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Everything posted by Danny17

  1. Don't do it Dane lol
  2. Name:DanW Number:117 Grade:Red
  3. As Ash sent in my new paint yet FT or is he slackin
  4. Wel I gat sum points(drawn a square) 1st heat gat a 4th was wit it then(draw a square) The rest of the meeting I just was nat wit it(draw a square) other than that the future is bright coz it is blue an white(drawn a box wit a face on it) can you do me a translation mr ward plz.
  5. HGR could the F2 admin team just have a couple of days off? They have just run you the SS over the winter break for us all so just give them a bit of slack. I'm pretty sure we will get a run out b4 the season starts.
  6. last years for me plz.
  7. Be good to see you back Mr Morris. On the car thing sell the Nissan an get a Datsun lol.
  8. Nickname: DanW Number: 17 Grade:Blue Real Life Driver:21 - Mark Gilbank
  9. Last years shale car please an new tarcar uploaded thanks to Ash. 17wainX.zip
  10. I like Italian too
  11. I wouldn't worry too much about lap times as long as you can keep the car pointing in the right direction for the duration of the race then you will be fine.
  12. I'll take the Tar car if you don't mind Ash.
  13. This happening? With the winter leagues to sort out and the 2017 fixtures to be sorted what do you think HGR? We are now in December an this happened in September. The Admins have to work 1st b4 Ukdirt but they still put you a meeting on 4 nights a week so I wouldn't worry about a voice over if it happens then that is excellent if not just use you're imagination.
  14. what you watching these with in windows 10 guys don't want to play in anything ( download then copy an paste the files into youre Rfactor replays then watch thro rfactor.
  15. Top bloke Dane for taking time to do the Skins for these new drivers. Hats off to you
  16. For the SS?
  17. Is the Bull that I've seen face boooookkkk lol.
  18. If it works let LeeK know so it can be a quick fix for future problems. If it doesn't work Hit it WIT a HAMMER.
  19. Ok so you choose a car to go into the server with. You get 1 car an 1 car only you do not get a garage full of cars to choose from.
  20. Ok so I've seen face boooookkkkkk an the Brandon stadium will be no more but lets look at it this way 1= Why would you take the shale 2= Why would you take the lighting 3= There is nothing else worth taking. Reading between the lines an lookin at the small print we will get another Cov track. Brandon was getting old an the PC brigade won the day so it was not possible to re develop the existing stadium but looking into the council minutes there is hope for a new stadium.
  21. When you join the server it should take you straight to the car selection screen. if not just Hit it WIT a HAMMER
  22. Harry like Stumpy said the whole place has never moved on from the late 70's early 80's from when I was a Kid. I remember the track back in the day when my dad used to race an I have raced it my self, The Racing surface is the best you will get but the stadium is falling to bits. I will be sad to see it go but every dog has it's day so they say. No matter what you hear there will be another track local to the old track.
  23. Connor I didn't mean testing on the PC. I still have my car in the garage almost ready to go.
  24. For the 2019 mod can we have the Avon super speed tyres back lol. If uksom need to do testing I can dust off the car an im sure we could all have a bash. I'll even refit the 510 bowtie block back in it.
  25. would i be better copying the upgrades.ini to same folder as skin and editing it to remove the lights, the edit the veh to use the edited upgrades.ini? Ok chuck the existing veh files in the bin. If they are to be used in ukdirt go into the skin files find any one who is using the same car as you copy it then edit number name ect then put it in the folder an hey presto no SS lights.
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