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Posts posted by LeeK39

  1. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to Tom D and Kane for the stewarding assistance.


    Well Done to Teun Commandeur #627 for winning the A Final and for top scoring.


    The Shootout came to a close tonight also ans HGR #777 came out victorious.  Well Done. 



    Heat 1: 627 242 229 452 910 167 783 293 112 468 438 621 108 145 557 114 272 929 243     
    Heat 2: 674 107 125 132 238 90 100 492 37 83 529 777 299 8 484 494 414 474 392 713 248   
    Heat 3: 272 293 125 37 438 112 452 783 454 100 910 90 248 414 392 83 114 229 929 557    
    Heat 4: 299 107 468 627 621 484 242 777 145 238 167 8 492 529 108 474 132 674 713 243    
    Heat 5: 627 242 299 229 248 484 8 112 90 621 674 392 494 272 452 125 83 438 468 107 37   
    Heat 6: 145 167 777 492 132 910 783 293 529 100 108 474 114 414 713 929 238  


    B-Final: 238 8 100 108 414 90 83 494 529 248 114 713 438 929 474         
    A-Final: 627 777 145 167 107 229 621 272 125 37 132 112 492 293 452 242 299 783 484 468    

    GN 1: 414 112 229 100 108 167 37 83 484 492 627 452 132 8          
    GN 2: 125 242 272 777 238 783 299 107 145 90 474 293            

    77 pts 627 Teuncommandeur
    70 pts 777 HGR
    59 pts 167 CB
    56 pts 145 SKint
    56 pts 229 Tsjalle
    54 pts 107 Evnos
    46 pts 125 ASHNFFC
    41 pts 272 Eavesy
    40 pts 242 chesterlove
    29 pts 238 Kane_M
    28 pts 100 Tomdavison
    28 pts 112 Tom D
    27 pts 621 jouke heddema
    26 pts 299 Burnsy
    26 pts 414 Winter
    22 pts 37 Trez
    21 pts 783 d_dickson
    19 pts 108 NobbyClarke
    15 pts 293 Badeend
    14 pts 90 LiamB
    14 pts 484 Jack Ward
    13 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo
    13 pts 8 Tosh
    12 pts 492 mastermealing
    11 pts 83 BenS
    11 pts 452 OwenStrong
    11 pts 910 McFerran
    10 pts 674 gordonmcdougall
    9 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    7 pts 248 sharky
    6 pts 438 N.Damstra
    4 pts 529 Gimp
    3 pts 494 RohanK
    0 pts 104 rafmh
    0 pts 114 StockcarboyDanny
    0 pts 713 Hulley
    0 pts 929 Charley
    0 pts 474 BeesFanDanny
    0 pts 557 Boderz

    0 pts 392 brian


    The replays are here!

  2. Good evening all!


    Heat 1: 104, 114, 242, 452, 929, 108, 272, 438, 557, 614, 627, 145, 293, 621, 783, 112, 167, 468, 910, 229 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 2: 83, 132, 248, 674, 713, 125, 299, 414, 474, 494, 529, 37, 107, 392, 492, 8, 90, 100, 484, 777, 238 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    Heat 3: 83, 114, 248, 452, 929, 125, 272, 414, 438, 494, 557, 37, 293, 392, 783, 90, 100, 112, 910, 229 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 4: 104, 132, 242, 674, 713, 108, 299, 474, 529, 614, 627, 107, 145, 492, 621, 8, 167, 468, 238, 484, 777 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    Heat 5: 83, 242, 248, 452, 674, 125, 272, 299, 438, 494, 627, 37, 107, 392, 621, 8, 90, 112, 468, 229, 484 server 1 - 34297 (steward 39)
    Heat 6: 104, 114, 132, 713, 929, 108, 414, 474, 529, 557, 614, 145, 293, 492, 783, 100, 167, 910, 238, 777 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  3. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and Kane for the stewarding assistance.


    Well Done to Sam Critchley #614 for winning the A Final and to Kane_M #238 for top scoring 



    WY: 494 614 485 125 132 299 529 438 557 674 414 312 474 452 83 108 532 325 602 442  


    Heat 1: 674 783 414 582 132 90 484 468 143 474 238 167 614 83 452 438 557 112 325     
    Heat 2: 125 392 145 777 100 312 532 910 485 527 48 299 108 529 492 442 494 8 229     
    Heat 3: 325 238 582 229 145 674 8 910 312 485 167 132 414 494 474 112 100 529      
    Heat 4: 484 614 125 777 143 468 783 392 452 90 532 492 438 527 108 557 48 83 442 299    
    Heat 5: 100 777 238 438 468 783 167 452 108 582 143 325 132 485 83 392 125 674 442     
    Heat 6: 532 910 229 312 112 484 527 557 8 474 145 492 529 48 90 414 494 299


    B-Final: 108 299 529 8 527 167 452 485 494 492 557 83 474 442 48         
    A-Final: 614 238 125 582 143 777 910 484 438 468 783 90 392 229 112 414 312 325 132 674 532 100 145 


    GN 1: 143 674 484 777 90 108 312 414 474 527 8 438 83 145 325 48 229      

    GN 2: 238 468 125 229 100 392 452 582 167 532 112 614 494 783 132 557 299 492 910


    82 pts 238 Kane_M
    74 pts 125 ASHNFFC
    62 pts 777 HGR
    59 pts 614 Sam Critchley - Upgraded to Yellow
    58 pts 143 Cammy
    57 pts 582 ginger
    50 pts 484 Jack Ward
    37 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    35 pts 910 McFerran
    33 pts 674 gordonmcdougall
    29 pts 229 Tsjalle
    28 pts 100 Tomdavison
    22 pts 312 Ollie_Armstrong
    22 pts 108 NobbyClarke
    22 pts 392 brian
    18 pts 783 d_dickson
    18 pts 90 LiamB
    17 pts 452 OwenStrong
    17 pts 438 N.Damstra
    16 pts 532 Jimbo.E
    14 pts 414 Winter
    14 pts 145 SKint
    13 pts 8 Tosh
    13 pts 167 CB
    13 pts 527 fast track
    10 pts 325 samhitme
    9 pts 299 Burnsy
    8 pts 529 Gimp
    6 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo

    6 pts 112 Tom D

    6 pts 474 BeesFanDanny
    6 pts 485 MOZZA
    3 pts 557 Boderz
    2 pts 494 RohanK
    1 pts 492 mastermealing
    0 pts 83 BenS
    0 pts 442 Colemvn
    0 pts 48 Tinman


    96 Vincenzo

    602 Bowl

    929 Charley

    The replays are here!

  4. Good evening all!


    W&Y:  71, 83, 96, 132, 312, 319, 325, 442, 452, 494, 532, 602, 614, 674, 929, 108, 125, 299, 414, 438, 474, 485, 529, 557 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) - 8.20pm Start


    Heat 1: 71, 83, 132, 319, 325, 452, 614, 674, 414, 438, 474, 557, 145, 582, 780, 783, 90, 112, 143, 167, 468, 238, 484 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238)
    Heat 2: 96, 312, 442, 494, 532, 602, 929, 108, 125, 299, 485, 529, 48, 392, 492, 621, 8, 100, 527, 910, 229, 777 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    Heat 3: 96, 132, 312, 325, 494, 602, 674, 929, 414, 474, 485, 529, 145, 293, 582, 621, 780, 8, 100, 112, 167, 910, 229, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238)
    Heat 4: 71, 83, 319, 442, 452, 532, 614, 108, 125, 299, 438, 557, 48, 392, 492, 783, 90, 143, 468, 527, 484, 777 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    Heat 5: 83, 96, 132, 325, 442, 452, 614, 674, 108, 125, 438, 485, 392, 582, 621, 783, 100, 143, 167, 468, 238, 777 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238)
    Heat 6: 71, 312, 319, 494, 532, 602, 929, 299, 414, 474, 529, 557, 145, 48, 492, 780, 8, 90, 112, 527, 910, 229, 484 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  5. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and Kane for the stewarding assistance.


    Well Done to RohanK #494 for winning the A Final and to HGR #777 for top scoring 


    Also Well Done to Tsjalle #229 for securing the 2020 National Points Championship tonight. 



    W&Y: 494 125 108 474 325 452 434 132 414 83 557          


    Heat 1: 494 229 484 71 527 167 414 783 780 125 557 108 492 83          
    Heat 2: 582 325 434 293 238 777 143 100 8 452 474 392 145 621 132         
    Heat 3: 777 229 621 494 527 325 125 8 474 414 100 582 392 83          
    Heat 4: 238 143 557 484 167 910 783 492 145 108 780 452 434 132 293 71        
    Heat 5: 143 627 484 777 582 527 8 492 452 108 83 474 145 557 132         
    Heat 6: 494 783 434 125 238 325 71 229 910 780 293 167 392 621 100 414      


    B-Final: 627 108 145 392 452 474 132 83 532              
    A-Final: 494 621 777 484 557 910 143 229 8 71 414 780 100 527 325 492 434 125 238 167 783 583 293


    GN 1: 325 238 484 434 8 145 621 783 910 108 100 293 83 532 452 125 627       
    GN 2: 71 777 229 582 143 392 132 167 557 527 492 780 474 494 414         

    80 pts 777 HGR
    77 pts 494 RohanK
    74 pts 484 Jack Ward
    61 pts 621 jouke heddema
    55 pts 143 Cammy
    52 pts 229 Tsjalle
    42 pts 557 Boderz
    40 pts 238 Kane_M

    39 pts 325 samhitme
    36 pts 71 JoshWels
    36 pts 910 McFerran
    31 pts 8 Tosh
    30 pts 434 JordyG
    30 pts 582 ginger
    22 pts 783 d_dickson
    19 pts 527 fast track
    17 pts 167 CB
    12 pts 125 ASHNFFC
    12 pts 145 Skint
    10 pts 392 brian
    9 pts 627 Teuncommandeur
    8 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo
    7 pts 293 Badeend
    6 pts 492 mastermealing
    5 pts 414 Winter
    4 pts 108 NobbyClarke
    3 pts 452 OwenStrong
    3 pts 780 CharlieS
    3 pts 100 Tomdavison
    2 pts 474 BeesFanDanny
    0 pts 83 BenS
    0 pts 532 Jimbo.E
    The results are here!

  6. Good evening all!


    W&Y: 71, 83, 132, 319, 325, 452, 494, 532, 108, 125, 414, 434, 474, 557, 627 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527) - 8.20pm Start


    Heat 1: 71, 83, 319, 494, 108, 125, 414, 557, 355, 492, 780, 783, 167, 527, 910, 229, 484 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 2: 132, 325, 452, 532, 434, 474, 627, 145, 293, 392, 582, 621, 8, 100, 143, 238, 777 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    Heat 3: 83, 319, 325, 494, 125, 414, 474, 627, 355, 392, 582, 621, 8, 100, 527, 229, 777 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 4: 71, 132, 452, 532, 108, 434, 557, 145, 293, 492, 780, 783, 143, 167, 910, 238, 484 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    Heat 5: 83, 132, 452, 532, 108, 474, 557, 627, 145, 355, 492, 582, 8, 143, 527, 484, 777 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 6: 71, 319, 325, 494, 125, 414, 434, 293, 392, 621, 780, 783, 100, 167, 910, 229, 238 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  7. Grade changes for November 2020.


    Up to SS


    Down to Red


    Up To Red



    Down to Blue



    Up to Blue

    492, 780


    Down to Yellow


    Up to Yellow

    529, 557


    Down to White




    Congratulations to those drivers upgraded and commiserations to those downgraded.

  8. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack, Kane and Fake Wardy for the stewarding assistance.


    Well Done to Kane_M #238 for becoming the 2020 Tarmac Masters Champion. Also Well Done to Teuncommandeur #627 for winning the A Final and to Winter #414  for top scoring 



    Tarmac Masters: 238 229 468 889 8 167 293 143 145 37 272 691 121 90 484 355 527 777 125 108 783   


    Heat 1: 125 606 238 691 414 355 484 910 468 90 248 92 492 132 121 108 627 494 83 729 653   
    Heat 2: 529 557 229 143 527 392 889 293 777 272 452 582 602 485 438 145 474 783 167 37 455   
    Heat 3: 238 272 468 777 910 557 529 392 83 293 145 92 132 248 474 125 627 484 485 37 8 167  
    Heat 4: 602 414 143 121 229 438 889 691 355 494 527 455 582 492 90 452 108 606 783 729    
    Heat 5: 910 229 492 238 121 272 452 132 37 392 582 474 438 606 125 90 529 8 484     
    Heat 6: 627 494 889 557 414 143 777 145 293 527 468 455 783 691 167 355 602 92 83 108 729 248  

    B-Final: 108 783 167 37 248 92 474 90 293 582 145 83 132 452 438 484 132       
    A-Final: 627 492 468 910 414 889 229 529 777 238 691 143 602 272 392 527 121 606 494 125 557 355  

    GN 1: 125 414 889 293 910 783 90 527 691 492 167 37 494 83 452 602        
    GN 2: 108 143 229 121 777 468 238 272 557 529 582 484 132 355 627 474 92 606      

    69 pts 414 Winter
    66 pts 910 McFerran
    60 pts 627 Teuncommandeur
    60 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    59 pts 229 Tsjalle
    57 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
    55 pts 492 mastermealing
    38 pts 143 Cammy
    38 pts 238 Kane_M
    35 pts 777 HGR
    31 pts 529 Gimp
    30 pts 108 NobbyClarke
    30 pts 125 ASHNFFC
    27 pts 121 Tom_Armstrong
    25 pts 557 Boderz
    22 pts 293 Badeend
    21 pts 272 Eavesy
    19 pts 783 d_dickson
    14 pts 691 Jakeeey
    13 pts 527 fast track
    12 pts 90 LiamB
    10 pts 602 Bowl
    10 pts 494 RohanK
    9 pts 37 Trez
    9 pts 392 brian
    9 pts 606 Stannie
    8 pts 167 CB
    7 pts 355 Agrindey
    6 pts 248 sharky
    5 pts 438 N.Damstra
    5 pts 92 hoggy
    4 pts 452 OwenStrong
    4 pts 474 BeesFanDanny
    4 pts 484 Jack Ward
    3 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo
    3 pts 145 SKint
    2 pts 83 BenS
    1 pts 582 ginger
    0 pts 729 josh
    0 pts 485 MOZZA
    0 pts 455 Kbarker
    0 pts 653 Ryan Simpson
    0 pts 8 Tosh



    799 tomgum

    328 TegsyJnr


    The replays are here!

  9. Good evening all!


    Tarmac Masters:  691 229 889 238 90 125 293 468 777 145 484 143 183 8 167 121 272 527 108 355 783 37 - 8.20pm Start


    Heat 1: 83, 132, 248, 328, 729, 108, 125, 414, 494, 627, 92, 355, 492, 606, 653, 90, 121, 183, 468, 484, 910, 238, 691 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238)
    Heat 2: 452, 529, 557, 602, 799, 272, 438, 474, 485, 37, 293, 392, 455, 582, 783, 8, 143, 145, 167, 527, 229, 777, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    Heat 3: 83, 132, 248, 529, 557, 125, 272, 474, 485, 627, 37, 92, 293, 392, 653, 8, 145, 167, 468, 484, 910, 238, 777 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238)
    Heat 4: 328, 452, 602, 729, 799, 108, 414, 438, 494, 355, 455, 492, 582, 606, 783, 90, 121, 143, 183, 527, 229, 691, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    Heat 5: 132, 328, 452, 529, 799, 125, 272, 438, 474, 485, 37, 392, 492, 582, 606, 8, 90, 121, 183, 484, 910, 229, 238 server 1 - 34297 (steward 238)
    Heat 6: 83, 248, 557, 602, 729, 108, 414, 494, 627, 92, 293, 355, 455, 653, 783, 143, 145, 167, 468, 527, 691, 777, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 527)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

  10. Thanks to all who raced tonight and to FastTrack and Kane for the stewarding assistance.


    Well Done to Ellis_Rogers #889 for becoming the 2020 World of Shale Champion. Also Well Done to d-dickson #783 for winning the A Final and to  MOZZA #485 for top scoring 



    WoS:  889 777 8 238 468 691 143 167 20 527 392 494 355 229 37 484 621 492 434 783 143 653  


    Heat 1: 780 143 355 71 691 229 783 889 527 112 392 494 83 492 434 132 927       
    Heat 2: 485 414 484 653 777 627 238 167 37 468 582 20 281 474 452 497 317 8      
    Heat 3: 485 143 229 691 484 71 355 777 627 37 494 527 783 492 83 780 452       
    Heat 4: 414 468 653 582 20 8 238 392 112 434 889 167 474 132 927 281 497       
    Heat 5: 627 229 71 392 889 777 780 494 783 355 582 132 527 8 83 37        
    Heat 6: 485 281 238 112 691 910 167 927 474 143 468 492 20 414 653 497 484       

    B-Final: 37 527 434 497 8 492 494 474 132 83 927 910 317           
    A-Final: 783 112 485 238 777 143 653 392 229 582 889 71 780 484 691 468 627 167 414 355 20 281  

    GN 1: 485 112 143 392 167 889 653 281 71 527 434 582 777 474 37 414        
    GN 2: 691 238 355 83 229 780 8 468 627 492 783 132 484 494 497 713        

    90 pts 485 MOZZA - Upgraded to Yellow
    73 pts 112 Tom D
    69 pts 238 Kane_M
    60 pts 143 Cammy
    56 pts 783 d_dickson
    44 pts 229 Tsjalle
    44 pts 777 HGR

    43 pts 653 Ryan Simpson
    39 pts 392 brian
    39 pts 691 Jakeeey
    29 pts 355 Agrindey
    24 pts 71 JoshWels
    24 pts 780 TREBLE C
    21 pts 627 Teuncommandeur
    19 pts 414 Winter
    19 pts 8 Tosh
    19 pts 167 CB
    19 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
    16 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
    15 pts 83 BenS
    15 pts 281 Clayton
    14 pts 484 Jack Ward
    13 pts 37 Trez
    13 pts 527 fast track

    12 pts 582 ginger
    9 pts 434 JordyG
    7 pts 494 RohanK
    7 pts 497 martinj
    7 pts 492 mastermealing
    6 pts 20 MilanSonnemanns
    5 pts 474 BeesFanDanny
    5 pts 910 McFerran
    3 pts 927 Louis Kingwell
    2 pts 132 Huntertwotwoo
    0 pts 452 OwenStrong
    0 pts 713 Hulley


    598 Green man

    The replays are here!

  11. Good evening all!


    WoS: 229 653 777 492 691 143 468 238 484 8 621 527 355 889 20 494 37 434 167 145 783 392 - 8.20pm Start


    Heat 1: 83, 132, 927, 434, 494, 598, 780, 355, 392, 492, 621, 783, 112, 143, 145, 527, 229, 691, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 2: 281, 452, 485, 713, 414, 474, 497, 627, 20, 37, 92, 582, 653, 8, 167, 468, 484, 238, 777 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    Heat 3: 83, 452, 485, 713, 494, 598, 627, 780, 37, 355, 492, 621, 783, 143, 484, 527, 229, 691, 777 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 4: 132, 281, 927, 414, 434, 474, 497, 20, 92, 392, 582, 653, 8, 112, 145, 167, 468, 238, 889 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    Heat 5: 83, 132, 452, 713, 494, 598, 627, 780, 37, 355, 392, 582, 783, 8, 145, 527, 229, 777, 889 server 1 - 34297 (steward 527)
    Heat 6: 281, 485, 927, 414, 434, 474, 497, 20, 92, 492, 621, 653, 112, 143, 167, 468, 484, 238, 691 server 2 - 34298 (steward 238)

    A Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    B Final: Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298


    GN 1:  Grids to be confirmed - server 1 - 34297

    GN 2:  Grids to be confirmed - server 2 - 34298



    You each should have 3 heats and will be listed under your registered UKDirt F1 number (the lists are also in grade order). Please check you have 3 heats.


    Please be in Discord - Race Meeting Lobby by 20:20 for a prompt 20:30 start to the full meeting

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