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Everything posted by Danny17

  1. HGR if you have any complaint put it into the DP team. I will put you're little burst of straight line speed to the DP team don't worry about pal. It has being seen before an it wont be the last time as clever as you think you are Well done Skinner on the Final an well done all for the top scores. A big thanks to fake Ward an co for the meeting an Mr Starter And Mr Grasser must I not forget.
  2. DanW 117 Yellow Please.
  3. Are you on steam? disc or other ect. give the guys a little help to help you. Lee can you put a link in here please. I have tried to find the one that was posted but cant find it for looking
  4. Where did you download it from? Ithink there is a link on the forum from a couple of meetings ago or there is a post lurking about. Failing that send Leek a pm for a link to the correct download.
  5. Only pullin ya leg Ricky
  6. Try it in dx9
  7. All for nothing Ricky when you move in with the bird as you wont get any time to race. Just think all the chores to do round the house Well done TD on the final win an Dan on topping the points Thanks Admins an as always Mr Starter.
  8. DanW 17 Yellow Cheers
  9. None at all Tosh just watched the replay's an all looked fine to me. As they say what is good for the goose is good for the gander its just racing.
  10. You need to get a team Dan
  11. WD Ward jnr a worthy winner. Thanks Admins an yet again Mr starter (Not you Kane)
  12. You raced with a skin last year did you not?
  13. You raced with a skin last year did you not?
  14. Made changes don't read the one above. Nice comment Dan W but u don't no me well enough & in fact Ive been chatting to someone for weeks wat I met off a dating app called badoo who lives in gleadless & we chat alot but apart from wen we both at work.by the way I have plenty of time after the meeting as finished to type my blog on my notes on the phone, just keep changing things to make sense then I copied it on to here to be post but didnt do it until i got home cause i was at work.I wasn't going to post a long blog as I've done but due to the fact I was on the brink of not scoring any points until wat happened in the final and the grand national which got me 19pts in total,then to av got my first top 10 in a final this season, which fastrack asked me is that ur best finish in a final so that made me look back at the meetings where I scored 20 plus points in to find out & then to av beaten my last score on that track from red is a really good achievement for me to score points cause so far only 1 meeting out of 24 that ive not scored any points in. i might not get this opportunity ever again to become a red grader so I'm making the most of it cause it's normally top 10 are superstars/reds which that's a big ask for me to be amongst the people who's always up there & them ones who's been red or superstars for years Well you poked me in the eye with that one Ricky I must say If she lives in gleadless why not take her to the Bowsure for a carvery. I take my tribe there regularly the best round here an they even do lamb plus you can go large get an extra Yorkshire pud an some sausages
  15. No not spend day time doing it just I have been taking notes on what I've done so far from red grade meaning points scored at each meeting & regarding the final results I've got a top 10 in which I got asked by fastrack saying to me is that ur best finish in a final meaning 8th So I went bk to the result looking at the top 10 finishes in the finals to see wat I got Ricky go an try to get a little female interaction (Go down Attercliffe) or failing that go an buy a lady doll. You have far too much time on you're hand's
  16. As far as I am aware, there was no problem with the server. The reason I asked for an head admin to reply was to make sure the was no problem with the servers. I have no connection issues but during the last couple of meeting im getting a lot of cars warpin / blinkin. It is getting to be a distraction now. Other than that thank all who ran the meeting an Mr Starter.
  17. Was there a problem with the server tonight??? And I Would like any Head admin to post on this plz.
  18. DanW 17 Yellow Please.
  19. Are you on steam? Are you putting it in the correct file by looking at where it points you? Website or off the forum. Give Ben an the guys a little help so he can help you.
  20. He means me Kev. Little Angel he is think its ok to spin or hit people but when the return comes in the same heat he tends to cry wolf. He doesn't spend half a season being banned for being for no reason. We had this all last year Ryan learn to drive like a grown up an stop being such a muppet. If you cant manage that go an play on the park with the rest of the children. thats okay then if u want to play that game as i will n0pw just drill you every time now and for me spinning u was not as bad what u done done to me but i wont run to admins just like you will but now i will take time out just for u to pull wide as u cant take it back as u tried to follow me in but failed jsut like every other time u tried to do me but i will only say this once only if you want to pull wide on me then take it back when i put you over the fence from now now as u have asked for it tbh and its not just me that thinks that there is a few others that says the same thing for u that its okay for u to hit them but wont take it back so u just keep running like a litter girl as thats what u have seem to do when i always get behind you Ryan stop the drugs mate. A= I never had any problem with you all meeting till you got back to you're best. B=You on a forum just told the Admin team what you are going to do. A (bit of a childish way to respond do you not think) C=Will you ever get the chance to drill me as I am getting to the point where I just cant be bothered to race with idiots any more. D= Ryan if you are so up to date with the F1 Admin ask when was the last time I put in a complaint about you or any 1 come to that. You will find it takes a lot for me to complain to the Admin team as I don't want to waste their time.
  21. Sorry I forgot to thank the Admins An Mr Starter for the meeting. Well run again as per the norm with so many delays
  22. He means me Kev. Little Angel he is think its ok to spin or hit people but when the return comes in the same heat he tends to cry wolf. He doesn't spend half a season being banned for being for no reason. We had this all last year Ryan learn to drive like a grown up an stop being such a muppet. If you cant manage that go an play on the park with the rest of the children.
  23. If you go to the website an go to member options bookings it is on there. Also after 6pm on the night of the meeting there will be a late booking thread put up as always is.
  24. I was thinking of trying a cheese toastie but may be a bit hot on the biting point. Think I might try a ham salad on a cob with a hint of salad cream.
  25. What would be the best sandwich to eat while driving the 410's. I was thinking grated cheese but I think that might be too messy. May be a little banston to stiffen it maybe. Any idea's.
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