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Posts posted by Benchambers800

  1. I certainly can't believe this has happened, becoming a superstar in F1s is something all of the other admin members know is super special to me. Superstar in every mod, World 240s Champion, Superstox World Champion, Ministox World Champion, F2 World Champion and now F1 World Champion!!


    2016, a year to remember!!


    A huge thanks to Dan, Stumps and team. Also a huge well done to TommyD, a true friend and gentleman off the track. You've been a brilliant champion, and I look forward to wearing the gold with the same level of pride as you did.


    Finally a huge thanks to everyone who's given me the support over the years, Dan, Tom, Drumb, Grasser, LeeK, Stumpy, CB, Ben, Mat, Hoggy, Simmo, BigDave and everyone else! You know who you are!


    Pffft average yellow top in my eyes


    Well done Mr Ward, a deserved win with the amount of time and effort you put into it both on and off the track. Maybe share those championships out a bit next season though... that would be nice :P

  2. Results:

    Heat 1: 84 968 80 411 758 800 13 275 479

    Heat 2: 84 800 758 275 411 968 479 13 80


    A-Final: 80 800 968 84 758 275 411 479 13


    GN 1: 800 411 84 968 80 275 13 758 479




    42 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy

    42 pts 84 Jack Ward

    42 pts 800 BenChambers

    37 pts 968 BraderzzCooper

    30 pts 411 Reece

    29 pts 758 Don witherall

    25 pts 275 Boglehole

    15 pts 13 Tomdavison

    14 pts 479 kevharbord


    The replays are here!

  3. Post any late bookings below....


    Please ensure you use the template provided






    Late bookings may be rejected upon my request.





    1: NUMBERS - numbers must be BLACK ON WHITE the white outline MUST be big enough to make the BLACK stand out (no fancy inlay colours please)




    3: FILE NAMES - please name your car files based on these templates:


    main file/veh - 16UKD800_BenT for tar and 16UKD800_BenS for shale (your name and number not mine!!)

    other files - use the above but just add the grade colour to the end ie 16UKD800_BenTred or 16UKD800_BenTyellow etc


    if you are unsure of veh files leave them to me as its easier for me that way




    5:RE-USING OLD SKINS - If you wish to re-use your skin from the 2015 season, let me know on this thread please and i will add them to the pack


    6: ROOF GRADES - roof grades are red, blue, yellow and white, no brown, purple or green wings will be excepted!


    i think you will find these are very simple rules but many seem to struggle with them, if i have to go through and fix skins to fit these rules myself i can not promise the results will be pretty - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED


    any questions regarding any of the above please PM me and ask BEFORE sending your skins in



  5. Well Done Jamie... as per.



    Heat 1: 39 80 800 180 112 777 84 968 275 237 68 895

    Heat 2: 180 84 80 39 800 112 968 137 275 68 777 895


    A-Final: 180 112 80 84 39 800 777 275 968 237 68 895


    GN 1: 800 80 39 84 968 180 275 237 112 895 68




    47 pts 180 Wardieee

    42 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy

    37 pts 39 LeeK

    34 pts 84 Wardy

    34 pts 800 BenChambers

    31 pts 112 Tom D

    17 pts 968 BraderzzCooper

    14 pts 275 Boglehole

    13 pts 777 HGR

    6 pts 237 rickyljames

    1 pts 895 The Undertaker

    0 pts 13 Tomdavison


    The replays are here!

  6. Results:

    Well done Jamie and Samson and DanSkin



    Consi Semi: 184 394 411 718 627 44 21 454 606 320 895


    World Final: 180 92 236 238 39 653 800 329 112 411 981 233 184 394 246 647 188 455 777 117 718 82 589 237


    Heat 1: 455 236 92 39 238 394 647 981 718 329 777 606 454

    Heat 2: 180 233 112 184 800 653 246 21 82 237 44 589 627 68 117

    Heat 3: 718 653 647 981 184 92 329 238 411 44 237 454 21 117 479 320

    Heat 4: 236 246 394 445 112 180 82 589 39 233 777 627 800 606 68



    Consi: 44 411 777 237 454 627 320 479



    A-Final: 647 329 180 394 236 112 246 39 800 411 238 233 184 589 44 21 718 92 237 653 82 777 981 455


    GN 1: 236 718 92 411 39 394 238 329 777 455 981 454 320

    GN 2: 112 180 246 653 800 184 589 237 82 21 44 627 479 233




    41 pts 236 DanSkin

    40 pts 180 Wardieee

    34 pts 112 Tom D

    32 pts 394 PaulE

    32 pts 647 Samson

    29 pts 246 Stox

    26 pts 329 Tsjalle

    21 pts 718 MartynR

    21 pts 653 Ryan Simpson

    21 pts 39 LeeK

    21 pts 92 hoggy

    18 pts 184 Jack Ward

    16 pts 800 BenChambers

    13 pts 238 Kane_M

    11 pts 411 ReeceWinch

    11 pts 455 Kbarker

    10 pts 233 Grasser

    10 pts 981 MartinB

    8 pts 82 Dbecks

    7 pts 589 Stijneman

    4 pts 21 LouisH

    4 pts 237 rickyljames

    2 pts 777 HGR

    1 pts 44 Tom K

    0 pts 68 Tomdavison

    0 pts 316 BigDan

    0 pts 320 DaveLane

    0 pts 479 kevharbord

    0 pts 627 PeteC

    0 pts 895 The Undertaker

    0 pts 454 Frans

    0 pts 606 Stannie

    0 pts 117 Dan W

    0 pts 188 Aub


    The replays are here! (server .48)

    The replays are here! (server .45)

  7. Hello all and welcome to the biggest meeting of the year! ITS WORLD FINAL TIME!!!


    Tonight we will run the Consi and World final and have a regular meeting after. THERE WILL BE NO NOVICE SKINS PERMITTED IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP OR CONSI RACES!


    Consi : 184, 79, 21, 627, 454, 671, 801, 555, 511, 718, 394, 320, 306, 135, 411 ,44, 221, 691, 192, 641, 249, 93, 58, 606, 540, 980, 363, 968, 297, 895, 580, 68, 263, 586, 146, 488, 351, 8, 275, 164, 982 (Server 48)




    World Finall: 180, 238, 92, 39, 455, 800, 188, 653, 117, 981, 329, 112, 233, 82, 589, 777, 237, 84, 647, 246 (Server 48)


    Heat 1: 68, 320, 895, 454, 606, 718, 777, 394, 647, 329, 411, 455, 981, 39, 92, 236, 238, (Server 48)

    Heat 2: 316, 479, 627, 21, 246, 44, 82, 117, 233, 112, 188, 237, 589, 653, 180, 184, 800, (Server 45)

    Heat 3: 316, 320, 479, 21, 454, 718, 44, 117, 647, 237, 329, 411, 653, 981, 92, 184, 236, 238, (Server 48)

    Heat 4: 68, 627, 895, 246, 606, 777, 82, 233, 394, 112, 188, 455, 589, 39, 180, 800, (Server 45)




    Consi: (Server 48) Top 4 through to the final


    GN's for everyone


    Please be in chat for 8:20PM



    Tonight I (BenChambers800) am your race manager, any complaints please send them to me!

  8. Well, its already time for the biggest meeting of the year for the Brisca F2'.... ITS WORLD FINAL TIME!! The grid has been completed after two very hard hitting, and interesting semi finals at Kings Lynn not too long ago. Some surprise entries higher up the grid, including a very good spot for the 455 car of Kye Barker. Barker, one of the hardest hitting drivers to have raced this year used his bumper to good effect and managed to grab himself a very respectable 3rd place finish. Another good drive from 188 Aub provided the blue top with a row 4 start. The front row consist of 2 of the fastest drivers that have raced this year. The inside belongs to the current Irish and British champion Jamie "Wardieee" Ward-Scott. He has shown very very impressive pace for the small majority of meetings he has actually attended this year and will certainly be one of the favorites to take the Gold on the night. Kane Morgan 238 also showed his pace to take a clean flag to flag victory in semi 2. Current national points leader Hoggy 92 also showed his pace and ability to grab himself the most favored starting position of row 2 inside. He knows he will have to dispatch of the rapid 180 car if he has a chance to take the title, but with Barker behind him.... he may not have much of a choice on what happens in the first bend.

    The meeting final on semi final night was won by Aub 188 which meant that it was semi 1 that would start on the inside.

    The rest of the grid is as follows:

    180 - 238
    92 - 39
    455 - 800
    188 - 653
    117 - 981
    329 - 112
    233 - 82
    589 - 777
    237 - 84
    647 - 246

    Now, its time for a run through of the entire grid.

    ROW 1

    Jamie Ward


    The real Wardieee (the only Wardieee in my eyes <3 I don't know who this Jack fellow is) has been on fire every meeting he has attended this year (and its only been 12 of them, i'm positive he would of wanted to do much more than that!) Currently Jamie holds both the Irish and British Championship (as well as the world and euro in minis and the British in the F1's) He has won his fair share of championships and has the experience to know what exactly he has to do in order to avoid the massive first bend shunt and drive away to victory. He has done exactly what he needed to this season in order to get this pole position spot and will, i'm certain be the one to watch as the green flag drops. (He is my favorite to take the gold roof to Little Leaver anyway).

    Kane Morgan


    Mr Morgan always seems to be very lucky in big races, some say most of his titles are undeserved but he doesn’t let the haters get in the way of his successful F2 career so far. Although he is starting from a less than favourable position he still has more than enough luck to get him a podium position. His front bumper scares so he doesn’t use it which does help him occasionally as he doesn’t have many enemies wanting to stop him in the big race. So far this year Kane has proved he has what it takes to be a champion with his win earlier this year giving him the National Champion status. He will definitely be hoping that his recently broken thumb will not hinder his performance.

    ROW 2

    John Hogg


    Hoggy, the current national points leader and shootout champion has had insane pace this year, taking plenty of race wins, including 8 heat wins and 2 final wins. He has not held back at all this year and is on course to take the silver roof as he consistently outscores his other competitors for the points. He is not afraid to use the lump of metal on the front of his car and has used it to good effect plenty of times this year, dispatching other cars like Ben 800 and Ryan Sharp 79 when necessary (not that i enjoyed this much myself). Hoggy will certainly be on of the most mentioned drivers in peoples top 3 predictions and with the best starting point on the grid, he is in for a very good shot at claiming the gold roof!

    Lee Kingsford


    LeeK, the 2015 F2 European Champion has been a dark horse this year but he certainly does not lack the skill nor experience to win the world final, in fact he has won almost every championship at least once over his massive online racing career. Starting outside row 2 he will definitely be hoping to make his way to the inside as soon as possible and get away from the rest of the drivers.

    ROW 3

    Kye Barker


    Barker, a surprise to some im sure being this high up the grid, but it proves that if you use the bumper with brains, you can get far in the race when it counts. Only doing 11 meetings this year he is not high up the national points, but i'm sure that does not phase him and he will be a dark horse in the race if the can get a good first bend and sneak up the inside (although this may not be his style for the majority of the time, he likes to make sure everyone has made acquaintances with the fence every bend of every track.) Barker has won gold before in the Brisca F1's and knows what its like to taste victory, although he may not have as much pace as others, he has defiantly picked up speed in the recent weeks to get some good results as of late, especially in his semi final. Barker will certainly be a car to watch, even if its not for the lead, he will provide an entertaining race.

    Ben Chambers


    Some say he doesn’t know what the bumper is there for, his racing certainly proves this point but one thing is for sure he will be wanting a podium position very much. Ben has been doing very well this year so far even though he doesn’t think so, always complaining he is so slow but will then go out and do the fastest lap and win the final which always annoys people but with his pace really showing this year he must be in peoples top 3 predictions for the big race. He has only won one title this year though, being the Scottish but im sure sure he would much rather a shiny gold wing. Ben was in great contention for the silver roof for this year though but is has slowly started to slip away with hoggy taking the ever increasing lead.

    ROW 4

    Darren Stringer


    Aub, a driver who has recently come back to online racing here at UKDirt has shown he still has the pace (as well as the beautiful cars) to get himself, not only a position on the World Final grid, but a high up one at that. Maybe it was the wake of following the 455 car of Barker in the semi final, but he still managed to grab himself a row 4 start. I'm sure he will be looking for the cutback as the front rows tangle up in the first bend to take what would probably be a surprise victory. The current red top, which he gained from winning the meeting final at Kings Lynn to put his semi on the inside, will be another dark horse to watch during the race and could easily win it, if everything goes his way.

    Ryan Simpson


    Simmo has also been a very successful driver recently with him winning the Saloon world last year and dominating the saloon points this year, he is certainly no stranger to winning a championship or two. It certainly would not be a surprise to see this old fella in a podium position in this years world final, also with him not being scared to use the bumper he will definitely be disposing of a few cars to get to the front of the pack and he has the pace to do so with him often being one of the fastest cars on track no matter what formula it is.

    ROW 5

    Danny Wright


    The practice champion himself (which unfortunately is not an official championship) certainly has the pace, but seems to lack it during the races (I would blame the other cars around if it were me). Dan has varied between the blue and yellow grade for the majority of the year and will hope to be able to add gold to the list of ever changing roof colours he has had. He has picked up the odd race win this year, 8 in total to be exact. Can Ding Dong get a good finish in the race, only luck will tell as he either wins the races, or simply does not finish them... maybe its something to do with some of the other drivers he has to start with without naming names.

    Martin Bentley


    2016 hasn’t been the best of years for Martin only managing to pick up 1 heat win so far but anything could happen in the world final if he managed to survive some big pile ups he could definitely see himself towards the front of the race and potentially get himself a top 5 finish, which I’m sure he would be over the moon with after the hard work he has been putting in this year. Hopefully a change of luck could turn Martins year from a poor one to a good one, like they say its anyone’s race.

    ROW 6

    Tsjalle Greidanus


    The Flying Dutchman, and current European champion! He probably has a slightly disappointing starting position, especially compared to lasts years inside row 2 start where he managed to secure a 3rd place finish. Tsjalle currently ties for the most race wins this year with Hoggy on 12, however Tsjalle has done 8 meetings less. This emphasizes the pace he has with nearly a win in every meeting he attends, will he be able to win the biggest race of the year.... it will certainly be a outstanding drive to do it from where he starts. The young Dutchman will certainly be wishing for the faster guys at the front of the grid to trip over each other in order for him to be up the front for a chance to take the win.

    Tom Drabble


    TomD is always a fast driver however he is more of an F1 specialist with him winning the F1 World Championship 3 years running now. He has no fears when it comes to using that front bumper of his, he must get through a fair few though. It doesn’t matter who is in front of him, if they are slowing him down they will be gone and chances are it will be the end of their race in the world final, the less cars to compete against the better chance Tom has of bringing home the world, that’s exactly how he will be looking at it.

    ROW 7

    Andy Oakley


    Grasser is a bit of a shale specialist, but its not been proven much this year as the 233 machine has only featured twice before, one of them being the semi final meeting in order to secure a place on the grid... which he will be delighted about. Grasser seems to have done well in his only 2 meetings of the year and will be hoping to carry on his form in the World Final race and aim for a top 3 finish, maybe he will even be able to challenge for the lead, at the Mildenhall anything can happen... and stranger things have already happened this year (yes I am talking about the newly crowned Brisca F1 European champion... RICKY JAMES!!)

    Daniel Beckett


    Beckett has improved a tremendous amount this year and he really deserves it with the amount of practice he has been putting in with DanW. A top 10 finish would be a great achievement for Dan as he doesn’t have much luck during meetings but that’s not to say he is slow, often in the top 10 in practice he has what it takes to do himself proud.

    ROW 8

    Stijn van Horssen


    Another driver from Holland is Stijneman. He has probably been on the wrong side of a lot of disciplinary for the majority of his online racing career, but has lately been hoping and trying to turn that around and show everyone that he can drive respectfully and is hoping to gain respect for himself in the not so distant future. Yes... he does use his bumper and sometimes at the wrong times but he also has the pace and with time and experience he will turn the pace he has into victories, maybe the World Final race will be the turning point for the Dutch driver, he will most defiantly hope so.

    Harry Graham


    HGR (Harry Graham Racing) is a new driver this year and has had a steep learning curve as he has was a complete beginner when he started but with but with a lot of advice and help from other drivers he has made his way up to yellow top and help it for a few months no which he should be very proud. He has surprised everyone and even managed to pick up 2 race wins (1 heat, 1 consi) which is a great achievement for him when you consider his lack of ability to put together any more than 5 consecutive laps to winning the odd race.

    ROW 9

    Ricky James


    The crowd favorite Ricky "The WAT Man" James has managed to qualify for the Biggest race of the year! He has already won a major title this year in the form of the European championship at Northampton during July in the Brisca F1's... Not many had him down to win that, so maybe a repeat could see the paddle man take gold in what would be a very very unexpected and mixed victory. Anything could happen!

    Tim Verstappen


    Tim Verstappen has enough experience to finish in a comfortable top 5 in the world however his unfortunate luck in his semi final has left him on the second to last row meaning he will have a lot of work to do providing he wants to get anywhere near the top 5 but Tim is another one who is not afraid to use his front bumper even if he is slower. He will try anything to get closer to the front.

    ROW 10

    Raymond Henderson


    The final inside spot belongs to one of the Scotsman taking part in the race... Raymond Henderson. Samson has had a decent season being very close to gaining red and maintaining blue grade all year and has been a title winner plenty of times during his online racing career. He knows what its like to taste victory and has certainly had enough pace in recent weeks to mix it up with the 'big boys'... especially on shale where he has put that Bingley to good use. Can he make it from the back to the front... its been done before as shown by pole sitter who managed to get a 2nd place in last years race starting from the rear.

    Samuel Powell


    Stox this year hasn’t done that many meetings this year but maybe he is saving for the big race. Starting last on the grid means he can either finish higher than he started or not finish, regardless of that Sam is only out there for a bit of fun, im sure he would absolutely love to finish in the top 10 but he has his work cut out to do that from the back of the grid but anything can happen as long as he avoids the pile ups im sure he will be well chuffed no matter where he finishes.

    Current title holder Dan Skinner 236 will be looking to take up his position from the rear of the grid to retain the title for the 5th time in a row, a league best? He appears to simply be "bowing out"... although I find that hard to believe All will come clear on Monday night as the green flag drops and the engines roar... there will be only one driver to take the chequered. MAY THE BEST MAN (or woman... I'm looking at you Mr Drabble) WIN!

    I just want to say a Massive Thanks to Reece Winch with the help to do this preview! - I hope to see you back on track Monday night!
  9. Results:

    Heat 1: 968 112 39 800 275 80 237 79

    Heat 2: 800 39 80 79 112 968 275 237


    A-Final: 800 39 79 275 237 80 968


    GN 1: 968 80 39 237 275 800 13




    47 pts 800 BenChambers

    43 pts 39 LeeK

    33 pts 968 BraderzzCooper

    32 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy

    30 pts 275 Boglehole

    26 pts 237 rickyljames

    26 pts 79 Ryan

    15 pts 112 Tom

    4 pts 13 Tomdavison


    The replays are here!

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