbps and the ping was reading 41. However when I go into a server on rFactor, (any server, not just Ukdirt ones) the ping is reading well over 300. I reset me router etc etc and tried it and it went down to 71 but today it has shot back up again. I have run C cleaner which hasnt helped it all, and was wondering if anyone else has had any problems? Any info would be appreciated, Darren
  19. Well done Jk, Spike and Jarry. And to admin too. Rubbish hitting from the reds? I wouldnt say rubbish hitting, just lack of teamwork! I thought there was some good stuff but was on the end of about 6 cars steaming into turn 1 which resulted in some damage haha. Bradford next week, more fast action to look forward too. Cheers Darren
  20. Once again, very nicely presented, well done all the lads involved
  21. Congratulations johno, thought I better let you have that one haha. Seriously, Mike was driving well out front until we managed to catch him, I got passed and expected the big one so run abit wider in the corner, my rear tyres were knacked which resulted in a half spin which meant I lost ground again! Never mind, it was the best race of the night and i hope anyone who got put off will turn up tommorow with a fresh race head on and get on with some good clean racing. More pleasing for me was I finally managed to break that .5 mark which was the highlight of over a years racing at the track lol. Well done Jarry too and to Walker for top scoring. As you can read in the write up in the programme, I've picked a few drivers who I think will do well tommorow. On tonights perfromance there maybe a couple more you could throw into the mix, especially Walker who had some good races all night. Best of luck to everyone tommorow, Darren
  22. Forgot to post back here until now! Cheers for the help lads, I've managed to get the cable I was talking about and then hook it up to the Stereo and my monitor, giving crystal clear sound and visuals! Darren
  23. Hi all, As the title says, my computer wont turn on with a wireless keyboard and mouse. I have to plug a Wired usb keyboard in aswell in order to get the computer to boot up. Any ideas on this one? I've had a search on google but it seems to be alot of info which is mac related. Cheers Darren
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