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Everything posted by donw

  1. where do these need to be installed to cos they are not showing in my game
  2. Don Witherall 758 White
  3. Thanks for the meeting tonight really enjoyed it and more points yay
  4. Don Witherall 758 White pls sorry for being so late
  5. Thanks for the replied peeps I will give it a bash can't guarantee I won't be in the way lol seems a wierd track to master
  6. Just wanna know if I am wasting my time booking in tomora and see how far off the pace I am. I have a best lap of 14.82 and average around 15.0-15.1 what's everyone else managing
  7. Don witherall 758 white pls
  8. As Dave has said, you were removed as you were driving around on 3 wheels. If someone did follow you in then a complaint needs to go in. Furthermore, If you are struggling with controlling it or you are having issue with the game with regards to setting it up etc then a PM to admin etc for some help might be useful to you. Everyone starts somewhere and people will help you. Seems like I am Upsetting just by being out there atm. hamster yes I did spin you all I was trying to do was stay out of the way I apologise if you feel It was done intentionally I am sure I got a push but again I apologise for getting in the way. Like it has been said we all start somewhere. (I know I said I wasn't going to reply but I had to lol, it's getting beyond a joke how new people treat the league and the racing IMO). I never said you're upsetting.. The thing is, newcomers come to UKDirt, they watch racing in real life, love it and then they see it on a Sim and think "OH! I'll have some of that! I'll follow everyone in because Bradbury did it to Moodie at the weekend!" But the thing is, there's racers on here that have been racing for over 5 years and some have even been racing online for 10 years and take it as they would in real life, obviously it's not as serious but the admins give their time and effort to provide everything you need to race such as a Skinpack, or a Race Server being put up so you can practice and race.. You pay money to race on this league so why pay money to ruin other people's racing that have been working on a setup roughly all week or all day? I can understand that you're new and don't know much about it and I can also understand you're panicking once cars get behind you and you try to get out of the way as fast as possible, I've said to people time and time again, if they need help setting a car up, PM me on the Forum or in the Server, don't just struggle with what you have but back the 'contact' side of things.. It's Stock Car Racing, if we want you to move, we'll move you ourselves, the bumpers are there for a reason and we sometimes do move lower graders out of the way and they just think "Ah, he's having it for doing that" and then go flat out straight through the back wheel the next bend, it's not just lower graded or new drivers that do it, some higher grade drivers do but what are you gaining out of it? You're not gaining nothing other than a bad reputation for yourself which will lead to you being either spun or fenced every time they get behind you.. Think about it, and I hope this gives a different perspective to other lower graders that seem to think hitting everything in front of them is gonna get them somewhere.. And believe me, it's not. Like I have said I did not drive through your back wheel intentionally. if I spun you it was entirely accidentally I am sorry for ruining your race. Every time the train comes up to pass me I dive out of the way so as not to get in the way watch the replays.
  9. Much appreciated thankyou. Just wish people would realise how difficult it is to stay out of the way when you are off the pace without being bounced around like a pinball. I have not intentionally made contact with anyone yet in four meetings wish I could get close to hitting someone lol.
  10. As Dave has said, you were removed as you were driving around on 3 wheels. If someone did follow you in then a complaint needs to go in. Furthermore, If you are struggling with controlling it or you are having issue with the game with regards to setting it up etc then a PM to admin etc for some help might be useful to you. Everyone starts somewhere and people will help you. Seems like I am Upsetting just by being out there atm. hamster yes I did spin you all I was trying to do was stay out of the way I apologise if you feel It was done intentionally I am sure I got a push but again I apologise for getting in the way. Like it has been said we all start somewhere.
  11. In all fairness I was on your outside at one point and you made no attempt to turn left on turns 1 & 2, you carried on going straight and put me in the fence backwards, maybe if you had more respect for drivers they would re-pay it back by respecting you.. I'm not a dirty driver but from that, I now know I'm unable to pass you clean because of what you did, it's all principal and if you race with your head instead of your bumper, you'll get higher finishes and you'll also have more respect from other drivers which leads to having close racing instead of nailing each other every bend. Cheers for the meeting, fingers crossed my lucks changing lol. I think you have me mistaken for someone else I did not hit anyone tonight I'm not fast enough trust me all I have been trying to do since I started is get out of the way. The only time I make contact with anyone is when I don't manage to get out of the way and get fired into someone. Sorry if I have upset you but it is not intentional at all
  12. No complaint I am very slow and probably in the way and deserved it. just was trying to hang on for me first point is all lol. No worries I will have another go next week. Thanks for the meeting
  13. Just so I know what did I do wrong in the gn I got followed in lost a wheel then got kicked and removed from the result
  14. That's the same fault I had download bens track on this thread change to dx9 and restart you computer worked for me mate
  15. Thanks Ben I will give that a go spot on now practicing away thank you very much for your help now just need to find some talent and a setup lol
  16. Thanks Ben I will give that a go
  17. have downloaded and tried again about ten times now. just downloaded stoke gonna give it a miss this week i think
  18. having the smae problem atm any ideas and which version of the track we are using
  19. I will 2nd that Twisty. I thought tonight would be awful for me but I kept my toy's in the pram for a change an got on with it. For the new racers tonight KEEP AT IT we all start somewhere An UKDIRT is the bet place to race. Thanks to the Admins for the meeting as per normal an well done to Ben on top scoring an the Final win. On to Bristol for yet more Fun. I'm enjoying it, just finding it tough going barford and Taunton are not great tracks for newbies cos there is no place to hide and getting out of the experienced guys way not to ruin their race is hard. I am sure once I get to grips with the setups and get some practice in it will get a bit easier
  20. Thanks for tonight sorry if I got in the way a bit. Not really the easiest track for a first timer really enjoyed it tho thanks again
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